Page of Pentacles: A Fearless Learner

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card: Working through the trials and errors

When you are new at something, you are likely to mistakes with it. That is part of the learning process, so don’t worry about it. A lot of life is trial and error and figuring things out. Take a look at this figure in the Page of Pentacles tarot card. Consider that pentacle in his hands to represent some new area of interest for this person. He (maybe she) is examining it and figuring it out. The goal here is to figure it out and understand it as much as possible. There is a learning process to be considered here. This learning process is a significant aspect of that Page of Pentacles piece of yourself.

Remember, the Pages of tarot represent a young, youthful energy. Part of being youthful is having curiosity about how the world works, and pentacles represent the worldly side of life. With that in mind, it is easy to consider the Page of Pentacles as finding something new to be fascinated by and wanting to learn as much as you can about it. When something new captures your attention, grasp onto it. Study it. Learn about it. Experiment with it. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes as you go along, because mistakes can be your greatest teachers. The Page of Pentacles within you knows this. Activate that Page of Pentacles piece of yourself and learn and experience new things. — Jim Larsen

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What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

6 of Cups: Happily Triggered by Yesterday?

6 of Cups Tarot Card

6 of Cups Tarot Card: The Power of the Good Old Days

The 6 of Cups piece of you is that part of you that is triggered to remember fondly past times. Don’t we all think back to past times with a yearning to relive them? And what’s wrong with that? It’s perfectly normal. Those past moments that made us feel good hold healing energy for us when times get rough for us. The 6 of cups urges you to reflect back on a time when things just seemed right. You felt supported, you felt loved, and you felt vital.

Maybe you cannot return to those times or replicate them perfectly, but if you meditate on the feeling you had during them, maybe some of those old energy from that time will ripple towards you. Think about that- old times can ripple towards you into the now and give you healing vibrations. With that in mind, try to enjoy each moment and each time in your life as best you can.

Find things to attach to good times- things like really great music that you love, or the taste of some really great food. In a future time, you can listen to that music again and re-experience that food to trigger the memories of before. Doing this will greatly enhance the 6 of Cups piece of you.
— Jim Larsen

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What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Knight of Wands: You Can’t Fail?

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

The Page of Wands Tarot Card: Nothing is Impossible

When you are inspired, and you know you just can’t fail, you are embodying the Knight of Wands. The Knight of Wands is the piece of you that knows what it wants and goes for it. Your enthusiasm is palpable as well as contagious when your inner Knight of Wands is fired up. So many people around you feel your energy and are influenced by it. They want to join you in your endeavors. They look to you to show the way. Through you, they see what is possible and they want to do it too.

The Knight of wands piece of you blasts through obstacles and laughs at the idea of “impossible.” When you know what you want, you can’t fail. Go for it. Embody the Knight of Wands and blaze a path for others to follow. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

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What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Judgment: Can You Honestly Reflect?

Judgment Tarot Card

Judgment Tarot Card: Are you supporting your dreams?

It’s just something we do sometimes- we reflect on our life and think about how everything we have done, every decision we have made, every thought we have thunk have led us to where we are at the exact moment we are thinking this. This is the Judgment piece of our self. Sometimes when we are in our Judgment phase, we are pleased with what we have done. We are happy with the decisions we have made and we are content with what we have accomplished. Other times, we regret some of the decisions we have made. We think about how things might have turned out differently had we made other decisions.

Judgment is like that. It it puts us in a mood to examine who we are and what we really want. Judgment makes us want to be the best person we are able to be, despite anything we think we may have done wrong in the past. When reflecting on your life and determining how you came to be right where you are, doing exactly what you are doing, consider what big goal you have for your life. How has what you have done supported that goal? What more can you do to reach it? Don’t be too harsh with your Judgment. Focus on where you are trying to get to. — Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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5 of Cups: When You Don’t Get Your Way

5 of Cups Tarot Card

5 of Cups Tarot Card: What to do when we don’t get our way

If you didn’t care, nothing would bother you. Think of it like that. So when you feel disappointment, like this sad figure in the 5 of cups tarot card, remember you feel that way because you care at all. Things don’t go our way each and every single time. That’s life. We hope for things, but we don’t always get them.

We hope things will turn out a certain way, but sometimes they don’t. This doesn’t mean the world is against us, it just means sometimes we don’t get our own way. Simple as that. There will be those times when we have to accept the 5 of cups piece of ourselves and recognize that we feel disappointed because something we cared about didn’t come to fruition. As this depiction of the 5 of cups shows, the cups are not broken. They are not over turned. The 5 of cups still standing are functional. They are just empty for the moment. They are not empty forever- just for the moment. The disappointment will pass and the cups will be full again. –Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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5 of Swords: Was It Worth It?

5 of Swords Tarot Card

5 of Swords Tarot Card: You won, but did you really?

Look at these people in the 5 of Swords tarot card. Not a single one of them wants to have anything to do with any of the others. What is going on here? The guy in the background looks like he’s tending to a wound or something. And look at the guy with his back to us. He seems to be saying, “Screw you guys, I’m outa here.” And finally there is that guy up front. How did he end up with three swords, while the others have zero?

If the the 5 of swords tarot represents the end of a battle, it is a good bet that dude in the front won. But did he really win? He may have won the primary objective of the fight, whatever that was, but what was the cost of the victory? How many people did he throw under the bus to get his way? What friendships and relationships did he sacrifice just so he could get what he wanted. At some point, will he ask if it was worth it?

“Was it worth it?” is a primary aspect of the 5 of Swords tarot card. Sure, you may get what you want, but how worth it was it to upset others to do so? Can you and should you really be proud of your victory? Consider what the 5 of Swords has to say to you when faced with the temptation to get your way through unethical means. Think about what you will lose in the process. Is it worth it to you?
— Jim Larsen

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8 of Pentacles: The Grand And The Mundane

8 of Pentacles Tarot Card

8 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Getting Into A Routine

You are not going to accomplish grand amazing things each and every day of your life. Look at this person in the 8 of Pentacles tarot card. He’s not exactly breaking new ground. He’s in a routine, doing what he has to do to get by. He doesn’t seem upset about it at all. He’s just doing his thing.

You will accomplish some pretty amazing things in the course of your life, but not every day will be devoted to them. Most days, you have probably already discovered, will be spent doing the mundane, day by day things that keep you alive and keep you afloat. And what’s wrong with that? Nothing. Just like this guy in the 8 of Pentacles tarot card, you have to do what you have to do to keep on living.

Consider it this way- the mundane facilitates the grand. By taking care of the everyday business of living, you are able to focus other time on bigger and better accomplishments. Do you think you can do your best at getting things done if you live in the streets? Probably not, so you better make sure you make enough money to pay the rent or mortgage or whatever your living arrangements are. Same for hunger. Can you put your most into your endeavors if you are hungry? No. So, you better make sure you can afford some food.

The 8 of Pentacles tarot card has that message for you. Take care of your mundane, day by day survival stuff so that you have what you need to reach for your star and accomplish the grand things you know you can. The 8 of Pentacles provides the framework and foundation for the rest of things you will do with your life. — Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

9 of Wands: Shut the Inner Critic Up

The 9 of Wands Tarot Card

9 of Wands Tarot Card: Make no excuses

You may be tired. You may exhausted. You may even be exasperated, but are you giving up? The 9 of Wands tarot card encourages you not to. The 9 of Wands tarot card encourages you to keep your eye on the big picture. Zoom out and see things in a grander perspective.

In the grand perspective, whatever it is that is bothering you is merely a speck on the big picture. It will pass. Allow yourself to get over it. Don’t focus on what is worrisome in the moment. Accept the worrisome element for what it is- a momentary botheration. Then let it pass. And it will pass.

The 9 of Wands is the piece of you that encourages you to not make excuses. It doesn’t want you to give up. You may think that you are wasting your time because you can’t possibly win. That is just a negative voice in your hear. If you listen to it, it wins and will be back to tell you more bad things about yourself it wants you to believe. Get in the habit of not giving up quickly. The more you ignore that negative voice, the less you will hear it, until eventually, maybe it will pretty much give up on trying to sway you. When that happens, the 9 of Wands is victorious. —Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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King of Cups: Supporting Others

King of Cups Tarot Card

King of Cups Tarot Card: Supporting others as they learn

As somebody who has walked many miles in many shoes and has seen and done so much, the king of Cups may make allowances for others as they are figuring out how to navigate problems of their own. The King of Cups may watch somebody making mistakes and remember when he made those mistakes. He also remembers the life lessons he learned from making them. As he watches these other people going through the motions, he considers if an intervention is appropriate. He asks, “Should I step in and correct them in their ways? Or should I let them make the mistakes they are about to make?”

He may choose to let them make the mistakes so that they will learn what is meant to be learned from them. Doing this though, he is ready to catch them if they fall too hard. He is there to guide them back on their way. He is there to help them see the lesson that was there to learn. The King of Cups never likes to see another being suffer, but if that is what’s best (and sometimes it is) he will be there with support, sympathy, and compassion as others heal from the missteps that represent a bad decision.
–Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

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Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

The Tower: Lost Pieces of Yourself Calling

Tower Tarot Card

Tower Tarot Card: Listening for the lost pieces of ourselves

Here’s a thought- what if we lose track of aspects of our self? What if there are pieces of who we are, that at one time shined gloriously and made us feel really good about ourselves? Maybe this is some talent or skill that we once loved to do, but for some reason or other, we stopped doing it. There could be any reason why we stopped doing it. Maybe we moved to a new place where it wasn’t so easy to do it anymore. Maybe our jobs made us too tired and we let it fall by the wayside. Maybe new people came into our lives and we started focusing on what we could do with them more than what we used to do. Whatever the case, for whatever reason, we let our passions diminish in importance.

It’s as if we built walls around them, brick by brick until they were encased inside and could not get out. As the days went by, the light on these passions grew dimmer and dimmer as we stacked more and more bricks around them and a Tower was built on top of them. The thing is though, these passions of ours, while locked up inside of the tower we built over them do not die.

No, they are still alive, and they never stop calling to us. We hear them, ever so faintly as they call to remind us that they are there. We hear them as faint whispers and a sense of nostalgia creeps in. Then, more and more reminders come our way about the things we used to do, and those whispers become screams. That’s when we realize how much we loved doing these things before and we do what it takes to tear down the walls of that tower so that our passions and our loves can get out and we can enjoy them once more.

Once we have freed these things and we find ways to enjoy them once more, a sense of completeness returns to us. This that was walled in is now a part of who we are again and life takes on a renewed sense of meaning. With this in mind, consider what you love to do. Endeavor to keep that passion alive and in the open. Find ways to express it even when the rest of your life is changing. These passions and loves are crucial to the overall being that is you. Keep yourself complete. Be careful about the Towers you build. –-Jim Larsen

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