High Priestess: It is a Mirror

The Priestess card- Fool’s Path Tarot by Jim Larsen

The High Priestess Tarot Card: What do you reflect?

Listen to your intuition. This is the High Priestess within you. Even if you don’t like what it tells you, listen to it. You can push the message away if you want to, but it won’t stay gone. Whatever it is that you are intuiting- it is inevitable and it is coming at you like a freight train. it is therefore intrinsic to who you are. Intuition is a knowing, and you wouldn’t know it if it wasn’t a part of you.

With that in mind, to have a intuitive flash is like looking in the mirror. The flash you have is nothing but a reflection of what is already. So, whether you are happy about what you see, or not happy about what you see, it is as much a part of you as anything physical and tangible, so accept it. If it is unpleasant, well, now you have time to brace for it. If you find it pleasant or exciting, well, you have that to look forward to. Your inner High Priestess tells no lies.– Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Knight of Swords: Are You Too Self-Absorbed?

Knight of Swords Tarot Card

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Self-Importance

Ever have somebody dump their problems on you shoulders as if you are somehow supposed to take them on and make them all better? Somebody who does this exemplifies the Knight of Swords personality. Typical of the Knight of Swords is the tendency to be self-absorbed and self-interested to the point that they forget other people have lives of their own and are not there to serve them. A Knight of Swords will do that- when faced with a problem, they will seek out the easiest solution for them, which could very well be to dump it on somebody else without giving thought to any other possible solution that does not involve dragging other people into it.

To them, the easiest solution is not necessarily the best, but it doesn’t require them to be inconvenienced, so it is the one they will go with. How does this make you feel when somebody does this? Feel put off? Wonder why this person can’t deal with their own issues instead of expecting you to worry about it? If you do, that is a perfectly normal way to feel. Just because you are what’s easy for this person, doesn’t mean you need to be treated like you are only here as a convenience to them. Stand your ground with these people. Say no. Tell them to find another way to deal with their issues. Don’t be treated that way. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

The Hermit: Know Your Authenticity

The Hermit Tarot Card- Fools Path Tarot by Jim Larsen

The Hermit Tarot Card: Don’t worry about a thing

How do you know who you really are when you are in the crowd? When you are in the crowd, you know who you are within the context of the crowd, but do you really know who you are? In the crowd, you are under the influence of the crowd. You, whether you realize it or not, are conforming to the crowd. Some of this is obvious, having to follow the rules and the laws and all that. You also have to act civil and probably, you are trying to fit in and not stand out too much for wrong reasons.

How can you truly be authentic when you are focused on what people think of you? To discover your true authenticity, forget the crowd. Don’t worry what everybody else is doing. Don’t worry about what everybody else is preoccupied with. If everybody is watching Game of Thrones, or whatever, but you honestly have no interest in it, don’t worry about it. Watch whatever you want. Or nothing at all.

Maybe everybody is into watching a TV show, but you’d rather read a book. So read a book. The temptation may be to watch the show everybody is watching just to fit in, but why? What difference does it honestly make anyway? Do whatever you want. Listen to any kind of music you discover that you find you enjoy. It may not be what everybody else, or anybody else for that matter, is listening to, but that’s their loss. Let them consume what the media is dishing out, it doesn’t mean you have to. Be true to your own interests, desires, heart.

Be a Hermit. Let others figure you out if they are so inclined to. If they are not, well, who cares about them anyway? You have your own thing going on in life. Be a Hermit. A Hermit finds his or her own path. —Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

The Tower: How Steady Are Your Foundations?

The Tower Tarot Card
The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Tarot Card: A Fall From Grace

We build Towers in many ways. In the tarot sense of the word, Towers are our creations that are not to meant to be. Their foundations are not steady. We have expectations that are unsupported. Because of this, they are bound to fall. One such Tower that we build are the expectations we create of other people. Don’t we do this? Don’t we put people on pedestals? Don’t we admire them so much that we create a fiction in our mind of what they are meant to be, and this is a glorified version of who they actually are? Such a vision can never last. Eventually we see things in them that are contrary to the image we have and they diminish in our eyes.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that they have become bad people. It just means our perception of them has shifted to align with reality, and we may be uncomfortable with what we see. We may feel they have fallen from grace. It may seem to us that they have let us down. The question becomes, did they ask for any of this? They were just going through the course of their daily life. They weren’t looking to be our hero. Yet, in our eyes, they let us down. They were at the top of a shaky foundation because we put them there.

When that foundation could support our vision no longer, it crumbled, sending that person crashing to the ground. We must be careful of this. It will pay off to admire the good qualities of people, but we must accept the fact that they are only human. Have appreciation for who they are, but allow them to live their life on their own terms without instilling in them the fear of letting us down. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Double oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

6 of Swords: Are You There For Them?

6 of Speculation (6 of swords) tarot card by Jim Larsen

6 of Swords Tarot Card: Be the person somebody else needs

Sometimes a person you know is having a Six of Swords moment and all they really need is to know that somebody cares about them. Who doesn’t run into a rough time sometimes? Who hasn’t had a bad day? Who hasn’t wanted to just collapse for a time and let somebody take care of them? In these times, isn’t it nice when there is somebody there to lean on? It is nice. And sometimes, you are are in the position to be the one who is leaned on. Be strong for other people when they need you to be. Be the one they can count on no matter what.

Be the person they can talk to when they need a caring, non-judgmental, compassionate ear. Sometimes, just having somebody who is present for them is the best thing they need to get over whatever it is they are going through. So, be what they need you to be, and do it unconditionally. Let them know they are worth it to you to be there for them. Sometimes, that’s the best thing you can do for somebody.

Be there for them no matter what, even if you have to sacrifice something to do it. If it helps them to heal, be there to hold the umbrella for them in a storm and be willing to get wet. Don’t worry about it. You’ll dry off later. Just be that person for them. They need it. –-Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to tarot Mastery

8 of Swords: Did it Ever Matter?

Fools Path Tarot 8 of Speculation (Swords)

8 of Swords Tarot Card: Realizing that it doesn’t matter

The 8 of Swords is that moment when you realize that those things you were worrying and fussing about don’t matter. If it ever did matter, if there ever was a moment when the situation was causing you stress, it has passed. This is that feeling of relief that what was bothering you or slowing you down is behind you. When we are stressing out about something, we do not always acting to our optimum functionality. The worry and the stress consume our attention and energy so we do not have all the energy we could have to put towards more positive and productive pursuits.

The thing to do is to examine the situation when we are worried or we are stressed out and ascertain the validity of it. Ask yourself, is this really worth being stressed out about? Do I really need to worry so much about it? If you discover that it really is not that important, let it go and free up some energy for more important things. If it honestly is worth being stressed out about and you honestly do need to worry about it, get focused on it. Examine it from all angles and figure out what to do about it so it is not sucking too much of the life force out of you. Find solutions. Find answers. Find a way. Get it taken care of. Do it.

Once done, you are free to move forward. Enjoy the feeling of letting go of stress and being free of it. Notice that it is behind you. This is the 8 of swords tarot card. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

2 of Wands: Things are Clicking in Your Mind

2 of Wands Tarot Card

2 of Wands Tarot Card: When you realize that you can do it

The 2 of Wands is that feeling you get when you realize, yes. I can do this. You know how that goes. You get an idea- you are inspired. At first your attitude is, nah, that probably can’t happen. It’s too ‘out there’ to really consider. But then you sit with the idea a little longer and you start to think, well, maybe…. Then things start to click in your mind. You examine the idea even more and see where if you did this… did that… sacrificed over here a little… asked for help over there some, then maybe this idea isn’t so crazy after all. Now that ‘out there’ idea you had actually has some merit and you should actually pursue it.

Once you begin its pursuit, it takes on a life of its own. it is actually happening. Something is going to come from that idea you had after all. It wasn’t just fantasy thinking after all. Think about that. That’s what you need to do. Tap into that 2 of Wands piece of yourself and appreciate that you have the world in your hands. An idea doesn’t have to a passive thing. Examine your inspiration and see it through to a conclusion. By doing this, you may very well bring something significant into the world. It just takes push, determination, and the will to say, “This can happen!” –-Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

King of Wands: Can You Make a Miracle?

King of Wands Tarot Card

King of Wands Tarot Card: Helping Others Reach Their Personal Enlightenment

Be aware of the fact that you inspire others. You may or may not know who they are, but just know that in the things you do, others are finding their own personal power to live up to their fullest potential. Therefore, always tap into your true Star quality. Tap into that part of yourself that shines and generates gravity. When you are living you Star quality, you are the best version of yourself because you are living within your highest potential and exuding a radiance that magnetically draws admirers close. When you do this, you a true King of Wands.

You are a King of Wands because you are making things happen. People see that you have skills and talents and that you know what to do with them. You are not simply saying, “Wouldn’t this be a good idea…” or “Wouldn’t that be a good idea…” but you are actually doing something with those ideas and creating something new for the world. Because you do this, you inspire. This is one important reason why we are on the earth- to inspire one another. When we are inspired, we act. When we act, we are taking steps towards our Personal Enlightenment. Personal Enlightenment is the goal. As King of Wands, you help others reach it. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Ace of Swords: You are Intelligent

Ace of Swords Tarot Card

Ace of Swords Tarot Card: Discovering our true intelligence

We don’t always know just how intelligent we are or how much knowledge we have until we are pushed to a limit that tests it. Day by day and hour by hour, we may not have too many reasons to think a whole lot about new things. Most of us get into routines and for the most part stay on autopilot. Our routines take over. We get through the hours and the days by rote. For the most part, we are not challenged. Nothing out of the unusual comes up that requires any deeper thought than our regular thought processes. But sometimes something does come up. Sometimes, something comes up that requires us to apply a deeper analysis of the situation than we normally apply.

This is when we discover just how intelligent we really are. We are pushed deeper into our thought processes than we normally go. This is where we discover how expansive our minds are. We find our limits and what we want and need to learn more about. This activates our problem solving skills. This is what we tap into to see what we really have in our brains. When something new comes up, a mystery to be solved, a problem to be figured out, or a riddle to be unraveled, are we willing and able to explore our minds and expand our thoughts? Or do we let the limits of what we already know and what comes easy to us dictate how much we are willing to put into figuring it out?

The next time you are stumped on something, activate the Ace of Swords within yourself and don’t give up until you have found the answer. This is how to push yourself mentally and grow and expand your limits. Don’t give up until you find the answers you are looking for. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

King of Cups: The Ability to Reach Others

King of Cups Tarot Card

King of Cups Tarot Card: Intuition and Deliverance

A true King of Cups has been through just about everything and is therefore uniquely qualified to guide others. In many ways, he is an ideal teacher. He can look into the core of somebody and know what they need. He will not take it personally when somebody lashes out needlessly at him because he sees the pain that these words are coming from. He will intuit the best way to reach somebody and offer them guidance from where they are emotionally.

As he intuits, he can ascertain the guidance a person needs, and from this his ability to teach them is accentuated. He does not treat everybody all the same, because his intuition tells him exactly what everybody is, and what everybody is is different from everybody else. The way one person will receive and perceive a lesson is unique to them, so it is ineffective to teach from a one size fits all mentality.

A true King of Cups has that figured out because his multitude of life experiences has taught him of the vast diversity of personality types and mentalities. The King of cups will intuit what a person needs, and deliver it without judgment. It’s just what he does because his own life experiences led him to that place. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

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