Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Express Yourself Fearlessly

Somebody with a Knight of Wands personality is a fearless creative genius. They have the courage it takes to piss people off via their creative output. They have the guts to go beyond what certain people will feel safe with and not worry about what they think about them for it. They have the unique ability to zoom out from their ordinary world and see everything from a wide perspective beyond the comfort zones and safety limits of others. As a creative genius, a Night of Wands sees these comfort zones and safety limits as arbitrary borders between what is intrinsic and what is imposed.

A true Knight of Wands, a true creative genius, will set their sights on what they want to express and accept that this expression may potentially ruffle some feathers. But you know what? Any creative genius will express themself without feeling the imposition of trying to please everybody. What happens when you try to please everybody? Nothing. Nothing happens. You end up pleasing nobody while making no statements or having no impact. You end up being watered down and homogenized because you don’t want to upset anybody. The Knight of Wands finds this unacceptable.

The Knight of Wands says, “I have something to say, and here it is…” Then they express it through their creative endeavors, confident that what they have to say is worthwhile and will be appreciated by at least some. Their ambition is to reach past their detractors to those who will appreciate and benefit from what it is they have to say. They know that it would be simply wrong to not express what it is they feel the need to express for fear of those who will not like hearing it, even if they must bear belittlement and criticism for it. In many ways, those with a Knight of Wands personality are the heroes of the world, for they express and inform fearlessly. — Jim Larsen

For more about the Knight of Wands, enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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