7 of Cups: Dream Big

7 of Cups Tarot Card: Examine your choices

As you ponder the year ahead, don’t limit your possibilities. Make this your year. Make it a year where you dare to not just dream, but to dream the impossible that you make it reality. The 7 of Cups reminds you that you can do that. It reminds you that you need to dream big and dream impossible if you are going to dream at all. If a dream is something you hope to accomplish, why not aim big? Why limit yourself to what you believe is possible? Anybody can make the possible come true. It takes a special kind of somebody to make the impossible happen. Why not be that person? It starts with the realization that really, anything can happen if you believe it can. So believe. Believe everything you are hoping for.

The 7 of Cups tarot card invites you to examine all your choices and not limit yourself on determining what you want. If what you want is seemingly impossible to attain, it just means you haven’t figured out your plan to get it yet. Maybe there is no plan. Maybe you just need to throw it out to the Universe that you want it, then expect that it will provide. As you expect the Universe to provide, pay attention to the impulses that lead you to acquiring it, for that is how it will come about. It won’t happen just like, “Poof! There it is!” But rather in small increments of inspirations that will lead to it. Set as your goal this new year to be unlimited. Don’t be held back. Aim high and achieve your dreams. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Guide To Tarot Mastery

7 of Cups: Are You Considering All The Facts?

7 of Cups Tarot Card: You may not have all the facts

Decisions need to be made. It happens everyday. Some decisions are obvious because we have all the facts and are able to calculate the outcomes in a clear and logical way. Other times, we don’t have all the facts and we have to rely on guesswork. Situations like this call for us to make the best decision we feel we can make and hope for the best when the outcome comes about. That is what the 7 of cups is all about today.

As you are presented with a decision to make, consider the facts about the situation that you know, and try to fill in the gaps as best you can with the facts you don’t know.  Trust your instincts and hope for the best. Ultimately, you may be happy with the outcome. Of course though, you might not be. You may kick yourself for making a bad decision. Try not to do that. Try not to give yourself a hard time if you are not happy with the results of your decision. You did the best you could with the information you had to work with.  Maybe it was the kind of decision that you don’t have a lot experience having to make. Maybe there were factors such as stress and pressure on you to get this done, so you didn’t  have all time you needed to thin it all the way through.

Whatever the case may be, go easy on your self if you were not happy with the outcome.  The 7 of Cups does not want you to beat yourself up over it.  —Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Master Tarot…

7 of Cups: Head in the Clouds, For Now

7 of Cups Tarot Card: Put your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground

The 7 of cups tarot card invites you stick your head in the clouds and explore different possibilities. This is especially helpful when you are looking for an innovative solutions. Sometimes you need to really think outside of the box and be as fantastical in your search for a solution as possible. When there is no obvious and apparent solution, what else can you do? You have to go above and beyond and way, way out there in your search for a workable solution.

To do this, you need to explore all the possibilities, even the ones that seem to be based in fantasy. But there will come a time, though, when you need to grasp a potential solution and actually do something with it. You can’t keep your head in the clouds forever dreaming about what might be. You need to come back down to earth, stand on your own two feet root in, get grounded, and apply the solution you found. You can’t expect that everything will take care of itself on its own.

No, sticking your head in the clouds to find innovations is only part of the process. You also have to do the work based on the solutions you found. So do that. Put in the work. Make the effort. Get the ball rolling and make things happen. This is what the 7 of cups is reminding you of today.

-Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Master Tarot

7 of Cups: New Ideas

7 of Cups Tarot Card: Don’t be boxed in by reality

Reality has a way of boxing us in. Our perception of it does, anyway. Let the 7 of cups tarot card remind you of that. What happens is, we get so used to doing things in set and predictable ways. This is fine as long as we expect and are content with set and predictable outcomes. There will be those times though, when we need something else. Or maybe we just crave something else. Maybe we need innovation and a new way. In these times, we need to get out of our boxes of conventionality and look for new ideas. Where do these new ideas come from?

They come from creative and imaginative thoughts. We need to remove our minds from what is for us, mundane and normal, and step into the realm of the fantastical and unordinary. we need to dream. We need to fantasize. We need to go into a world of make believe where we are not bound by any physical laws or actualities. Now we are examining the world of “could be.” In the world of “could be” we can experiment with new ideas until we find one that works for our situation.

We can get past what we believe is concrete and exact to where there is true innovation. The 7 of cups tarot card represents this innovation. When you are stuck on something, let it guide you to creative solutions.

— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

Master Tarot…

7 of Cups: Let Imagination Guide You

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7 of Cups Tarot Card: Take a break from reality

Be guided by your imagination today.  Why not? Reality doesn’t always deliver what satisfies your soul. Take a break from reality and indulge the fantasy side of life. There is much to be gained by doing so. When you are in your imagination and away from the reality of life, you can explore what you truly want and truly need. Today is a good day to do this. Once you figure out what a perfect life is to you, then you can proceed to make it happen. How can you make it happen if you don’t know what it is? How can you know what it is if you don’t give yourself to explore this realm of the imagination?

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walking the Fool’s Path….

Master Tarot…

7 of Cups: Amazing Worlds to Explore

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7 of Cups Tarot Card: A World of Possibilities

There is a whole other world to explore. Several whole other worlds, in fact. Actually, there are unlimited other worlds to explore. These are the worlds you find when you push aside your logical mind and put your focus on what is there beyond logic. These are the worlds of possibilities and no limits. These worlds are explored by artists, writers, children, poets, dreamers, and any and all combinations of these things. These are the worlds of the 7 of Cups tarot card.

In these worlds rules do not apply. In this world, there is no God but the god of your own creation. In this world, possibilities are examined, experimented with, and chosen. These are the worlds that can be when the logical mind is forgotten.

When is the last time you let yourself dream and spend time in one of these worlds. Your inner child loves these places. Give your mind a break today and step into one of these worlds. dream. Daydream. Imagine. Pretend. Fly. Go ahead. You’re allowed to.


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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