The Chariot: No Limitations

The Fool’s Path Chariot Card

The Chariot Tarot Card: Accept no Limitations

The Chariot card of tarot is all about generating and maintaining momentum towards your goals and endeavors while not accepting limitations, especially those imposed by others. By not paying heed to the limits that others assume you must be restricted by, you achieve much greater things than they initially accept from you. They must now see and accept you in a different light. They cannot see you as limited anymore.

Your actions and your success speak for themselves. The burden is on them to accept you or not accept you, but either way, you are proving to yourself and to the world what your own abilities and your own worth are.

The Chariot is all about busting through the walls and the limits that are in front of us- that which others will be intimidated by and not being slowed down or deterred by them. The chariot is about harnessing our own power and setting and achieving our own goals, motivated by our own needs, and whatever anybody else thinks about it- so be it.

You have unlimited power. Limitations are limited to that which you accept. By not accepting limitations, you have none. Fire up your inner Chariot and fly! — Jim Larsen

For more about the Chariot, enjoy these references

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Death: Step Fealessly Into The Future

Fool’s Path Tarot Death Card

Death Tarot Card: Let Go of the Past to Embrace the Future

The Death card of tarot reminds us that so much of what we hold onto, we could let go of. These things are heavy to carry and they are a burden to us on our journey to enlightenment. So much of what we think is important, isn’t really. We need to recognize them for what they are and be willing to and find the courage and strength to let them go. We often believe that these things still serve us today as they once did in the past, or that they will again someday. Many of these things though have long since gone past their expiration dates.

To hold onto them only creates mental and spiritual clutter. It does no good to be a mental packrat, filling your mind with outdated beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes. Let these things go. Meditate them away and be free of the mind clutter they created. Put them behind you and be born anew. Leave them in the past and make room for what is new and what wills serve you on the next stretch of your life’s journey.

Life is about death and rebirth. Death is to let go of the past. Rebirth is to embrace the present. Growth is to step fearlessly and unencumbered into the future.

For more about the Death card, enjoy these references

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Judgment: What Makes You Unique?

Judgment/Awakening Tarot Card from The Fool’s Path Tarot Deck by Jim Larsen

Judgment Tarot Card: Embracing Uniqueness

The Judgment card in tarot may be asking you to take a look at your life with an emphasis on what makes you unique. Where are you on your own personal journey to enlightenment?

We sometimes look at our lives and pinpoint things we don’t like. We notice things we would like to change, things we would like to be different. We imagine an outcome that we would like to achieve and we assume that someday it will be so. Maybe we assume we will get to a certain age and by then, these achievements will have manifested. What happens though, when time goes on and on and these changes do not happen? What happens when we get to that certain age when we thought these things would have become a reality by, but they still are not here? Perhaps it is so that at that point, we need to accept that this is something that is not meant to be in our life. Perhaps it is time to accept that it was never anything but a dream that we would have this.

Maybe it is by programming from society that instilled in us the false belief that this is something all members of society are supposed to have in their life and we feel inadequate that we do not. This is an unfortunate mindset. It does not allow for a genuine connection with all that is. It creates a false and unhealthy notion that we are all one and the same; that we are the results of a cookie-cutter mentality that has decided what society should look like. If we have not achieved these things, then we are abnormalities of society. And so if we have not achieved these things by a certain age or some other arbitrary point in our life, we feel like we do not belong. This is unfortunate.

It is better to accept one’s self as a unique being with unique needs on a unique journey that has its own set of needs and requirements. To expect to achieve such and such a thing by such and such a time serves only to relinquish your personal needs and be nothing more than a clone of some over-simplified original design. As an original being though, you must accept that your life may not be exactly as others will think it should be. Remember that you are on your own track to your own enlightenment and you will not get there trying in vain to be what others think you should be or by trying to live up to an expectation that is not congruent to your life path or mission.

So, live your life. Accept who and what you are. And do not apologize to yourself or to anybody else if your life does not match the template that others seem to fit so conveniently into. That template is for the ordinary people living their ordinary, societally ordained lives. The life you are living is very different than that and you should appreciate it even, and maybe especially, when others do not. — Jim Larsen

For more about the Judgment tarot card, enjoy these references

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

4 of Swords: Shield Yourself

4 of Swords Tarot Card: Retreat

The 4 of swords reminds us that sometimes we just need to insulate our selves from the harshness of other people’s energy and from environmental elements. We just need to put a shield around our selves and not let any of that harshness effect or infect us. We need to retreat into our own inner landscape and not feel the pains that the outside world can inflict on us. We need to give our selves the chance to heal. We need to meditate and be undistracted. When you have these moments, indulge yourself in these healing practices. It will keep you strong and vital.

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

4 of Wands: You don’t have to explain yourself

4 of Wands Tarot Card: Don’t Be Driven Crazy

The 4 of Wands tarot card reminds us that we are supported in being who we are truly meant to be. Remember this: to thrive as the person you are truly meant to be, it is advantageous to surround yourself with like-minded people and people who support you in being the person you are.

It can be a true drain of your energy to be around people who have no common ground with you and require and demand nearly constant explanations of your way of thinking. Their continued comments that show you only that they do not understand you or your way of thinking and of seeing the world or your place in it can leave you feeling depleted of energy and can very easily drive you crazy.

To surround yourself, however, with people who have some basic understanding of you and can carry on a conversation with you that does not consist of you simply explaining to them everything that they obviously do not understand can be mutually uplifting for you and for the people you are surrounded by.

So, strive to do this. Strive to honor the 4 of Wands and spend time around people who understand you, and with people you understand so that you can give them the boosts they need to succeed as well. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

Fools Path Tarot

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: Afraid to ruffle feathers?

The Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Pull No Punches

A Knight of Wands is bold and in his or her creative output. They have things to communicate to the world, and they do not hold back on doing so. Remember this: generally speaking, people don’t get noticed when they pull their punches. People who want to be noticed need to be fearless in their expressions. If there is something you feel needs to be said, come out and say it. There are people who need to hear it. Don’t deprive them because you were afraid of what some other person might say or feel.

Sure, feathers might get ruffled, but you know what? Feathers are meant to get ruffled just as the ocean isn’t meant to stay eternally calm. The water is there, just like the feathers are there. Conditions occur that disturb their calmness sometimes. This is a law of nature. It is just as so with the energetic balance of human nature. Things are what they are, and sometimes somebody- a Knight of Wands- makes a person see them from an uncomfortable angle. They do this by offering a reflection of the situation through an innovative and creative endeavor that shines a light on something the person prefers to stay hidden.

Too often, these people will go on the attack, waging war against the Knight of Wands for the audacity they show in exposing them, however metaphorically that exposure may be. But the Knight of Wands persists, appreciating that no true advancements are ever made without upsetting some status-quo or other. They do it because that is just their nature. Knight of Wands are bold and fearless and do not hold back when they have something to express. –– Jim Larsen

Knight of Swords: Do People Avoid You?

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Be Careful About Your Attitude

One with a Knight of Swords personality in the negative sense of the archetype may very well be a control freak- not just a control freak, but a narcissistic control freak. This just might be somebody who, when they are not able to control somebody, will endeavor to belittle them and undermine them in every way that they can to fit the narrative of control they have in their mind. In this sense, they imagine how they want everything to be. Anybody who does not support this because they have ideas of their own, or simply are not aware or even care what their vision, is acting against the true flow of perfection, and are therefore an enemy of the vision.

To them, an enemy must be eliminated. To eliminate them, they talk badly of them, slander them, assume the worst from their intentions and relentlessly push this attitude toward them and insult them publicly. If they apologize for this public attack it is only to improve their image in the eyes of the victim out of fear of some reprisal from them. Likely though, this will only be a private, insincere attempt at gaining favor, but not a public one in front of the others that they went after their victim in front of. To apologize in front of the crowd would only be a sign of weakness, which they cannot allow to be seen.

A Knight of Swords personality in the negative aspect is a good person to avoid as much as possible. They care about their self and their image than they do about anybody else. You are just a bit player in the drama of their life, and if you do not recite the lines they expect you to recite, they will seek to eliminate you from the narrative. Be careful around these people. They will only drag you down. –– Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: How Fearless are You?

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Express Yourself Fearlessly

Somebody with a Knight of Wands personality is a fearless creative genius. They have the courage it takes to piss people off via their creative output. They have the guts to go beyond what certain people will feel safe with and not worry about what they think about them for it. They have the unique ability to zoom out from their ordinary world and see everything from a wide perspective beyond the comfort zones and safety limits of others. As a creative genius, a Night of Wands sees these comfort zones and safety limits as arbitrary borders between what is intrinsic and what is imposed.

A true Knight of Wands, a true creative genius, will set their sights on what they want to express and accept that this expression may potentially ruffle some feathers. But you know what? Any creative genius will express themself without feeling the imposition of trying to please everybody. What happens when you try to please everybody? Nothing. Nothing happens. You end up pleasing nobody while making no statements or having no impact. You end up being watered down and homogenized because you don’t want to upset anybody. The Knight of Wands finds this unacceptable.

The Knight of Wands says, “I have something to say, and here it is…” Then they express it through their creative endeavors, confident that what they have to say is worthwhile and will be appreciated by at least some. Their ambition is to reach past their detractors to those who will appreciate and benefit from what it is they have to say. They know that it would be simply wrong to not express what it is they feel the need to express for fear of those who will not like hearing it, even if they must bear belittlement and criticism for it. In many ways, those with a Knight of Wands personality are the heroes of the world, for they express and inform fearlessly. — Jim Larsen

For more about the Knight of Wands, enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

The Devil: Where are those botherations coming from?

The Devil Tarot Card: Address Your Pain

The Devil tarot card can remind you to address whatever it is that is bothering you. Whatever this may be, don’t just push it away with the thought that it will disappear, because it will not. It may slip beneath the surface and remain in hiding, but that does not mean it is gone. No, it has only slipped into a shadow and it still takes up space. You will still feel it. It will still resonate. It will still affect you. It may become buried, which is unfortunate.

With it buried, its effects will be mysterious. You will wonder where bothersome feelings are coming from, requiring you to dig for them when you truly decide to be free of them. So, when something is bothering you, examine it right away. Address what it is that you find uncomfortable about it and come to terms with it. This will keep it in the light, and while in the light, you can heal yourself of it. — Jim Larsen

The Star: Are you an Inspiration?

The Star Tarot Card

The Star Tarot Card: Be the Example

Be the Star that somebody else can hitch their dreams to. We all have skills and talents that set us apart from others. These are part of what makes us unique beings. Some of us have special mechanical talents and skills while others have brains that can truly grasps complex scientific concepts. Others of us are artists, writers, philosophers, teachers… the list goes on.

When we are truly in our element doing what it is that sets us apart, we are bound to be noticed for these gifts. As others see us in the light of our Star quality, they may be inspired. They may say something to the effect of, “If he/she can do it, so can I.” It could be that this person shares with you your passions and skills, and through emulating you, they grow into their own strength and success. So whatever it is that you do best, whatever you feel best about yourself for doing, be sure to do it with complete enthusiasm and commitment. Somebody somewhere watching you may find you the one to be just like. They are hitching their dream to your star. Be the example of what can be done — Jim Larsen

For more about the Star card, enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of you Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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