The Chariot: No Limitations

The Fool’s Path Chariot Card

The Chariot Tarot Card: Accept no Limitations

The Chariot card of tarot is all about generating and maintaining momentum towards your goals and endeavors while not accepting limitations, especially those imposed by others. By not paying heed to the limits that others assume you must be restricted by, you achieve much greater things than they initially accept from you. They must now see and accept you in a different light. They cannot see you as limited anymore.

Your actions and your success speak for themselves. The burden is on them to accept you or not accept you, but either way, you are proving to yourself and to the world what your own abilities and your own worth are.

The Chariot is all about busting through the walls and the limits that are in front of us- that which others will be intimidated by and not being slowed down or deterred by them. The chariot is about harnessing our own power and setting and achieving our own goals, motivated by our own needs, and whatever anybody else thinks about it- so be it.

You have unlimited power. Limitations are limited to that which you accept. By not accepting limitations, you have none. Fire up your inner Chariot and fly! — Jim Larsen

For more about the Chariot, enjoy these references

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Death: Step Fealessly Into The Future

Fool’s Path Tarot Death Card

Death Tarot Card: Let Go of the Past to Embrace the Future

The Death card of tarot reminds us that so much of what we hold onto, we could let go of. These things are heavy to carry and they are a burden to us on our journey to enlightenment. So much of what we think is important, isn’t really. We need to recognize them for what they are and be willing to and find the courage and strength to let them go. We often believe that these things still serve us today as they once did in the past, or that they will again someday. Many of these things though have long since gone past their expiration dates.

To hold onto them only creates mental and spiritual clutter. It does no good to be a mental packrat, filling your mind with outdated beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes. Let these things go. Meditate them away and be free of the mind clutter they created. Put them behind you and be born anew. Leave them in the past and make room for what is new and what wills serve you on the next stretch of your life’s journey.

Life is about death and rebirth. Death is to let go of the past. Rebirth is to embrace the present. Growth is to step fearlessly and unencumbered into the future.

For more about the Death card, enjoy these references

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Judgment: What Makes You Unique?

Judgment/Awakening Tarot Card from The Fool’s Path Tarot Deck by Jim Larsen

Judgment Tarot Card: Embracing Uniqueness

The Judgment card in tarot may be asking you to take a look at your life with an emphasis on what makes you unique. Where are you on your own personal journey to enlightenment?

We sometimes look at our lives and pinpoint things we don’t like. We notice things we would like to change, things we would like to be different. We imagine an outcome that we would like to achieve and we assume that someday it will be so. Maybe we assume we will get to a certain age and by then, these achievements will have manifested. What happens though, when time goes on and on and these changes do not happen? What happens when we get to that certain age when we thought these things would have become a reality by, but they still are not here? Perhaps it is so that at that point, we need to accept that this is something that is not meant to be in our life. Perhaps it is time to accept that it was never anything but a dream that we would have this.

Maybe it is by programming from society that instilled in us the false belief that this is something all members of society are supposed to have in their life and we feel inadequate that we do not. This is an unfortunate mindset. It does not allow for a genuine connection with all that is. It creates a false and unhealthy notion that we are all one and the same; that we are the results of a cookie-cutter mentality that has decided what society should look like. If we have not achieved these things, then we are abnormalities of society. And so if we have not achieved these things by a certain age or some other arbitrary point in our life, we feel like we do not belong. This is unfortunate.

It is better to accept one’s self as a unique being with unique needs on a unique journey that has its own set of needs and requirements. To expect to achieve such and such a thing by such and such a time serves only to relinquish your personal needs and be nothing more than a clone of some over-simplified original design. As an original being though, you must accept that your life may not be exactly as others will think it should be. Remember that you are on your own track to your own enlightenment and you will not get there trying in vain to be what others think you should be or by trying to live up to an expectation that is not congruent to your life path or mission.

So, live your life. Accept who and what you are. And do not apologize to yourself or to anybody else if your life does not match the template that others seem to fit so conveniently into. That template is for the ordinary people living their ordinary, societally ordained lives. The life you are living is very different than that and you should appreciate it even, and maybe especially, when others do not. — Jim Larsen

For more about the Judgment tarot card, enjoy these references

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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