The Hermit Tarot Card- Fools Path Tarot by Jim Larsen

The Hermit Tarot Card: Find The Silence

Answers to life’s most pressing mysteries are found in undisturbed silence. To find these answers, it is advantageous to become hermit. It can be that this silence can be disturbed by the chatter in one’s very own mind. Mind chatter can be deafening. It is imperative that one gets through the mind chatter to hear the important and useful voices. To do this, sit in meditation long enough for the chatter to die down and only the useful voices remain.

The useful voices will be patient and wait for the chaos to subside so they can be heard. It is up to the individual, however, to make the effort to sit still and sit quietly to allow this point to be reached. Once it is reached, the keys to enlightenment are found. -Jim Larsen

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