6 of Cups: The Power of The True Self

6 of Cups Tarot Card: Take yourself back to a good time

Remember what is it like to be young. Remember what it was like to be idealistic. Embedded in those moments is the truth of who you are. This is your inner 6 of Cups. Remember a moment that felt so good to you that you never wanted it to end. Do what you can to take yourself back there. Relive that moment and tap into that feeling of never-ending youth and idealism. What can you take you back there? An old favorite song? A book that ignited your imagination? An episode of a long-forgotten TV show? Whatever it takes, take yourself there.

The power these moments are very real. They are the seeds from which new aspirations can grow. Dreams that were dreamed before limits were considered are the dreams of our true self. In those unguarded moments of childhood, we were free to dream them. In moments of adult struggles, go back and dream again. Remember that you could dream, and remember that dreams were a chance to look at other realities. Choose your own reality, just as your childhood self did. This is the 6 of Cups within you begging to be recognized.  — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Master Tarot

Yoga Inspirations

4 of Wands: You are Not In an Empty Void

4 of Wands Tarot Card: Doing what feels right pays off

You are well on your way. After being inspired, you created a plan of action to achieve the goal created by the inspiration. You worked to make that plan a reality and bring to full fruition that inspiration. And it’s all working out. So far so good. Things are happening. This is your inner 4 of Wands urging you to keep going.

As you have achieved success so far, you are on track for continued success, because you are doing things right in an endeavor that worth pursuing. People see this. You are not operating in an empty void. They see what you are doing, and many are encouraging you to keep it up. They are your cheerleaders and you have so far impressed them with your ideas, skills, and determination.  Keep on keeping on. You are on the right track. Your inner 4 of Wands says that this is so. –Jim Larsen

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Tarot Mastery

9 of Pentacles: Focus on What Will Work

9 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Wise Decisions Lead to Abundance

Wise decisions lead to abundance. This is the message from the 9 of Pentacles today. Think about it. Sometimes you need to plan. You need to calculate. You need to think through what impact your actions today will have later on. As you think it through, does it seem like your plans will pan out into something beneficial? Or does it seem like they will fall flat or cause you trouble? If you are striving for abundance, then dismiss the ideas that do not support your success.  Focus instead on the ideas that you are sure will lead to what you are striving for.

Why waste your time and energy on endeavors that you do not think will work out? When what you are working on, such as financial security and abundance is important to you, make it the priority. Make wise decisions that support your goals. You will save a lot of time, energy, and frustration if you do. This is the 9 of Pentacles within you. Tap into it and prosper.
–Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Tarot Mastery

Yoga Classics

5 of Swords: What of Yourself You Don’t Like

5 of Swords Tarot Card: When we show our ugly side

Moments can get heated. There can be so much going on all at once that you don’t have a chance to rationally consider your thoughts, and you lash out, go crazy, yell, and administer discipline that is not fair or just. This happens in moments of chaos when you are overwhelmed and are not able to gather your thoughts and think critically.  In times like these, you may end up hurting somebody who does not deserve to hurt. You may have said harsh things that you didn’t mean. You may have shown a side of yourself that you would rather not be seen, and said things that cannot be taken back.

This is the 5 of Swords within you, and while you may not like this side of yourself, it is a very real side, so it is best to accept it. When you feel it coming on, brace yourself for it. When you feel an argument brewing, breathe deep and calm yourself.

Remind yourself, no need to let this escalate. Whatever is thrown at you, take a moment to consider it before responding to it. When you do this, you are in control of your thoughts and not just reacting to what others are provoking. This is to be strong and to be the better the person. Don’t let the 5 of Swords create havoc and chaos. Stay calm and stay centered. This is to master chaos and to stay civil. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

10 of Wands: Clearly Focus On Inspirations

10 of Wands Tarot Card: Evaluate your inspirations

Sometimes the 10 of Wands within you will cause this to  happen- you have an idea or an inspiration and you can’t wait to get started on it, so you jump right into it. Before you see it through to completion though, you have another idea or inspiration, so you jump right into that one too. Before you see that one through to completion though, you have more, so you jump right into those too. Before you know it, you have so many things you are working on, and rather than any of them bringing you satisfaction, they are making you feel over-burdened because you can’t seem to find time to work on any of them.

In cases like these, remember, these were all your ideas and inspirations, and you chose to take them on.  What you need to do know is evaluate them. Which one feels the best or most important to you? Which one would bring you the most satisfaction to finish? Set the others aside and focus on that one. Create a realistic plan with doable goals to get this done. Work on it. Make it your priority. Disallow distractions until it is done.

When it is done, pick up on one of the others. Do the same thing; create doable objectives, and get it done.  Don’t let the 10 of Swords within you make you crazy.  Work steadily on each of your goals until they are complete.  — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Master Tarot…

7 of Cups: Are You Considering All The Facts?

7 of Cups Tarot Card: You may not have all the facts

Decisions need to be made. It happens everyday. Some decisions are obvious because we have all the facts and are able to calculate the outcomes in a clear and logical way. Other times, we don’t have all the facts and we have to rely on guesswork. Situations like this call for us to make the best decision we feel we can make and hope for the best when the outcome comes about. That is what the 7 of cups is all about today.

As you are presented with a decision to make, consider the facts about the situation that you know, and try to fill in the gaps as best you can with the facts you don’t know.  Trust your instincts and hope for the best. Ultimately, you may be happy with the outcome. Of course though, you might not be. You may kick yourself for making a bad decision. Try not to do that. Try not to give yourself a hard time if you are not happy with the results of your decision. You did the best you could with the information you had to work with.  Maybe it was the kind of decision that you don’t have a lot experience having to make. Maybe there were factors such as stress and pressure on you to get this done, so you didn’t  have all time you needed to thin it all the way through.

Whatever the case may be, go easy on your self if you were not happy with the outcome.  The 7 of Cups does not want you to beat yourself up over it.  —Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

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Master Tarot…

10 of Cups: Appreciate the People In Your Life

10 of Cups Tarot Card: Surrender grudges for better living

The 10 of Cups is telling you to appreciate the people around you. Let go of differences. Surrender all grudges. See the good in people, because it’s there. Maybe you need to dig for it, and if you do, fine. Dig. Anybody who has been bothering you lately, forgive them. Examine what it is that bothers you, and accept it, then move on. There is no reason to continue petty differences with anybody. Treat them  like they are your family, for even if they are not technically, in a deeper way, they are as we are all connected somehow, and someway in a vast, divine way.

We are all teachers as well as students of humanity, and we all teach and learn from each other by our feelings and reactions towards each other and how we assess ourselves based on this. Today, let the 10 of cups remind you to appreciate those you spend time with as members of the great cosmic family. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Master Tarot

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