Simple Wisdom: What is the entity we call “God?”

We need not look any further than within if we are looking for God, for what is that spark of divinity that is within us if it is not a piece of God that we carry with us always?

What exactly is God? God is the all-encompassing fire of the universe. There is a spark of God within each of us. The goal is to ignite that spark and allow it to become a fire. When we do this, we feel a connection to God. God will be experienced differently by all humans, for we all have different ideas about what we want and what we need from God.

God is our ability to feel and experience emotions. The mastery of human emotions is a goal of human form, for when we master the array of human emotions, we become enlightened. To be enlightened means to be one with the Allness that we call God. To be enlightened means see the world and those beings who inhabit it from the same perspective that God would see it.

How does God see the world? What is the purpose of God? What is the purpose of humanity and the world? If the purpose of our lives is to perfect ourselves for God, then what exactly is the purpose of God? Once we are all perfected, then what does God do next? What is the ultimate reason for any of this? God exists as the yin and the yang, the masculine and the feminine, the dark and the light.

Close your eyes and visualize God as the yin yang symbol. This is the most perfect symbol of God, for it encompasses all, perfectly and beautifully without favoring one over the other. Can the true purpose of it all even be conceived? Can a single person alone conjure the meaning and the purpose of God?

It being that our purpose is to perfect ourselves to be with the Allness of God, does point to a highly significant purpose. Why do we have this being we call “God?” Why have we bestowed on him such all mighty and super natural powers? It’s as if one day, a very long time ago, there was a giant energetic entity named “God.” This entity, God, exploded into billions of bits. God wanted to put himself back together, but by now all his bits had become polluted. So, in order to put himself/herself back together, he needed to initiate a cleansing process in order to make perfect each bit and piece of him/herself so no part would pollute the whole. And so the earth was created and humanity was formed, and a system of birth and rebirth was created.

Now, through the process of going through lifetime to lifetime, these sparks of God have the opportunity to incarnate and go through the process to become perfected. It is but a human concept that we call this “Enlightenment.” So, the question becomes, once all these sparks of God are Enlightened and perfected to rejoin the whole, what does this greatness that is the Allness of God do next?

The simple answer can only be that at this time, the Allness that is God will simply be. Once it “is’ then there is more that it can create. God is a creator. What more can he/she create when at full power? What new levels of creation can be attained?

As sparks of this Allness, what new and unexpected joys of this Allness, what new and unexplored joys can we experience? As sparks of God, we each have the power of God. This is a crucial understanding that more and more people are awakening to.

Our human form and human mind and egos limit our abilities. This is to be expected. Remember, Enlightenment happens when we have mastered the wide array of human emotions without backing down, backing away, or suppressing them. Enlightenment occurs when we accept the buried emotions that come to the surface and make us frightened and uncomfortable and experience them fully once and for all. Enlightenment happens when we take an honest look at our shadows and fortify ourselves to step into them and see what is there.

What do we find in our shadows? We find suppressed feelings, forgotten aspects of ourselves, and shame. Accept all these things. Examine the concept of “Shame.” What exactly is this? This is something that we have a hard time accepting about ourselves. This is something that goes beyond the picture we have painted of ourselves that is our belief about ourselves of who we are. This is an ugly smudge on the canvas of who we believe ourselves to be.

So what do we do with this shame? How do we handle it? How do we reconcile ourselves to it and accept it as part of the totality of who we are? There is one way to do this, and that is to forgive ourselves of whatever it is that created this sense of shame to begin with. Forgive and accept. Take a look at how this makes you a better, more enlightened person. If you don’t like what you did or how you acted, now you know how not to act or to be another time. What could you have done differently? Think about this next time.

How can you turn this shame into empathy? Consider this. When seeing others going through this, how can you lighten this for them with gentle understanding? Do you judge them harshly, or do you show loving kindness? Nothing is for nothing, and all contributes to the Allness of it all. Your strength becomes the strength of Allness for all. Our individual personalities contribute. We perceive, receive, and contribute to the wisdom of the All for the Allness of all.

Some of us have a hermit-like personality who thrive in finding and incorporating wisdom by finding it on their own, incorporating it in their own way, and disseminating it however way most resonates with them. Their ways will not be obvious to others, but their ways are none the less powerful. The simple fact that they open as a channel and receive what they open to and receive, benefits all the other sparks of God in human form populating the planet, for once it is received, it is deposited into The Silence, it is accessible to all who are willing and able to hear it.

Those who are not willing or able to hear it will still in their own way benefit from it as others will pick it up and incorporate it into their art, their talents, their star qualities, thus not only perpetrating it, but enhancing it as well. Once perpetrated and enhanced, it spreads even further, reaching more and more sparks of divinity in human form who will benefit, add to, and further perpetrate. This is the beauty of The Silence. This is the greatness that we call oneness.

We may not, and often do not, have an awareness of our connection to others, but at a microcosmic level, we are each the steward of our fellow man’s soul. We may not be thinking or be consciously aware of the fact, but at the root of our being, at the root of all things, we know of our oneness. We appreciate our oneness, even with those our minds tell us we do not “like.” The spirit has no sense of “like’ or “dislike.” It only has a sense of connection and appreciation for the other beings, those carrying a spark of God within them seeking to be cleansed and purified so that it may return home and rejoin the All that is the Allness of All, just like we ourselves are seeking to do. This is to Enlightened. This is to be perfected. This is to go Home.

Contributing to the All that is the Allness of All is to tap into and embrace and appreciate the God quality within us all. We are each a piece of God, and therefore an aspect of God. As such, we each have the powers of God. One such power is the power to create, to manifest. Most are unaware of this power, although they tap into it daily. This is true. It’s a simple and well documented truth- power flows where attention goes.

So many people, and we are each perpetrators of this at one time or another, dwell on something negative. With so much attention and thought from humanity focused on this negativity, how can power not flow there? When power flows, manifestation occurs. So now, we as humanity are creating more and more of what this negativity is. How is this a good thing to do? One aspect of it that is good is that it creates a tipping point. It can be created to a point where the collected humanity will say “Enough! We can’t take it anymore!”

Now humanity knows what it must work to change. Now humanity will work to change. Now humanity will look at the situation it has created, and say “If we don’t want this, then what do we want?” Now they will get their heads out of the darkness and start gazing at the light, at the stars that they can manifest on the planet. Now they say, “We want this…” Pointing towards what is light pure and good, and then manifestation will occur.

At this point certain avatars of this light and goodness will be placed on the planet to show the way to this change. Humanity wanted it, so now they got it. Here are beings to help show the way. Listen to these beings and be led to the manifestation of this change the world so desperately craves. So now that humanity knows what it does want, and now that they have a way- show-er to offer guidance, they can now focus their attention on this. Now they can align their flow of attention towards this intention. Now, positive change has no choice but to occur. This is but one aspect of what it means to have the power of God within us.


Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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