Highway Oracle: No Exit

Highway Oracle: No Exit by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: It is not time to make changes

What you are doing right now is the right thing to be doing, so don’t think you have to alter your course. Keep going as you have been going and keep doing as you have been doing. You are on the right track. Don’t second guess yourself and don’t doubt yourself. You are on the right track and there is no need to change what you are doing. — Jim Larsen

Own the Highway Oracle Deck

Highway Oracle: No U-Turn

Highway Oracle- No U-Turn by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: There is no turning back

Whatever it is that you are doing, you have reached the point of no return. You can’t turn back now. You have to keep going. Trust in yourself that you have made the right decisions and don’t second guess yourself. Keep going and keep doing what you are doing. You are on the right track. Trust your instincts. — Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: School Zone

Highway Oracle Deck: School Zone by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: There is a lesson to be learned

The situation at hand is designed to teach a lesson. Be open to it. It is not for nothing that you are going through what you are going through. You are meant to get through it a wiser, more knowledgeable person. Remember, the world is a classroom. There is something to be learned everywhere.


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: Bridge Ices Before Road

Highway Oracle by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: A Difficult Transition

Be braced for change. Change is inevitable, and you have been warned about what to expect. If you are caught unaware of the transition ahead of you, you have nobody but yourself to blame. This change is not designed to wipe you out, but the situation is destined to change no matter what. So be ready for it. Adjust your thinking process and make any alterations to your physical world to take on this change. Whatever things, small or large that you can do now to ease your transition will be to your ultimate benefit. Be prepared for it. — Jim Larsen


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Highway Oracle: 55 and Fate

The Highway Oracle by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Fate

Fate can take you down some strange and winding roads sometimes. This road can have a lot of twists and turns on it. It can have its share of blind curves and no passing zones. If you want to get to where it is taking you through, with strong faith that it is taking you to where you can be the strongest and best version of yourself and best version of yourself, you stay on it no matter what. You accept that the road may not be the easiest road to navigate, but you stick with it anyway because you blindly have faith that it will get easier eventually and that it will take you to a destination that is the best for you to get to.

On the road of fate, the journey itself is meant to shape you. It is designed to give you the optimized opportunities to test yourself and assess yourself for your ultimate enlightenment. So when the going is difficult, appreciate the difficulties for the strength you will develop in it and the momentum that you generate to propel yourself through them.

We each have our road of fate to travel down. For some, this road is congested with traffic from like-minded travelers, for some it is a solitary journey. Often, our road runs parallel with others. Other times, it merges. It is not uncommon for our road to have miles of uncertainty ahead until it is gives way to an understandable geography. Whatever the nature of our road of fate may be, it takes us where we need to be. –Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: Hidden Road

Highway Oracle Deck by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: An unexpected opportunity

We don’t always know what life has in store for us. What don’t always know what unexpected opportunities are waiting just ahead. We need to be ready for them when they do show up, because who knows what new opportunities they will present to us. So, expect the unexpected, and don’t be afraid to try something new and different. When an unexpected opportunity presents itself to you, take it. See what it brings to your life. Who knows when the next one will come along?


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: Keep Right

Highway Oracle deck by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Remain Ethical

Be sure to maintain your own code of ethics. The situation may arise where it is easy to break from what you know and feel to be right, but should you? You may get momentary satisfaction from veering from your own code of ethics, but what will it get you in the long run? In the long run, you will have to live with your actions on your conscience. Is this what you want bothering you later on? It is best to act in the way you know is proper for you in the moment than to have to deal with it later on. Keep this in mind as you are confronted with the temptation to do wrong. Follow your own ethical guidelines and Keep Right. — Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: End Road Work

End Road Work: Highway Oracle Deck by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: The hard times are behind you

The good news is that the work you have been doing towards your self improvement has not been for nothing. All that you have put up with and all you have worked hard for is paying off. You have not given up, and now you can enjoy better days ahead. The difficulties are behind you. There is a smooth and easy going road ahead of you now. Appreciate the journey that has gotten you to where you are, and be glad you stuck with it. The payoff is at hand. — Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: Detour

Highway Oracle: Detour by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Take a different approach

It pays to be flexible. If you can be flexible, you will be under a lot less stress. If you see only one way to do what it is you are trying to do or achieve what it is you are trying to achieve, or get to where it is you are trying to get to, you will likely find it frustrating and difficult if something happens to block you from that one way. It is always wise to have a Plan B. That way, if Plan A doesn’t pan out, you are not going to be stuck. You will already have another way in mind, and the transition to it should not be too stressful. Life will do that to you, you know. It will put up blocks and obstacles to your path that force you to try another way. These blocks and obstacles are not intended to make you give up, but rather to expand your mind to see the other possibilities. In life, we often have to make detours.


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: Crosswalk

Highway Oracle Deck: Crosswalk by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Be Mindful

It’s true that we have ambitions and sometimes we develop tunnel vision in the pursuit of these ambitions. We know what we want, and we are going for it. We get so caught up in our aims that sometimes we neglect to notice the people on our path. As much as we want what we are pursuing, it pays to be mindful of these other people. They have ambitions and pursuits all their own. They don’t need to be bowled over by you. They don’t need to feel disrespected just because you think your ambitions are so important that nobody else matters.

Do your thing, but pay attention to those around you as you do. Show respect for those you encounter. Pay attention to the fact that these people are there. In the end, you will appreciate the fact that you achieved your goals with the dignity that you got there on your own merits without throwing anybody under the bus. — Jim Larsen


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