Knight of Wands: See Past The Expected

The Knight of Wands, China Tarot

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: The Power of Optimism

Today, tap into your Knight of Wands piece of yourself and be optimistic. There is something you want to get done- a goal you want to accomplish- and it seems kind of impossible. It’s not impossible though, so don’t worry about what it seems like. You know- you just know there is a way to get this done even if you haven’t figured it out yet. You know if you set your intention to figure this out, an answer will come. You are creative like that. You are able to see past the obvious into the unexplored. In the unexplored is where the answer is, so you spend all the time you need there knowing the answer will come. And it will.

People are amazed that you are able to go into these other realms to find what you need there. To you though, it’s just a normal way to do things, nothing special. This is what it means to tap into the Knight of Wands piece of yourself. It means you can remain optimistic because you know you will find what you need even when those around you don’t understand how or why it is possible. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Highway Oracle: School Zone

Highway Oracle Deck: School Zone by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: There is a lesson to be learned

The situation at hand is designed to teach a lesson. Be open to it. It is not for nothing that you are going through what you are going through. You are meant to get through it a wiser, more knowledgeable person. Remember, the world is a classroom. There is something to be learned everywhere.


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

8 of Swords: The Path Ahead Is Open

8 of Swords Tarot Card: See what is in front of you

It is the 8 of swords piece of us that make us feel stuck. This is logical because sometimes we are stuck. Haven’t you ever been in a situation where you want to move forward, but somehow, some way, you just can’t seem to because there are things blocking you and making it seemingly difficult to? It is normal to have these times, so when they happen in your life, don’t feel like there is something wrong.

The thing to keep in mind though is, just because you are feeling it and experiencing it now, it doesn’t mean it will last forever. When we feel stuck, it is normal to get into the mindset of stuckness. We may get so used to the idea that we cannot move forward that we forget that things can change. We forget we ourselves have to power to make the changes we want. We start to think that the way things are is the only way things can be, and so we accept our limitations and stay in one place. What we truly need to realize though, is that situations change. As they are one moment, they may not be the next.

Where conditions may have been such that we were stuck one minute, the path ahead may clear the next. This can be from our own ideas, mindsets, and attitudes. It may also be from the literal clearing away of obstacles in front of us. The important thing to remember here, is that we must be able to see the changes as they occur. Do not get so stuck in one idea that things are in your way that you don’t realize when you move beyond your obstacles and they are now behind you. Keep your eyes open See what is in front of you. Look back and see what is behind you. Notice how far you have come? Let nothing slow you down. This is the piece of you that is the 8 of Swords. It encourages you to take time to examine your circumstances and reassess when you feel stuck, because maybe you’re not stuck anymore but you just haven’t figured that out yet. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Highway Oracle: Bridge Ices Before Road

Highway Oracle by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: A Difficult Transition

Be braced for change. Change is inevitable, and you have been warned about what to expect. If you are caught unaware of the transition ahead of you, you have nobody but yourself to blame. This change is not designed to wipe you out, but the situation is destined to change no matter what. So be ready for it. Adjust your thinking process and make any alterations to your physical world to take on this change. Whatever things, small or large that you can do now to ease your transition will be to your ultimate benefit. Be prepared for it. — Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

10 of Wands: Choose a Priority

10 of Wands Tarot Card: Shift your focus

We get to that point sometimes when we have had so many ideas, and have been so open to new opportunities that we get the idea that we can do it all, so we take it all on. It may seem okay at first, but the day can easily come when you realize you are spending so much energy trying to accomplish it all that you are not accomplishing any of it. And why is this? It is because when you are focused on one thing, you think about the things you are not focused on, and you feel bad about that.

You feel like you are not doing enough, so you shift your focus. Now, as you are focused on this other thing, your mind is still on something else you are not working on. This becomes a cycle that keeps you from finishing anything you are trying to get done. This can give you the impression that you are unable to do anything. What can be done about that?

Pick one of these things. Pick any of them. Don’t even try to prioritize them, just pick one. Now forget the others. It’s not easy to do, but do it anyway. Forget the others and stay focused on this one. Work on it. Get it done. Do it! Get this finished, and it will a load off your mind and weight off your shoulders. You will get a sense of accomplishment that tells you that you do have what it takes to finish what you started.

Take the affirmation that you are capable of finishing things and focus on the next thing you want to finish. Again, don’t prioritize, just pick one and do it. Keep going. Before long, you will have accomplished a great many things that you would not have had you let your mind remain scattered among them all. This is the 10 of Wands piece of you. Honor it by getting focused and getting things done. –Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Tarot Mastery

Highway Oracle: 55 and Fate

The Highway Oracle by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Fate

Fate can take you down some strange and winding roads sometimes. This road can have a lot of twists and turns on it. It can have its share of blind curves and no passing zones. If you want to get to where it is taking you through, with strong faith that it is taking you to where you can be the strongest and best version of yourself and best version of yourself, you stay on it no matter what. You accept that the road may not be the easiest road to navigate, but you stick with it anyway because you blindly have faith that it will get easier eventually and that it will take you to a destination that is the best for you to get to.

On the road of fate, the journey itself is meant to shape you. It is designed to give you the optimized opportunities to test yourself and assess yourself for your ultimate enlightenment. So when the going is difficult, appreciate the difficulties for the strength you will develop in it and the momentum that you generate to propel yourself through them.

We each have our road of fate to travel down. For some, this road is congested with traffic from like-minded travelers, for some it is a solitary journey. Often, our road runs parallel with others. Other times, it merges. It is not uncommon for our road to have miles of uncertainty ahead until it is gives way to an understandable geography. Whatever the nature of our road of fate may be, it takes us where we need to be. –Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

Highway Oracle: Converging Lanes

Highway Oracle: Converging Lanes, by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Partnership

A partnership is forming. Maybe it’s friendship, maybe it’s business, maybe it’s love. Whatever it is, it is forming and it is going to give you a good feeling. Where once there were two lanes running separate, now they are coming together. Where will this newly formed convergence take you on the journey of your life? The answer to that lies up the road. Enjoy the journey together to find the answer. — Jim Larsen


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

9 of Pentacles: Achievement Satisfaction

9 of Pentacles Tarot Card

9 of Pentacles Tarot Card: “I made it on my own”

The 9 of Pentacles piece of you appreciates the work you have done to achieve your own goals. There is satisfaction in being able to say, “I made it on my own.” To make it on your own means to have the inspiration, the vision, and the drive to achieve your goals. Once you have the inspiration, hold onto it. Examine it. Work with it. Shape it into a series of doable actions, make necessary adaptions as you go, and make it happen without giving up.

Do that, and the day will come where you can take a look at the results and be proud of what you accomplished. On top of that, you will enjoy the benefits of your work. What you earned from it, you earned yourself, so appreciate it that much more. Nobody gave it to you. Nothing you earned is a handout. What you have, you have by your own hand. This is the 9 of Pentacles within you, and it is there to congratulate you. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Highway Oracle: Hidden Road

Highway Oracle Deck by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: An unexpected opportunity

We don’t always know what life has in store for us. What don’t always know what unexpected opportunities are waiting just ahead. We need to be ready for them when they do show up, because who knows what new opportunities they will present to us. So, expect the unexpected, and don’t be afraid to try something new and different. When an unexpected opportunity presents itself to you, take it. See what it brings to your life. Who knows when the next one will come along?


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

7 of Wands: Make the Most of Your Setbacks

7 of Wands Tarot Card: Setbacks are new opportunities

Setbacks are a part of life that we all go through at times. They are not, however meant to keep you from your goals or to deter you from pursuing them. Setbacks happen, and they are frustrating. But keep in mind, they are only frustrating in the moment. They happen, and they give you a chance to expand your mind to find new ways to examine a situation. As you encounter a setback, accept it as a challenge.

Take it as a chance to prove that you have the imagination to to find a way around it. It doesn’t have to stop you dead in your tracks. You don’t have to give up just because things became unexpectedly difficult for you. Take the frustration you feel and transmute into power. Instead of letting it get to you, take it as a challenge to get past it, then harness that determination and get past your block. To do this is to take control of your destiny and not merely take what is thrown at you. This is the 7 of wands within you. –Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

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