2 of Wands: You Have A Lot

2 of Wands Tarot Card: instead of selling yourself short, do something great

The 2 of Wands Tarot card is here to tell you that you that you have so much at your disposal to create the life of your dreams that you can’t possibly use all of it. This means you have a lot. This means that you want for nothing. This means that the time is nigh to do something great. All you have to do is do it, so do it! To not is to severely sell yourself short. If you sell yourself short, you are likewise selling short those who could benefit from your success. So if you are not doing all you can do for your own sake, do it for them. The world is in your hands. Utilize it! This is the message from the 2 of wands today.

–Jim Larsen

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The Magician: A Knowledge of the Whole

The Fool’s Path Tarot: Magician

The Magician Tarot Card: Seeing holistically

The Tarot magician is not passive. The Tarot Magician is active and insightful. The Tarot Magician does not wait around for something to happen. He does not assess situations to see what is needed just so he can sit back and wait for it to be actualized. The Tarot Magician, having ascertained what is needed, makes it happen. He actively sets in motion the events that bring forth the manifestation of this thing. This is the true power of the Magician. He sees more than the average person, and uses what he sees to create wisdom.

How does the Magician know what is needed? He can only do this by having knowledge of the whole. The Magician is a holistic seer. He delves deeper than what is on the surface. He sees the inner working, the fundamental intrinsic nature of a situation and is aware of every component. The Magician, in this way, has tremendous awareness.

This awareness enables him to see the missing pieces. Once seen, he knows what to manifest. He manifests by looking at the blank space where something should be, and fills it with the energy of that thing until it is there. This is the message of the Magician of Tarot for you today. See what is missing and don’t expect it will appear by itself. See what is missing and then go about manifesting it.

— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Master Tarot…

3 of Wands: Time For Changes

3 of Wands Tarot Card: Explore those distant horizons

The 3 of Wands tarot card tells you that if you are bored, if you are restless, if you are anxious for change in your life, then it is up to you to create something new. It is completely possible to do this. It is a big world and there is much to do, see, and experience. Take note of those distant horizons. Why not explore them? It can be literally. You can see what is beyond your normal scope of vision by traveling to them and seeing them and living them first hand.

Or it can be done figuratively. Learn something new. Take a class. Find a new blog to read. Get a library card, and then use it. Fill your awareness with new and different influences. Experience new ideas and new thoughts about the meaning of life. There is a lot out there. The three of Wands tarot card encourages you to get out of your rut and renew yourself.

–Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Master Tarot

The Sun: Don’t Settle For Bad Days

The Sun Tarot Card: Good Day or Bad Day is a Mind Set

the sun tarot card
Voyager Tarot Sun Card

The Sun tarot card reminds us to have a good day, or to have a bad day, it’s really all a mindset. It may be cloudy or rainy or colder than you like, so you tell yourself it is going to be a bad day. But does it have to b just because you told yourself it will be? It’s all in your perception. Whatever the conditions of a day, whatever the weather, you can still find the good in it. So don’t settle for bad days. Figure out what there is to appreciate about the moments of your life, then appreciate them.

Don’t dwell on the negative. If you do that, you will just find more and more negativity. Dwell instead on the positive. Isn’t finding more and more positive better? Even if your day isn’t taking shape the way you had hoped it would, let the Sun tarot card remind you to enjoy it no matter what.

–Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment…

Master Tarot…

7 of Pentacles: Believe in What You Do

7 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Taking success one step at a time

Waiting for success can be boring. Let’s face reality. It can. The 7 of Pentacles tarot card exemplifies that. But if you believe in what you are doing and what you know you will accomplish, you  just have to put up with being bored. It’s a good idea sometimes to pause and reflect on how far you have come on your journey towards success. Remember when you had accomplished nothing at all. Remember when you were just starting out and you dreamed of what success would look like. Now notice how much you have done since then. Notice you actually have come quite far.

So, now don’t let yourself feel down for not being there yet. You’re getting there a step at a time. Is it going slower than you had hoped? Well, what exactly where your hopes? You know things take awhile, and anything worthwhile is worth putting in the time and effort to achieve. So keep putting in the time. Keep putting in the effort. Before you know it, you will have achieved. When you plant a seed, do you expect a full grown plant to pop up overnight? Of course not. You need to water and nurture it and give it what it needs to prosper. Let the 7 of Pentacles remind of that. This is just like anything you set out to accomplish.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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