Temperance: Finding Harmony Within

Temperance Tarot Card: Take things a minute at a time

The piece of you that is Temperance is that piece of you that seeks harmony within. It seeks to not be overwhelmed. It does not want to feel like it is drowning in any sort of physical, emotional, spiritual or energetic way. These things can happen. Sometimes we have so much coming at us or placed on our shoulders that it feels like we are overtaken by it or are being crushed by it. In these times, we seek to lighten our load. We try to shake off what is excessive and not feel so heavy and overburdened. In order to feel in control, we need to focus on what we can focus on in the minute.

Choose the thing you can do in the minute and do that. The next minute, do the same. Focus your attention on one thing at a time until you no longer feel that sensation of being overwhelmed. This way, all that energy of all that stuff on you is not saturating you and making you feel like you are suffocating. Be careful how much you let yourself take on. Taking on too much can have the negative impact of over-saturating you with unwanted energy. Let the Temperance piece of you create filters and be careful what you take on. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

6 of Wands: Step by Step, You Made It Happen

6 of Wands

6 of Wands Tarot Card: Step by step you can make it happen

A while ago, you had a big inspiration. This big idea came to you that you knew would lead to something great. So you made sure not to forget it. You examined it and foresaw what the outcome could be if you worked at it. Once you saw what the outcome could be, you implemented a step by step plan to achieve it. Then you began. Step by step, you worked to achieve your goal until finally one day, you noticed you made some major advancements and it looked like you will be a success. So you kept going, and before you knew it, you were there. You accomplished what you set out to do, and the success might even be more than you expected.

None of this happened in a bubble. There were a fair number of people watching you work towards this, all supporting you. Now, they too see your accomplishments, and they share your victory. They are happy for you that you have achieved your goal and they applaud you. They celebrate you for doing what you set out to do, and they celebrate themselves for having faith in you that has been validated. This is the 6 of Wands piece of you. Bask in the glory! — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of you Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

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5 of Cups: Sadness Is a Part of Life

5 of Cups Tarot Card: Ride out the sad times

The five of cups tarot card is that piece of you that feels the heaviness of the world. It could be the world at large, or just your own personal world. While you may do your best to stay positive and upbeat, sometimes the simple reality of life is that things can bother you. Things can weigh you down. Things can simply depress you. In times like this, it is important not to beat yourself up over it. Give yourself the opportunity to feel what you are feeling, because everything you feel is part of what it means to be alive and to be human.

When you are feeling sad or depressed, ride it out. In everything, there is a lesson about what it means to be alive. What is this teaching you? Can you identify the trigger? What made you feel this way? If you can find that, you have learned something about yourself. It could be a combination of things. It could be that there is so much going on that is keeping you from the things you would rather be doing. It could be that you feel people are treating you unfairly or expecting too much from you. It could be that a circumstance in your life suddenly changed and you have not yet had time to adjust to it.

Possibly, you cannot even identify it, but you feel it. When in such a state, do not judge yourself for what you feel. Do not say things such as “There must be something wrong with me for feeling like this.” No, there is nothing wrong with you. You are going through the motions of being human just as you would if you were experiencing joy. Every emotion is part of the human experience. We need to go through the negative ones just as we go through the positive ones to be fully alive and understand ourselves.
— Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot…

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Tarot Mastery…

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