Knight of Swords: Do People Avoid You?

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Be Careful About Your Attitude

One with a Knight of Swords personality in the negative sense of the archetype may very well be a control freak- not just a control freak, but a narcissistic control freak. This just might be somebody who, when they are not able to control somebody, will endeavor to belittle them and undermine them in every way that they can to fit the narrative of control they have in their mind. In this sense, they imagine how they want everything to be. Anybody who does not support this because they have ideas of their own, or simply are not aware or even care what their vision, is acting against the true flow of perfection, and are therefore an enemy of the vision.

To them, an enemy must be eliminated. To eliminate them, they talk badly of them, slander them, assume the worst from their intentions and relentlessly push this attitude toward them and insult them publicly. If they apologize for this public attack it is only to improve their image in the eyes of the victim out of fear of some reprisal from them. Likely though, this will only be a private, insincere attempt at gaining favor, but not a public one in front of the others that they went after their victim in front of. To apologize in front of the crowd would only be a sign of weakness, which they cannot allow to be seen.

A Knight of Swords personality in the negative aspect is a good person to avoid as much as possible. They care about their self and their image than they do about anybody else. You are just a bit player in the drama of their life, and if you do not recite the lines they expect you to recite, they will seek to eliminate you from the narrative. Be careful around these people. They will only drag you down. –– Jim Larsen

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Knight of Swords: Not All Bad. Not All Good.

Knight of Swords tarot card

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: In the negative sense, kind of an asshole.

A person possessing the Knight of Swords personality type, while having many fine qualities, can also be a real asshole sometimes; pardon my language. This is the Knight of Swords in his/her negative aspect. This is somebody who doesn’t think before they speak. They blurt out what is on their mind without consideration of how people will feel when they hear it. They don’t employ compassion or empathy in their dealings with others, and certainly not in their communications with them. Their reactions are knee-jerk, and they don’t examine the big picture. They assume a situation is such and such a way without taking into consideration any other possibilities.

Encounters with a Knight of Swords in their negative aspect can leave you feeling drained. You may feel as though you have just absorbed a blob of lightless darkness. It may seem as though you were stabbed in your solar-plexus and injected with karmic poison. In their negative aspect, this is how the Knight of Swords operates. They need everything to be their way, and will go out of their way to avoid deviations from their own way. If they have to step on you to avoid a deviation from what they want and expect, then expect to get stepped on.

There are of course, many good qualities to a person with the Knight of Swords personality type. They will stand up for you and go to bat for you when they believe in you, but they will also appear to not care about you at all if they want something and the easiest way to get it is to disrespect you. When dealing with the disrespect of a negative Knight of Swords, maintain your own dignity. Ponder how unfortunate it is for them to have to have to treat other people in such a way just to feel anything at all about their self.
–Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

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Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Swords: Are You Too Self-Absorbed?

Knight of Swords Tarot Card

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Self-Importance

Ever have somebody dump their problems on you shoulders as if you are somehow supposed to take them on and make them all better? Somebody who does this exemplifies the Knight of Swords personality. Typical of the Knight of Swords is the tendency to be self-absorbed and self-interested to the point that they forget other people have lives of their own and are not there to serve them. A Knight of Swords will do that- when faced with a problem, they will seek out the easiest solution for them, which could very well be to dump it on somebody else without giving thought to any other possible solution that does not involve dragging other people into it.

To them, the easiest solution is not necessarily the best, but it doesn’t require them to be inconvenienced, so it is the one they will go with. How does this make you feel when somebody does this? Feel put off? Wonder why this person can’t deal with their own issues instead of expecting you to worry about it? If you do, that is a perfectly normal way to feel. Just because you are what’s easy for this person, doesn’t mean you need to be treated like you are only here as a convenience to them. Stand your ground with these people. Say no. Tell them to find another way to deal with their issues. Don’t be treated that way. — Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

Knight of Swords: Put Unimportant Thoughts Aside. Focus on What’s Important.

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Stay Focused

The time has come to get clarity. Your inner Knight of Swords is there to help with that. So much going on. So much happening. So much to think about. How do you sort through it all to figure out what is important? How do you cut through all the extemporaneous garbage to get down to what is valuable and meaningful? You need to take charge of your thoughts. You need to be bold and forceful.

You need to not let sentiment get in the way and get focused on what you need to focus on to get through whatever situation you are in. You need to cut through the fluff and cut it out. This is how you will get concentrated on what is important. Put aside all the unimportant thoughts that inevitably creep in and not let them dominate you mind. Hold onto the thoughts that propel you through what you are focused on. This is how you will find the success you are looking for. This is how the Knight of Swords within you operates to help you get what you need out of life. — Jim Larsen

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Pieces of You Tarot

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Tarot Mastery

Knight of Swords: Sometimes People Get To Us

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Some people simply lack awareness

Sometimes people get to us, and we don’t even know they are getting to us. We may not even realize they are getting to us until we find ourselves reacting to them in ways that take ourselves quite by surprise. We can look at a person whom we respond to this way as a Knight of Swords.

A person with a Knight of Swords kind of personality can be pushy. They may not notice our personal boundaries and how they are pushing them. They probably mean no harm; they simply lack awareness of the space we need and the peace we are trying to hold onto. As they try to relate to us, they may push a little too hard to get into our zone of awareness and acceptance. It feel like they are jabbing their swords into the various lobes of our brain causing discomfort and discombobulation. We may react to this discomfort and discombobulation, even thought they have not realized they caused it. Now they feel hurt and confused and we feel guilty.

We must train ourselves not to feel guilty. We have a right to our personal space and boundaries. Try to come to an understanding with these Knight of Swords personalities and do your best to create space between you and them. If all the things you do when you react to them bothers them, then maybe it is best to avoid them because will they ever understand how they are affecting you. No harm may be intended, but plenty of discomfort is achieved. We can’t always control how we affect one another, but we can control our reactions. The Knight of Swords tarot card is a reminder of this.

— Jim Larsen

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Knight of Swords: Keep it Real, Not Clever

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords Tarot Card: Be decisive and direct

Be straightforward. Be decisive. Be sure of yourself. This is the message of The Knight of Swords for today. When somebody asks you a question, give them an answer- a real answer. Don’t give them a jokey- “ha ha ain’t I clever” kind of answer, but an answer they can actually use.

It’s about them, not about you, so make sure you help them. As you tap into your Knight of Swords qualities today, remember to trust your instincts and run with them. No time for second guessing. If it feels right, it is right. Even if it proves wrong later (as it often will) at least for now, it’s the best answer possible, so run with it.

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Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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