4 of Wands: Are you motivated for your personal best?

4 of Wands tarot card

4 of Wands Tarot Card: The Importance of Appreciation

The 4 of Wands may remind us that sometimes it helps us to stay motivated and to stay on track with what we are doing when we know we have the support of others. We may wonder if what we are doing is worthwhile. If it feels like it is not, or that we can’t really tell if it is or not, we may lose interest in it and let it fall away. If, however, we know that if at least one other person, if not more than one, appreciate that we are doing this thing, we may feel the urge to keep going with it and keep it up. Therefore, validation can be a positive aspect of our lives.

You will hear people say things like, “You don’t need validation from others. Do what you know is best.” And this is good advice. To live for the admiration of others can be detrimental. However, when appropriate, let that appreciation spark the 4 of Wands piece of you and motivate you to your personal best. –Jim Larsen

The Hermit: Explore Your Inner Landscape

Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit Tarot Card: The Freedom of Solitude

The Hermit can be literal. It can mean a need or desire to be by one’s self. There is freedom in solitude. There is a sense of liberation in not needing to impress or live up to the standards of anybody else. There is a necessity of having your own space where you can do what you want and what you need without anybody questioning you, criticizing you, making demands of you being in your way or treating you like you are in their way. The Hermit can denote a much-needed sense of peace that will not be disturbed by others. Honor the needs of your inner Hermit. You will be healthier for doing so, and infinitely wiser for the opportunity to explore your inner landscape without disturbances. —Jim Larsen

Knight of Wands: They can do it. Can you?

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Knight of Wands Tarot Card: Make it Happen!

Take inspiration from the Knight of Wands and get moving. Get clear on what your goals are and what inspirations are coming to you, and do something with it. With your goals and inspirations, you are uniquely positioned to do something great and make a difference. Don’t let that slip by due to inactivity. Don’t just sit there thinking about how great it would be to do this thing, prove how great it would be to do this thing by actually doing it. You become a leader this way.

As people see that you are a doer, they will will say, “If they can do it, so can I!” So get on it. Get busy. Do it! Lead the way! Use your charisma to fire people up. Inspiration comes your way for a reason. It’s not just to recognize it and dismiss it, but to act on it for your own betterment and the betterment of others. Make it happen! — Jim Larsen

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