King of Pentacles: Don’t Augment the Negative

King of Pentacles Tarot Card

King of Pentacles Tarot Card: Do not look for reasons why something can’t be done

To exemplify your King of Pentacles quality, become a magnet for abundance. Do this by staying positive. Do not dwell on what is wrong. Focus on what is good and what you know and what you would like to be. There will be those negative things, of course. Do not, however, put all your energy on augmenting the power of the negativities. Instead, acknowledge that it is there so that you know what it is that you must overcome to achieve your goal of abundance, and then create a plan to use it as a stepping stone to success.

By overcoming the obstacles standing in the way of your aspirations, you develop strategies and strengths that will always be with you that you can apply to future obstacles. Once obstacles are overcome, you can set your sights on your ultimate goal. View your goals as light on the horizon. Now go to it. Work towards getting closer and closer to this light. As you become nearer and nearer, you will accumulate more accoutrements of your fortune. By the time you reach that light, you will find that you have it. You achieved your goal. You have done well.

This is all about staying positive. Don’t look for reasons why you can’t achieve what you want. Focus on the fact that you can in some way or other. When you do this, you activate the King of Pentacles inside of yourself and draw abundance to yourself. Think back to a time in your life when you wanted something that you didn’t think you would get. But you did get it. Remember the good feeling that gave you. Hold onto that feeling and don’t give up on feeling it again as you work to achieve this new goal today. Trust that you will feel it again. This feeling is the magnet you need. This feeling is the true King of Pentacles within you. Trust in this. —Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of you Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Master Tarot

2 of Wands: One Step, Then The Next

2 of Wands Tarot Card: Use what you have where you are

It’s easy to slip into a rut, thinking that you are not moving forward, not getting what you want from life and that you will never get ahead. This rut though, is a mindset; it is not a reflection of reality. The 2 of wands tarot card is there to remind you that what you need to be content is within your grasp. You have great potential. We all do. Sometimes it is a matter of taking note of what is at our disposal to make the best life possible out of. Use what you have where you are, and build on it to create the success you desire.

Take it a step at a time. Start with what you have, and keep going. There is no excuse not to, so don’t make any. Visualize what you would like to ultimately achieve, then assess what you have to begin the realization of it. Then get busy. Before you know it, you will succeed and be lifted from the rut you were in. The two of wands tarot card reminds you that you can. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

Page of Pentacles: Great Opportunities Ahead

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card: Good things are on the way

Something good is on the horizon. Something new. Maybe even something unexpected. Whatever it is, it is coming your way and should be there soon. The Page of Pentacles is that piece of you that has been preparing for this, whatever it may be. This is the piece of you that has been studious and learning the ropes of this new element, and it is not for nothing. This will herald the beginning of a new chapter for you. New energies and new forces will be coming your way.

This is will take you to opportunities in the future, opportunities that you can build upon to make your life better and better. The Page of Pentacles is the piece of you that knows good things are on the way, but you must prepare for them. You must do the work to make them happen. This is the piece of you that tells you of your potential, but it also tells you to utilize it. Utilize to create the space for those things on your horizon. You know they are coming your way, so invite them in. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

High Priestess: Trust Your Impulses

The Voyager Tarot Priestess Card

High Priestess Tarot Card: Identify the voice of your intuition

When you have an impulse, you need to trust it. These impulses are your inner High Priestess speaking to you. She is speaking to you of things that will benefit your life to know. She is keeping you on the right track to get what you most need out of life. She gives voice and credibility to your intuition. To pay attention to her is to have access to resources of personal development that would otherwise go unused. Her voice may get lost in the static of all your other thoughts.

You may not recognize that it is her speaking to you over all the other things you are focused on, or whatever random things are going through your mind. Her voice is different from the other things in your mind though. It has a different feel. It has its own urgency. Once you identify this, you will always notice it. Once you know what it is, you can always act upon it. Your inner High Priestess is there to guide you. She is the whisper in your ear that gives you sage advice. Pay attention and listen. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Become a Tarot Master

10 of Swords: Is There Too Much on Your Mind?

10 of Swords Tarot Card: Examine your thoughts, one at a time

Ever have so much on your mind all at once that you cannot logically process it all so your head just ends up feeling like it is spinning and spinning and you can’t seem to get your bearings? You probably have. We all go through this. This is the 10 of Swords doing its thing within you. The thing to do is, examine one issue at a time. Come to terms with it and establish whatever plans you need to make with it before moving onto the next.

Take the time to meditate and do this. Trying to take on all your thoughts and issues all at once will do nothing but cause stress and confusion. Save yourself that trouble. Take it all one thing at a time. Come to complete and logical conclusions for each. You will feel much better if you do. Reign in the 10 of Swords within yourself and keep things simple. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Tarot Mastery

Judgment: Have You Assessed Where You Are?

Judgment Tarot Card: Are you where you want to be in life?

Today, consider where you are in life. Are you where you want to be? Have your choices brought you to a good place? Are there changes you would like to make? Are there things you wish you had done differently? Give these things some thought. This is the Judgment piece of you. It is asking for complete honesty. If you are content with how things are in your life, it is telling you that you have done good. You focused on what you wanted to achieve, and then you stuck to that vision. If you are displeased with any part of your life, it is suggesting that perhaps you are still working on getting to where you want to be. It is just that you are not there yet.

Assess where you are, think about what brought you there, and imagine where you would like to be. When you see yourself at the best place for you, you can set in motion the actions that will take you there. So make that happen. Assess where you are, then imagine where you would like to be. Now put into motion the plan that will get you there. The first step is some self-judgment to understand your true goals. Today, allow yourself this Judgment to become the best version of yourself. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Master Tarot

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