Tarot Card Meanings: Swords represent our thoughts

All the answers you seek are within you. You just need to attune yourself to find them. Tarot can help with this. — Jim Larsen

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

A flash of brilliance occurs to you. Have faith in your own intelligence and in your the thoughts that come to you. These thoughts, and your ideas are all very good. You possess strong intellect and an ability to reason. Don’t hold back on exhibiting these traits.

Key Words

– Mental clarity
– Intelligence
– Good ideas
– Inspiration
– Genius

2 of Swords

2 of Swords

Keeping others away. Maintaining a mental distance between you and others because you don’t want people to get close to you. Is this a good idea, or are you being stubborn? Maybe you really do need a little space, but then maybe you are being unreasonable and unperceptive of what others would like to say.

Key Words

– “Talk to the hand”
– Equanimity
– Rudeness
– Personal space
– Pushing away

3 of Swords

3 of Swords

Our thoughts can be brutal. They can really take a toll on our body. We get stuck in negative thought patterns and ideas, and we forget that it is all in our mind. When we are in pain, we convince ourselves that what we are experiencing is intrinsic to who we really are. We created this pain with our thoughts, and now they are torturing us.

Key Words

– Heart break
– Depression
– Upset
– Sadness
– Frustration

4 of Swords

4 of Swords

Take a rest. Turn your brain off and don’t feel pressured to think too
much. Thinking too much has a way of causing exhaustion, fatigue,
worry, anxiety, fear, and a whole host of other unhealthy side effects. So relax. Take it easy. Don’t let your thoughts run your life. At least for a little while.

Key Words

– Rest
– Take a break
– Sleep
– Meditate
– Relax

5 of Swords

5 of Swords

It doesn’t matter who won or who lost. That’s not what the issue is here. What matters is that it is over. It is time to breathe a sigh of relief, regroup, pick up the pieces, rebuild, and get on with life. What was this argument about, anyway? What started the fight? It’s over. Put it behind you.

Key Words

– Restored peace
– Forgiveness
– End of a conflict
– Regrouping
– Resolution

6 of Swords

6 of Swords

Life gets turbulent, and we need help from others. It is not a weakness to admit to needing help. A weakness is to need help but deny it. Strength is to admit to needing help and surrendering to the powers that can provide it. Set your sights on a distant shore and say, “Over there, I will heal.” And then allow ourselves to be taken

Key Words

– Healing
– Accepting help
– Depression
– Travel
– Therapy

7 of Swords

7 of Swords

Sometimes you simply don’t want to open your heart. Sometimes you’d rather keep to yourself and not feel the pressure to be at one with others. Maybe you don’t want people knowing your business. Maybe you don’t want others fussing over you. Maybe you would rather not have to fuss over anybody else. Perhaps you
want to keep yourself to yourself for yourself. Maybe there is something  on your mind and you’d prefer a little personal space over a hug from somebody.

Key Words

– Personal Space
– Mind your own business
– Something on your mind
– Mysterious
– Alone time

8 of Swords

8 of Swords

Your mind can create ropes that bind you and keep you from moving
forward. These ropes are the idea that you are stuck, that you
can’t or should not move forward. This is a very limited view. You
are stuck in a mindset, that is all. You are not, in any actuality, truly
bound by anything, no matter how real it seems.

Key Words

– Limited view
– Feeling stuck
– Oppression
– Bondage
– The worst is behind you

9 of Swords

9 of Swords

This is what can happen when you think too much. Your thoughts end up making you crazy. You get stressed out. You get tense and nervous. You let things get to you to the point of exploding. Be careful about this.

Key Words

– Stress
– Pressure
– Grief
– Nervousness
– Going crazy

10 of Swords

10 of Swords

We get so caught up in worry and frustration and fear and all such matters of negative thought that we finally can’t take it anymore. Are any of us immune to this? Do we not all experience worry and fear? It is a natural human thing to do. Sometimes, it becomes so overwhelming that we simply have a breakdown. We have
reached a point where we simply cannot take it anymore. We hit the
bottom. The good news is though, that once there, now we can heal
and bounce back up.

Key Words

– Hitting bottom
– Breakdown
– Overwhelmed
– Enough is enough
– Can’t take it anymore

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

As the Page of Swords, you may say “I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I’m going to try. Wish me luck.” You have a true curiosity that needs to be explored. You are not merely content to read an answer in a book. No. You are somebody who needs to experience for yourself what the answer is.

Key Words

– Curious
– Brave
– Speculative
– Explorer
– Enthusiastic

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

As the Knight of Swords, you are determined. But are you
mindful of others? Do you notice anybody you may be overrunning?
Are you giving thought to others who might be in your path? You may seem very abrasive, self-centered, and cold. Perhaps this may be true, but the reality is you very focused on the task at hand. You have a strong idea of what you want to achieve, and you let nothing stop you in your pursuits. In a perfect sense, this can be a positive thing. You are very goal oriented.

Key Words

– Abrasive
– Goal oriented
– Self-centered
– Determined
– Driven

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

As the Queen of Swords, you are not afraid to speak your mind.
This is both your greatest power and your greatest weakness. It is
your power in that when something needs to be said, when something needs to be communicated no matter how blunt, painful, or simply hard to say it is, you are able to say it with conviction and authority.

Key Words

– Speak your mind
– Communicator
– Blunt
– To the point
– Tough

King of Swords

King of Swords

As the King of Swords, you always seem to have the answer. You are not just making stuff up to sound intelligent. You actually do know what you are talking about. If you don’t have an answer, you can point somebody in the right direction to find it. You are very skillful with words. You are right at home speaking and seldom fumble for the right thing to say. “Uhm” and
“uh…” simply are not a part of your

Key Words

Authority figure
– Intelligent
– Logical
– Clear thought
– Persuasive


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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