The Devil: Phantom Critics Screaming

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot Card: Quiet your Phantom Critics

Your inner Devil will speak to you as Phantom Critics screaming in your head, making sure you stay in your place. These voices urge you to stay where you are, to not move forward. They want you to believe what you are capable of, and more importantly, what you are not capable of. They remind you of problems and failures from the past and convince you that you will experience them again if you try to forge ahead with new endeavors. These Phantom critics let you know that attempts to be more than you are will only be futile so there is really no reason to try.

Those who achieve success in the world, though, are adept at tuning these phantom critics out, and even shutting them up entirely. So, stay focused on what it is that you want to achieve, and don’t be distracted by their voices. These Phantom Critics are experts at mimicry. They may sound like just about anything or anybody. They may speak to you in your own voice, or maybe in the voice of somebody from your past. It may be in the voice of somebody you know right now. Any voice from within that tells you what you cannot achieve is not to believed. Accept them as the Phantom Critics and the Devil that they are, and prove them wrong by achieving all you can achieve. — Jim Larsen

Ace of Pentacles: The Payoff is Worth the Effort

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card: Nurture Your Seed of Potential

The Ace of Pentacles is a seed of potential. If nurtured when planted, can grow into something great. It must be nurtured though. You must tend to this seed if it is going to sprout, grow, provide a rich harvest. Patience will be required , as will diligence. But the payoff will all be worth the effort.

What must happen is, you must know what it is you want, then gear your actions towards getting it. You must be prepared to put in the work, and you must be patient to see the results. Too many times people don’t see the results because they lack the patience to see something through to completion. They miss out on the harvest. If they could just hang in there a little longer, they will appreciate the results from all their work.

The seed of potential is powerful, but it is not self-sustaining. For it to grow to its true power, it needs the support and nourishment of its planter. What you put into nurturing this seed is what you will get back from it, and more. So don’t give up because progress seems slow. When progress is slow, hang in there. Reflect on how much progress has been made, and feel good that you’ve come this far, and know it will go even farther. The Ace of Pentacles invites you to have faith in your potential and to do what you have to do to nurture it. Maintain the potential of your vision and keep it in front of you. Work towards it. This is how success is achieved. –Jim Larsen

The Tower: Get On With The New Paradigm

The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Tarot Card: Find the Courage

The Tower card may be encouraging you to find the courage to make big changes. You know the changes you must make for your own good will not be easy to make. They may bring some initial discomfort and pain, yet you know they are necessary to make. The idea of this discomfort and pain can easily bring about some hesitancy in making these changes.

The sooner you knock over this tower of yours though, the sooner you can get going on the new paradigm that awaits after it. Don’t let the fear of the Tower stop you from advancing in your life. Barrel through it to what awaits on the other side of it. — Jim Larsen

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