A softened heart will allow the spirit to be free and to soar

Simple Wisdom: Seeing Beyond Ego Into Spirit

We really do dumb ourselves down to fit the ego of people, don’t we? We tend to match the insecurities that these people have. They have this deep need and longing to be just like others, so they project an energy of downsized reality, one that they know others can fit. Others take this on, absorb it, now they are of the like vibe. They become this like vibe and stay in it because based on the projection of this other person, they begin to believe it is the truth of who they are. They cannot right now see their own self as anything but this diminished view of their own self, so they do try to be above and beyond it.

It is fortunate when somebody comes into their life who sees beyond that, who sees the expanse of their spirit, how it is so so so beyond what they have become in an attempt to match the ego and expectation of the others who sees them as small. This person who sees them as big can now coax them to fly. They can hold a mirror for them to see their self as a great and mighty person. They can reflect for them their spirit as awesome and great as it really is.

Once they see their self as this, now they know. Now they have a sense of their true self and their true power. Now they need not restrict their spirit to the confines of the human form. Now they can expand as limitless and boundary free as they were only meant to be. The spirit was never intended to be restricted purely to the body. It was always meant to expand, feel, and explore. It is the ego and the mind that keeps it inside. Relax the mind, relax the ego, and the heart will soften. A softened heart will allow the spirit to be free and to soar. –-Jim Larsen

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