Simple Wisdom: Memory Blockages

 Imagine what went wrong, and see it going right this time.

Simple Wisdom: Blocked by your own memories

A big obstacle that we often face is our own memories. We remember a complication or a negative outcome to something we once tried to do, and assume it will be the same if we try again. So we resist trying again. Our mind is already made up as to what the outcome will be. The trick is to convince yourself that this new occurrence of the situation is a second chance. Consider what went wrong, or what you didn’t do right, and do it a different way. Visualize a positive outcome. Imagine what went wrong, and see it going right this time. In this way, you dissolve the obstacles in front of you and make your way past them as if they were never there to begin with. –Jim Larsen

For more Knowings from The Silence, enjoy these books of simple wisdom

Knowings from the Silence

Knowings from the Silence vol. 2

Knowings from the Silence vol. 3

Knowings from the Silence vol. 4

The Tower: Do you Feel Lost in Silence?

The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Tarot Card: Fighting the Emptiness Phobia

What does the Tower card in tarot stand for? Among other things, it stands for cleaning house, getting rid of what is not needed and not useful. We tend to collect so much junk whose only purpose is to take up space. So many people are afraid of empty space, just as they are afraid of silence.

Emptiness becomes a phobia. They fight against this phobia by filling empty spaces with anything at all, whether these things serve a valid purpose or not. Their purpose or their value is not the point. The point is, they fill space. Silence is the same thing. Silence is an emptiness that can only filled with noise or words.

People tend to feel lost in silence. They are so accustomed to noise that their own inner voices and thoughts are foreign and frightening. Rather than face that fear, they rally against it with noise to scare it away. Now they feel safe and secure. But all these things they collect to fill this space to feel secure, and all this noise to make to fill the emptiness of the silence is not needed, and it will eventually cause too much weight that will topple. It will cause the tower to fall and only that which is rooted to the foundation will remain. The rest will fall and be scattered.

As the tower falls, a sense of anxiety is likely to be felt. That which you have held onto- the thoughts and beliefs that you allowed to define who are thought you were- are suddenly vanquished and you are left feeling unsure of what will fill that space. In these times, ride the anxiety out. It will pass. It is only the feeling of your unnecessary elements dissipating. When that is over, a sense of surety of who you are will settle in. –Jim Larsen

For more about the Tower card, enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

2 of Wands: Keep it Hot!

2 of Wands Tarot Card

2 of Wands Tarot Card: Don’t Let Inspiration Cool Off

The 2 of Wands tarot card can be about finding motivation. You have brilliant ideas. You know exactly what to do, now you must find the fortitude to actually do it. You have all you need at your disposal. The world is in your hands. You have it all. Now, what will you do with it? Will you run with it? Will you make your desires manifest and your dreams come true? Or will you just sit there thinking about it, convincing yourself that it cannot be done? The choice is yours. You can either utilize what you have at your disposal or let it slip away.

The 2 of Wands tarot card can be about finding motivation. You have brilliant ideas. You know exactly what to do, now you must find the fortitude to actually do it. You have all you need at your disposal. The world is in your hands. You have it all. Now, what will you do with it? Will you run with it? Will you make your desires manifest and your dreams come true? Or will you just sit there thinking about it, convincing yourself that it cannot be done? The choice is yours. You can either utilize what you have at your disposal or let it slip away.

The 2 of Wands tarot card can be about finding motivation. You have brilliant ideas. You know exactly what to do, now you must find the fortitude to actually do it. You have all you need at your disposal. The world is in your hands. You have it all. Now, what will you do with it? Will you run with it? Will you make your desires manifest and your dreams come true? Or will you just sit there thinking about it, convincing yourself that it cannot be done? The choice is yours. You can either utilize what you have at your disposal or let it slip away.

In this, you must find balance. You must balance your will to achieve and succeed with your desire to put in the effort. It is all about balancing desire with effort. Those that infuse their opportunities with necessary effort achieve great things. Those that do not sit around wondering why they are unhappy and not getting what they want out of life. Want to get something out of life? Then put in the effort. Work towards it. Don’t wait for somebody to put it in your hands, because it is already there. Because it is already there, it is for you to utilize, so why hesitate?

Do you think the conditions will be better for this tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrow? This is a fallacy of thinking. Tomorrow saps it of its energy. The energy of this is in the now Right Now. Tomorrow will only degrade this energy. Why degrade it? Aren’t you entitled to the best of the best of the best of the best that is offered? If the best of the best that is offered is at your disposal now right now, don’t you owe it to yourself to seize it?

Right now the energy of it is hot. Don’t let it cool off. By tomorrow it might be stone cold. These ideas, these inspirations that are placed in your hands are gifts to you. They are placed there by divine sources. They are placed there by your higher self. This makes them pure. This makes them perfect. This means you can trust them, take advantage of them. Don’t let them slip away. Don’t drop the ball. Take advantage of the 2 of Wands energy when you have it. —Jim Larsen

For more about the 2 of Wands, enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Fool: Harnessing The Fool’s Energy

Voyager Tarot Fool Child

The Fool Tarot Card: Attach no Expectations

Sometimes the Fool card may be telling you to tap into your inner Fool child. Maybe it is telling you that the best energy to approach a situation is Fool Energy. Don’t attach an expectation to any outcomes. Just enter into the situation and allow it to unfold as it will. Now, you are open to the true strength of what the situation has for you. If you try to force an outcome you run the risk of depleting the power that exists in the situation. If you remain open to it as it is without trying to manipulate it, then it is what it is for you. Take it as it is for what it is and you will reap the benefits for you. This is to bring Fool energy to the situation. —Jim Larsen

For more about the Fool card, enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

6 of Wands: Harness the Energy of “Now”

6 of Wands Tarot Card

6 of Wands Tarot Card: Counting the “Nows”

What does the 6 of Wands tarot card mean? Of its meanings, it means to remember fondly the “Nows” of yesterday. Of course it is important to live in the now, right now , but be mindful that one “now” gives way to the next to the next to the next to the next. The effects of a “now” many “nows” ago will linger in your consciousness. That particular “now” is part of the total makeup of who you are. You will still feel it resonating with you. The circumstances of that “now” have changed of course, but the potency of the feelings it generated are unchanged.

How can the power of that “now” help you today? Experience the feelings of that time once again. Apply those feelings to the circumstances of the moment. How does this enhance your current “Now?” Tap into that 6 of Wands piece of yourself, and give this thought. Appreciate how the positive feelings you experienced in the past will enhance your life today. This will keep you uplifted and give you energy and inspiration today. — Jim Larsen

For more about the 6 of Wands, enjoy these tarot card books

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

8 of Cups: Avoiding Stagnation

8 of Cups Tarot Card

8 of Cups Tarot Card: Walking Away When It Is Time To Walk Away

What is the 8 of Cups tarot card about? Among other things, it is about acceptance. It is about coming to the realization that it is time to walk away from a situation, and being okay with that.

You come to the realization and the understanding that something has come to an end and the temptation may be to feel bad about that. The temptation may be to feel guilty about letting go of something that you have held onto for so long. You may feel a sense of obligation to whatever this from your past is to the point where letting it go and walking away feels almost sacrilegious. But you must fight these feelings of negativity. They do not serve you. They are slowing you down and holding you back from what you are meant to move towards and move into.

So when you know in your gut that it is time to let go and move on, by all means find the fortitude to do so. If you don’t, your life will become unnecessarily stagnant. You will not have the new experiences that lead to new growth and understandings. You will stay stuck in one place, probably feeling frustrated by your circumstances, and in time, resentful at that which you felt held you back from moving forward. Don’t let there be regret later for the path not taken. Don’t look back with regret at a path your heart told you to take, but for whatever reason, you didn’t. Take the path you intuitively know you need to take as you come upon them. Don’t let them fall behind you. Finding your way back to it once you pass it may be difficult or even impossible. Be careful of this, and be mindful.
–Jim Larsen

For more about the 8 of Cups, enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Judgment: Quit Lying to Yourself!

Judgment Tarot Card

Judgment Tarot Card: Be Honest With Yourself

The Judgment card of tarot may be reminding that sometimes you need to ask yourself, “Am I really happy with the current state of my life and how things are going?” And then you have to give yourself a deeply honest answer. You have to accept that maybe you have only talked yourself into believing that you are happy when in reality you have only told yourself that you are happy to appease whatever pain you are in. You are essentially lying to yourself and preventing yourself from healing and finding a true and honest happiness for yourself.

When you take an honest inventory of your feeling and discover your unhappiness, perhaps compare it to a happiness you can remember and see how it measures up. What is the discrepancy? This is self-assessment and self-judgment. It is a valuable tool in the healing process. Remember, to be successful at this healing, you must be completely honest with yourself. Lying to yourself won’t bring the results you need. — Jim Larsen

For more about the Judgment card, enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

7 of Wands: Seeing the Obstacle

7 of Wands Tarot Card

The 7 of Wands and accomplishing your goals

The 7 of wands tarot card tells you that you are so close to accomplishing your goals. You’ve come so close and have done so much, and now if you could just take those last few steps, but there is an obstacle in the way. You can see what you are after; it is right there. But you just can’t quite reach it. So what do you do? Do you give up? After all you’ve gone through to get to this point, is that what you are going to do? You shouldn’t.

What you should do is, back up a little bit and see a wider perspective around the obstacle. Obstacles are arbitrary. Accept them or don’t accept them. To accept them is to make them. To be empowered is to not accept them. To accept them is to make excuses. To make excuses is to give up too easily. If you are so willing to make excuses so easily is an indication that maybe you never really wanted this after all. So ask yourself how badly do you want this? If you want it badly enough, you’ll do what it takes and find a way to make it happen. — Jim Larsen

For more about the 7 of Wands tarot card, enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Simple Wisdom: Don’t Look for Life Purpose

on’t look for your life’s purpose. Just accept that you have one.

Simple Wisdom: Accept that you have a life purpose even if you don’t see it

Don’t look for your life’s purpose. Just accept that you have one. The mindset that we must know our purpose in life is yet another trap that the ego sets. It tells us that we must understand everything in order for it to be valid. Everything, including purpose. The pursuit of life purpose may delude life purpose and even hinder its actualization. Just follow your bliss with the knowing that in your bliss your purpose will be achieved. The ego may hinder your life’s purpose in that it will cause you to search for it with your logical mind rather than your heart and your spirit, who’s special logic lies in the following of synchronicities and not an analytical exploration of the details. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these books of Simple Wisdom

Knowings From the Silence

Knowings From the Silence vol. 2

Knowings From the Silence vol. 3

Knowings From the Silence vol. 4

The Hanged Man: In a Different Place

The Hanged Man Tarot Card

The Hanged Man Tarot Card: Taking Nothing Personally

The Hanged Man, as one who sees the world from different perspectives than others, may at times feel left out and like an outsider. This is logical. As the world is a different place to them, it is difficult to relate to those who constitute the norm of society. But are they supposed to change who they are and pretend to see the world from an angle other than their own just to fit in? How exactly would they accomplish that?

A true Hanged Man will accept the fact that they will often be alone in the world. They will embrace this and accept the value of it. They will take nothing personally and keep seeing and valuing what they see and understand that others do not. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

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