The Tower: Against the Energy of The Flow?

The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Card Tarot Card: Going with the Flow

What does the Tower tarot card mean? Among the many things the it means, it’s also a warning to go with the flow. A simple reality is, you can’t always create your own flow. You may imagine how you wish things to be, but they may or may not happen this way. You can’t force others to go along with things that you would like, and trying to get them to can easily lead to frustration and dis-ease. Sometimes all you can do is go along with the flow that already is and accept it and integrate it. When you are in the flow, you are not building towers. Towers happen when you go against the flow.

Towers crash when the surge of the flow crashes against it and wears it down. A structure that is not against the flow will find that the surge contours around it safely. Getting into the flow means acceptance. It means appreciating the flow as it is for what it is.

There are many flows. There is a universal flow. There is a societal flow. There are personal flows. While it is possible to have some control over your personal flows, altering the universal flow is not possible, as they operate on principles that are absolute. Societal flows however, can be altered by personal flows. This can happen through protests, elections, any means by which ones voice is heard when the flow of society appears to becoming dangerous. In this case, the will of the people creates a flow that demolishes Towers that pose a threat.

When considering a life circumstance or a stance you are taking, considering where it fits into the various flows of life. Are you building a Tower that will crash against the flow? Are you creating a flow that will crash against another tower? Are you doing yourself any good by being inflexible? Are you doing society good by being forceful? — Jim Larsen

For more about the Tower card, enjoy these tarot books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

The Sun: How Joyful is Your Life?

The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot Card: Moving Forward into Happiness

The Sun tarot card can represent the joys of living. Being joyful in life is important, so be sure to maintain a life track that keeps you on it. It is important to move forward into happiness, for happiness is an indicator that you are on the right track and achieving your purpose. Always move forward into happiness. It is not productive to slip backwards into old hurts and unhappiness. The road ahead is meant to be trod, so trod upon it. Pause as you must to acclimate and to gather strength, then keep moving. Keep going. Forward movement leads you to enlightenment.

As you orbit the sun, you stay on track with your purpose and what life is truly about. When you are on track, life tends to move fluidly and with fewer difficulties. What difficulties do arise, you may recognize as necessary for our enlightenment. The sun represents your joys and your bliss. As long as you follow these things, all other things in our life will fall into place. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these fine Tarot Card resources

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

The Hierophant: Embracing life’s mission?

The Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant Tarot Card: Teaching Through Pain

What does the Hierophant tarot card mean? In the traditional sense, it means a teacher. Maybe a teacher of some kind is coming into our life, or maybe we ourselves are the teachers for others. In life, may lessons are to are to be learned. These lessons shape us and point us in the direction of our Personal Enlightenment. Sometimes, these lessons are learned through pain, and sometimes we must be the ones to inflict such pain on others that they will learn. It is our job, and what we signed on to do.

We set ourselves up to be unpopular in the eyes of those who will learn from us. This is neither fortunate nor unfortunate. It is simply what we signed up to be, signed up to do. We are the light workers, their hierophants, the teachers, and the way showers. Sometimes there is glory in what we do. Sometimes there is not. This matters only to the ego. Intrinsically, it makes no difference. We do it because this is who we are and what our mission is.

Often, this is a mission we grow into. We must go through our own trials and tribulations in order to arrive at this point. Once we arrive, the lessons we offer to others come fast and furious. One after another, sometimes occurring several simultaneously. This has an effect on us. It is an effect that we must teach ourselves to handle and to accept. It can feel like an energy drain at times. We have to go through a variety of emotions in order to facilitate these lessons for these others. These emotions, are sometimes joyous, and often painful.

We must learn to disassociate ourselves from this. We must do our best to remain disattached to our students, and to not identify with the pain we will feel on their behalf. We must remind ourselves, this is for them. We agreed to help. We agreed to facilitate this growth for them. It is okay to feel what we feel. We are so very 100 percent supported in our role. We mustn’t shirk from our responsibilities, for many are depending on us to do this for them. This is their growth and their karma. It is not something to take lightly, therefore the weak are not called for this role.

What does this say about who and what we are? This tells us that we are infinitely strong. What else could we possibly be? Can the weak put themselves through the continued hell that we go through? We are unique entities on the earth, and our purpose is strong. We are powerful. We are the ones providing growth and strength for our others.

Our star qualities must shine bright, for what else do we have that is ours alone? Our students may not be on the level of ego awareness to know who we truly are to them. They may see us as undesirable and detestable. This is okay. This just means the lesson is integrating. This means we are to them who we are needed to be. Somewhere in the negativity need for us, what they are meant to get from us is being gotten. Mission accomplished. Who’s next? Who else can I help? Who else can I help along the path to enlightenment? To recognize our role as Hieropahant is to embrace it fully even when it is difficult to do. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these fine tarot card books

What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: Are you Balanced?

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Accept no Boundaries

The Knight of Wands piece of yourself sets its sights beyond perceived limitations. To be the best version of yourself, don’t limit yourself. Don’t let anybody set for you what boundaries you should live in. Don’t become so caught in the concerns and worries of others who are not supporting your highest and best interest that you lose track of what your own life and your own light is all about.

Remember always, you have everything you need right within you. For everything that you need, there is a spark that you can activate that will magnetize it to you. Don’t get so caught up in the wrong people and the wrong the things that you think you forget this. When you let other people decide what you need to shine, you are limiting yourself and denying yourself of what you truly need and deserve.

Be mindful to balance what others need and expect of you with your own needs and wants. Don’t get trapped in anybody else’s bubble. The energy of this bubble is generated by their worries and preoccupations. This can become quite sickly and discombobulating to you. You will feel an unease that you may not necessarily identify right off. Yes, you do need to be mindful and compassionate towards others, but getting too involved with concerns that is for them to work out that you can’t do anything about will most likely have the detrimental effect of draining your own energy. Keep your energy for your own growth and advancement. Use your inner Knight of Wands to ignite your own Star. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

3 of Swords: Is Your Heart a Graveyard?

3 of Swords Tarot Card

3 of Swords Tarot Card: Finding Fodder for Empathy

What is the 3 of Swords tarot card about? Think of it as the death you feel when your heart breaks, and what you can do with the pain of feeling that way. The heart was never meant to be a grave yard, yet so often it is. It becomes a graveyard filled with the corpses of failed relationships, relinquished dreams, shot down hopes, and moments wasted on sorrow.

This grave yard that is our heart, we carry it with us everywhere we go. Wherever we are, that sense of death is with us and too often, we can’t escape the mourning. But this is not a productive way to live. It is of little benefit to feel this constant sense of loss and grief. Yet, there it is. What do we do with it?

Do this- Use it as fodder for empathy. When sensing pain in another, scan the graveyard for a memory of this pain of your own. With this empathy, you can show this other person the compassion they need to get through the hard time they are going through. This is to to take control of that piece of you that is the 3 of Swords and the discomfort it makes you feel. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these fine tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

Simple Wisdom: Embrace Disappointment

Simple Wisdom: Accepting Disappointment as a Part of Life

Every disappointment is a reminder of who we truly are. Each disappointment is an opportunity to examine the truth of our being. By examining what it is that is causing the disappointment we discover something about our self as well as being reminded of something we already know, but perhaps forgot. How could this not be so? Disappointment is a window to our hopes and our expectations which is an indicator of the truth of who we are, for if it bothers us to be deprived of these things, does it not point to who we see ourselves to be? If we see our lives to be incomplete without these things, then how can we not define ourselves by what hope for and what we feel deprived of? —Jim Larsen

Enjoy these Knowings from The Silence Books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from the Silence vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence vol. 4

The Star: Appreciating Your True Talents

The Star Tarot Card by Jim Larsen

The Star Tarot Card: Being Self-Aware

What is the Star tarot card all about? For one, it is about being sure of yourself. It is about being aware of who you are and what your real true talents are. When you are aware of these things, you are truly in your power, you are truly strong. With this strength, you have the power to achieve what it is you wish to set out to achieve. So develop your skills and your talents; they will take you where need to be by the force of your own power. Your Star can drive your Chariot. These two forces, when combined, create a powerful force. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

Simple Wisdom: A Soaring Spirit

A softened heart will allow the spirit to be free and to soar

Simple Wisdom: Seeing Beyond Ego Into Spirit

We really do dumb ourselves down to fit the ego of people, don’t we? We tend to match the insecurities that these people have. They have this deep need and longing to be just like others, so they project an energy of downsized reality, one that they know others can fit. Others take this on, absorb it, now they are of the like vibe. They become this like vibe and stay in it because based on the projection of this other person, they begin to believe it is the truth of who they are. They cannot right now see their own self as anything but this diminished view of their own self, so they do try to be above and beyond it.

It is fortunate when somebody comes into their life who sees beyond that, who sees the expanse of their spirit, how it is so so so beyond what they have become in an attempt to match the ego and expectation of the others who sees them as small. This person who sees them as big can now coax them to fly. They can hold a mirror for them to see their self as a great and mighty person. They can reflect for them their spirit as awesome and great as it really is.

Once they see their self as this, now they know. Now they have a sense of their true self and their true power. Now they need not restrict their spirit to the confines of the human form. Now they can expand as limitless and boundary free as they were only meant to be. The spirit was never intended to be restricted purely to the body. It was always meant to expand, feel, and explore. It is the ego and the mind that keeps it inside. Relax the mind, relax the ego, and the heart will soften. A softened heart will allow the spirit to be free and to soar. –-Jim Larsen

Enjoy these Knowings from The Silence Books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: Expectations

Simple Wisdom: The Importance of Not Fixating on People

Having expectations of people will stagnate you. You will focus so much on them and what you are hoping from them, that they will only let you down. How can they not? It was you who placed all your hopes and dreams in this one entity. Are their lives solely focused on you? This is an unreasonable expectation, so don’t expect it.

As you are so solely focused on this person, you are denying yourself of the energy of others around you. How can this not lead to stagnation? Your own energy is stuck. It is stuck on this one person who is not evolving in the direction that would be most harmonious to you. Don’t focus too intently your energy on this one person. This person is probably not congruent with your highest and greatest good. Appreciate what there is to appreciate about them, but be mindful that any sense of disharmony or disappointment you may feel is coming from you. They are not projecting this on you. This is your own reaction to an internal feeling of separation.

This sense of separation comes from a hope and a desire you had concerning this other person that in your mind, went unfulfilled. This is not the problem of the other person and should not be projected onto them. Allow them to live their life in accordance with their own highest good. Break free of the stagnation by not holding tightly to a desired outcome from this person. Break free of stagnation by appreciating and showing appreciation for a wide variety of people.

Trust that what you need will come your way. Trust that by spreading your energy around, that it will connect with people who are in your best interest to connect with. Many people have energetic gifts for you. You will find them by not stagnating on one person. You will find them by spreading your energy and not focusing too intently on the one or ones who are clearly elsewhere mentally and spiritually. That is to say, don’t obsess over any one individual person. Don’t give them the power over you to decide if you get to be happy or not. That is ridiculous.

We give people this power over us when we obsess over them, when we decide that we can only be happy, content and in harmony when they meet our conditions. You bring about your own unhappiness when you do this. For this person to live up to your expectations is an impossible demand. How can it not be? Accept and appreciate them, but don’t expect too much. Expecting too much creates disharmony that ripples outward. You create disharmony for both yourself and the other person. Did this other person ask you to obsess over them? Do they want all this from you? Clinging too tightly to an expectation from them will only drive them crazy. Accept reality as it is and move on. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy the Knowings from The Silence books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 4

4 of Swords: Let Your Brilliance Surface

4 of Swords

The 4 of Swords Tarot Card: Don’t Try to Force Brilliance

The 4 of Swords piece of you can be creating space for your brilliance to rise. Embedded deep within us all is innate wisdom. So often though, our very own thoughts prevent this brilliance from rising. The chaos of our own mind, the hustle and bustle of daily life, and the constancy of having to absorb and interpret all of the everything that is coming at us from other sources, other people, media manipulation has created blocks against our own true brilliance.

What do we do about this? We need to take time to sort through our thoughts and filter what is organic to us and what is implanted and/or what we are bombarded with from other sources. To do this, we need to take time to meditate and to hear only the voices that are pertinent to you. This will happen in times of rest. This will happen when we are not trying to force anything to happen.

The important thing is to be in or create the necessary environment for this. We need to create both an internal environment where your mind is calm, and an external environment where we will not be disturbed out of our quiet and mediation. When we are able to create a meditative environment for ourselves where we can go within, then we will hear the true intrinsic voices of our wisdom and not just the noise of the outside world. —Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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