The Star: Does Your Maximum Potential Shine?

The Star Tarot Card: To be fueled by appreciation

When your Star quality is shining, you are truly the best version of yourself. This is you at your maximum potential. That is something that gets triggered within us. We find ourselves in positions where we operate at our highest setting. We find that people have gravitated to us who appreciate who we are and allow us to shine forth our talents, our passions, and our true potential. These are the people who appreciate us. They are glad to have us around to enjoy our essence. As they appreciate us, we are fueled to continue to shine our brightest light. It is easy to do, for the appreciation these people show for us draws it out of us.

Today, take note of your Star quality. What is it that you radiate in the most purest form? This is ties to the truth of who you are, for you are not inventing it or faking it. It shines because it is already there. This is your Star. — Jim Larsen

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Master Tarot

The Sun: Make Sure You’re Having Fun.

The Sun Tarot Card: Remember, life is meant to be enjoyed

The Sun card is here to remind you to have fun today. If you have to step out of your normal routines to have a good time than do it. If your normal day to day activities are keeping you in a rut, then step out of them. Deviate from the normal if that’s what it takes to enjoy living. Get away from what is normal. Go a little crazy. Act a little different. If that’s what it takes to have some fun, then it is the right thing to do. Remember, life is meant to be enjoyed.

Sure, responsibilities crop up in our lives, and we have to pay heed to them. But does this mean to be enslaved by them? Find some you time. As life is meant to be enjoyed, if you are not enjoying it, then something went wrong somewhere. Find time to  enjoy life on your your own terms, or you very well may find yourself going a little crazy. Find time for the sun. Sometimes that is the best thing you can do for yourself. –Jim Larsen

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Tarot Mastery

Ace of Swords: Seeing Bursts Of Brilliance

Ace of Swords Tarot Cards: Sudden Bursts of Brilliance

Some people believe that we think, on average, 70,000 thoughts per day. Assuming that’s true, that’s a lot of thinking. In all those thoughts, there has got to be at least a few brilliant ones that float through you head, wouldn’t you think? The Ace of Swords within you is there to identify and capture these brilliant thoughts. It sees them as they float in the ether of all the others, all those like, “What should I eat for dinner tonight?” “Oh, that’s a cute puppy.” “That thumbtack looks a little rusty.” And “That car over there is blue.” You get the idea. So much of what goes through our minds is simple and mundane.

Mixed in with all that though, are the bursts of brilliance. Cutting through the simplistic thoughts are those that can change our lives and the world. These are the answers to the questions we have been struggling with. These are brilliant inspirations.  These are the new ideas and the new visions that will shift the paradigm to create a new tomorrow.

Look around you right now. How much of what you see started off as somebody’s idea? Do you see a lamp? Somebody had the idea to invent the light bulb, and then over the years more people had ideas about how to improve it. Somebody had the idea to create the base of that lamp to give that light bulb a place to do its thing. Somebody had the idea to harness the power of electricity to make that light bulb turn on. Somebody had the idea about how buildings ought to be built with the wires that carry the electricity to that lamp.

Are you sitting down right now? Somebody in history had the idea to make chairs, to make couches, to make beanbags…. you get the idea. These people were all masters of their inner Ace of Swords. They sifted through the multitude of everyday thoughts to find the useful and brilliant ones to change the world.

Not every brilliant thought is there to change the world.They don’t all have to. Some are just there to make your own life better. Today, find those thoughts. Put them to work for you, and make your own world that much better. Sharpen your Ace of Swords. Make it a magnet for powerful thoughts. –– Jim Larsen

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Become a Tarot Master

Knight of Pentacles: You Have to Take Chances.

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card: What it means to be a gambler

You know what you want. You know that you don’t have all the resources immediately in place to get it though. You have faith that if you just get started in achieving this that you want, things will fall into place to support you. So you act impulsively and get the ball rolling on this thing with the blind hope that you are right. This piece of you that pushes you to this is the Knight of Pentacles.  This piece of you understands the importance of taking a chance, taking a risk, gambling. You are not always able to play it safe, especially when you are under a time restraint to get something done. This is the piece of you that calculates the risk, decides if it is worth taking, and then going for it. It doesn’t have time to be told to slow down. It doesn’t have the patience or the inclination to listen to nay-sayers.

If it feels right to your own integrity, you are going to pursue it and hope for the best. This is what it means to be a gambler and a risk taker. Sometimes this is what you have to do to get hat you want sometimes. When it works out, the payoff is great. If it doesn’t, well, maybe you learn a lesson by examining your steps an determining what you could have done differently. This is what it means to truly come into your own as a Knight of Pentacles. –Jim Larsen

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4 of Pentacles: What Has Power Over You?

4 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Today’s fortunes may be tomorrow’s clutter

Our things give us security. We like to hold onto things. Our minds tell us that things are important because they have served us well in the past. But how important are these things, really? The 4 of Pentacles within us tell us that everything we ever had is crucial to our well being In the past, these things enriched us, so we believe we will lose that enrichment if we let go. But how rational is that? That which we got from these things is now a part of us, and it cannot be taken away. Do the things itself still hold that power for us?

The  things of the past have a way of becoming clutter in the future. If we cling to tightly and refuse to let go, there is less space for the new things we now need. So let go of what served you, but you have received and absorbed its benefit. Make room for the new. To declutter your physical space is to declutter your mind, for once you are no longer obsessing over what you have,  you are much more free to accept new ideas. The 4 of Pentacles within you doesn’t like to feel crowded, so declutter and give it it’s space. — Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

King of Wands: From Nothingness, Something

The King of Wands Tarot Card: Interpreting Inspiration

The King of Wands within you is a master of interpreting inspiration. From out of nothingness, suddenly there is something there. Something real. Something tangible. Something that can be shaped into something usable and beneficial. There are vibes of inspiration in the air, and the King of Wands is an antenna to pick them up. Not only this, but he has the  creative spark to make something of them. He knows the potential of what he senses. He knows what it can become. He can visualize the final outcome of the potential he detects and creates a product from that. He does all of this with incredible ease.

This is the King of Wands within you. This is the piece of you that others admire for being able to make things happen so easily.  So when inspiration hits, don’t turn your back on it. Grab it and shape it into something impressive.  — Jim Larsen

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The  Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Tarot

6 of Swords: Sometimes We Get Depressed

6 of Swords Tarot Card: Life is such that sometimes we get depressed. It just is.

Whether depression is a a diagnosis for us or not, we all have those days when we feel kind of depressed. It’s not something that can be denied. The 6 of Swords tarot card is here to tell us that. When we feel sad, it is best to accept it as a part of life. Pretending we do not feel that way does not mean we don’t. The best we can do is accept it and try to find things to do about it. Try to find ways to cheer ourselves up. Get up, get, out, do something Sitting around doing nothing tends to augment it. Then our thoughts stay on it and make us feel worse.

Finding something to put our thoughts on helps. Find something outside of the depression to focus on often helps. If you are feeling depressed today, try to find something interesting to focus your energy on. The 6 of Swords within you urges you to. It will probably help you to feel better. — Jim Larsen

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Master Tarot

Page of Wands: Don’t Worry. Create

The Page of Wands Tarot Card: Let you inner child create

Think of the Page of Wands as your inner child with a desire to create. As you  pursue your creative projects, let your inner child lead the way.  Let your inner child narrate the story. Let your inner child be the artist and the story teller. Your inner child is going to create the art as it is meant to be created. He/she is not going to convolute it with too much worry about what is right or what is wrong. Your inner child is going to put it out to the world in its most raw, unforgiving, and pertinent fashion, and that’s what the world needs to see.

The world doesn’t need even more political correctness and worry for what is right or wrong. These are not the hallmarks of good art. Good art is primal and unforgiving. Your inner child will provide this. So get your thoughts out of the way and let your inner child create art that does not apologize. Let the Page of Wands within you do its thing in all its glory. See what happens.
— Jim Larsen

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Illuminating the Archetypes Within

The Fool’s Path to Enlightenment

Master Tarot

Page of Pentacles: Creating Your Own Magic

Page of Pentacles: If you want it, you will have to work for it

You say you want abundance. You say you want riches. Okay, that’s good. But what are you willing to do to bring this into your life? Are you just sitting there waiting for magic to happen? While the Magician piece of you may say magic will happen, sometimes magic happens in the form of making things happen by action. The Magician within you may receive inspiration as to how to bring about your heart’s desire, but the Page of Pentacles may actually have to do the work. Listen to your inner Page of Pentacles today. It is telling you that to amass the riches you hope to amass, you have to get busy. You have to work. You have to educate yourself as to how exactly you can create this fortune you crave.

There is a learning process here, and if you apply yourself to it, you will master it. But mastering it isn’t an overnight thing. Mastering it involves research, trial and error, emulating those who have done it before you, and patience. You’ll never get there if you don’t get started, so today, get started. The sooner you start, the sooner you will achieve what you are trying to achieve. Get going. Make the mistakes you need to make to learn. Celebrate your successes and know that what you set in motion today will lead to the accumulation of your desires down the road. — Jim Larsen 

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7 of Wands: Plans Change?

7 of Wands Tarot Card: Unexpected problems arise. Deal with them.

The 7 of Wands is telling us today that it is day to expect sudden changes in the plan. There are things we simply cannot control, so we must adjust to them. We have an idea of what we would like to happen, where we’d like to be, and how we expect to achieve these goals, so we set into motion a course of action that we take us there. But guess what? It’s not as easy as we thought it would be. Problems arise. Unexpected obstacles pop up. Things are not going as we envisioned they would. So what now?

Give up? No, don’t give up. Go with the flow that the problems have created. Work around them. Find the solution, because there is one. This is just a challenge, it is not a harbinger of failure. Tap into your creativity to find away through this problem. There is a way. Don’t accept defeat. The 7 of Wands is simply challenging your problem solving skills. Meet the challenge head on. You have what it takes, — Jim Larsen

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