The Star Tarot Card

The Star Tarot Card: Be the Example

Be the Star that somebody else can hitch their dreams to. We all have skills and talents that set us apart from others. These are part of what makes us unique beings. Some of us have special mechanical talents and skills while others have brains that can truly grasps complex scientific concepts. Others of us are artists, writers, philosophers, teachers… the list goes on.

When we are truly in our element doing what it is that sets us apart, we are bound to be noticed for these gifts. As others see us in the light of our Star quality, they may be inspired. They may say something to the effect of, “If he/she can do it, so can I.” It could be that this person shares with you your passions and skills, and through emulating you, they grow into their own strength and success. So whatever it is that you do best, whatever you feel best about yourself for doing, be sure to do it with complete enthusiasm and commitment. Somebody somewhere watching you may find you the one to be just like. They are hitching their dream to your star. Be the example of what can be done — Jim Larsen

For more about the Star card, enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of you Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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