Knight of Wands: Afraid to ruffle feathers?

The Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Pull No Punches

A Knight of Wands is bold and in his or her creative output. They have things to communicate to the world, and they do not hold back on doing so. Remember this: generally speaking, people don’t get noticed when they pull their punches. People who want to be noticed need to be fearless in their expressions. If there is something you feel needs to be said, come out and say it. There are people who need to hear it. Don’t deprive them because you were afraid of what some other person might say or feel.

Sure, feathers might get ruffled, but you know what? Feathers are meant to get ruffled just as the ocean isn’t meant to stay eternally calm. The water is there, just like the feathers are there. Conditions occur that disturb their calmness sometimes. This is a law of nature. It is just as so with the energetic balance of human nature. Things are what they are, and sometimes somebody- a Knight of Wands- makes a person see them from an uncomfortable angle. They do this by offering a reflection of the situation through an innovative and creative endeavor that shines a light on something the person prefers to stay hidden.

Too often, these people will go on the attack, waging war against the Knight of Wands for the audacity they show in exposing them, however metaphorically that exposure may be. But the Knight of Wands persists, appreciating that no true advancements are ever made without upsetting some status-quo or other. They do it because that is just their nature. Knight of Wands are bold and fearless and do not hold back when they have something to express. –– Jim Larsen

Knight of Wands: How Fearless are You?

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Express Yourself Fearlessly

Somebody with a Knight of Wands personality is a fearless creative genius. They have the courage it takes to piss people off via their creative output. They have the guts to go beyond what certain people will feel safe with and not worry about what they think about them for it. They have the unique ability to zoom out from their ordinary world and see everything from a wide perspective beyond the comfort zones and safety limits of others. As a creative genius, a Night of Wands sees these comfort zones and safety limits as arbitrary borders between what is intrinsic and what is imposed.

A true Knight of Wands, a true creative genius, will set their sights on what they want to express and accept that this expression may potentially ruffle some feathers. But you know what? Any creative genius will express themself without feeling the imposition of trying to please everybody. What happens when you try to please everybody? Nothing. Nothing happens. You end up pleasing nobody while making no statements or having no impact. You end up being watered down and homogenized because you don’t want to upset anybody. The Knight of Wands finds this unacceptable.

The Knight of Wands says, “I have something to say, and here it is…” Then they express it through their creative endeavors, confident that what they have to say is worthwhile and will be appreciated by at least some. Their ambition is to reach past their detractors to those who will appreciate and benefit from what it is they have to say. They know that it would be simply wrong to not express what it is they feel the need to express for fear of those who will not like hearing it, even if they must bear belittlement and criticism for it. In many ways, those with a Knight of Wands personality are the heroes of the world, for they express and inform fearlessly. — Jim Larsen

For more about the Knight of Wands, enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: They can do it. Can you?

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Make it Happen!

Take inspiration from the Knight of Wands and get moving. Get clear on what your goals are and what inspirations are coming to you, and do something with it. With your goals and inspirations, you are uniquely positioned to do something great and make a difference. Don’t let that slip by due to inactivity. Don’t just sit there thinking about how great it would be to do this thing, prove how great it would be to do this thing by actually doing it. You become a leader this way.

As people see that you are a doer, they will will say, “If they can do it, so can I!” So get on it. Get busy. Do it! Lead the way! Use your charisma to fire people up. Inspiration comes your way for a reason. It’s not just to recognize it and dismiss it, but to act on it for your own betterment and the betterment of others. Make it happen! — Jim Larsen

Knight of Wands: Are you Balanced?

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Accept no Boundaries

The Knight of Wands piece of yourself sets its sights beyond perceived limitations. To be the best version of yourself, don’t limit yourself. Don’t let anybody set for you what boundaries you should live in. Don’t become so caught in the concerns and worries of others who are not supporting your highest and best interest that you lose track of what your own life and your own light is all about.

Remember always, you have everything you need right within you. For everything that you need, there is a spark that you can activate that will magnetize it to you. Don’t get so caught up in the wrong people and the wrong the things that you think you forget this. When you let other people decide what you need to shine, you are limiting yourself and denying yourself of what you truly need and deserve.

Be mindful to balance what others need and expect of you with your own needs and wants. Don’t get trapped in anybody else’s bubble. The energy of this bubble is generated by their worries and preoccupations. This can become quite sickly and discombobulating to you. You will feel an unease that you may not necessarily identify right off. Yes, you do need to be mindful and compassionate towards others, but getting too involved with concerns that is for them to work out that you can’t do anything about will most likely have the detrimental effect of draining your own energy. Keep your energy for your own growth and advancement. Use your inner Knight of Wands to ignite your own Star. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

Knight of Wands: Proving It’s Not Impossible

Knight of Wands tarot Card

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: What are you doing with your brilliant ideas?

Everybody has a brilliant idea now and then, just as everybody gets inspired. The difference though, between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people is that successful people take their brilliant ideas and inspirations and do something with them. These people embody the Knight of Wands.

The Knight of Wands refuses to be passive when they receive an inspiration. They know that to act on inspiration is to bring something totally cool into the world. So many people do this- they have an idea and say, “Wouldn’t it be cool if….” For example, who hasn’t had an idea for a good movie. Who hasn’t said, “You know what a good movie would be…” And then they detail what they think a good movie would be, and that’s as far as it goes.

A true Knight of Wands, however, will say, “You know what a good movie would be…” And then they will write a script and actually make that movie. This is just one example. Knights of Wands have a drive to see their inspirations become reality. They have a need to see it become real. When you find yourself inspired, thinking of what a really great idea is, act on it. Refuse to be passive.

Even if it seems impossible, don’t give up on it. Find the way to make it happen. The way is there. Let the Knight of Wands within you make a reality of it. –Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: You Can’t Fail?

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

The Page of Wands Tarot Card: Nothing is Impossible

When you are inspired, and you know you just can’t fail, you are embodying the Knight of Wands. The Knight of Wands is the piece of you that knows what it wants and goes for it. Your enthusiasm is palpable as well as contagious when your inner Knight of Wands is fired up. So many people around you feel your energy and are influenced by it. They want to join you in your endeavors. They look to you to show the way. Through you, they see what is possible and they want to do it too.

The Knight of wands piece of you blasts through obstacles and laughs at the idea of “impossible.” When you know what you want, you can’t fail. Go for it. Embody the Knight of Wands and blaze a path for others to follow. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: See Past The Expected

The Knight of Wands, China Tarot

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: The Power of Optimism

Today, tap into your Knight of Wands piece of yourself and be optimistic. There is something you want to get done- a goal you want to accomplish- and it seems kind of impossible. It’s not impossible though, so don’t worry about what it seems like. You know- you just know there is a way to get this done even if you haven’t figured it out yet. You know if you set your intention to figure this out, an answer will come. You are creative like that. You are able to see past the obvious into the unexplored. In the unexplored is where the answer is, so you spend all the time you need there knowing the answer will come. And it will.

People are amazed that you are able to go into these other realms to find what you need there. To you though, it’s just a normal way to do things, nothing special. This is what it means to tap into the Knight of Wands piece of yourself. It means you can remain optimistic because you know you will find what you need even when those around you don’t understand how or why it is possible. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Knight of Wands: Blast through Obstacles

The Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Use the Power of Your Creativity

The Knight of Wands tarot card  tells you, make today a day to blast through obstacles. What’s been slowing you down? Stopping you? Haven’t you been thinking about this for some time now? Haven’t you stared at this wall in front of you so long now that you see its weak points and fractures? Today, let the power of your creativity blast this wall down. Tap into your creative resources and get past this block in any unique and innovative way that works for you.

Maybe the solutions you have been searching for have been too lofty and complex. Maybe the solution has been simple all this time. Whatever the case may be, you know the answer. You have studied on it long enough. The time is now to destroy that block and move forward harmoniously. Just simply do it without anymore excuses. Go. Do it. Now. See you on the other side! — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Knight of Wands: Own Your Passions


The Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Blast Through The Obstacles

The Knight of Wands tarot card says, own your talents and your passions. If a block comes up between you and your passions, know that you have the power to blast it away with a mere glance. You are such a powerful creator and are able to achieve whatever it is your heart and your mind are set on achieving; nothing except what you allow to can stop you. Remember this. Letting nothing- no words of negativity from others, no fears or limiting beliefs of your own, and no voices in your head saying “You can’t do this” keep  you from doing great things. Listen to none of this and pursue your goals with gusto. This is the message of the Knight of Wands for today.


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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