Simple Wisdom: The ego will puff up and occupy as much space as possible

The ego is a demanding master. Once fed, it only grows steadily hungrier.

Observing the egos of others, I watch them try to as they might to occupy as much space as they can. They puff up as they move, as they walk, attempting as they might to be larger, to be felt, to be seen. Their energy center migrates from their heart to their head. They force their thoughts out into the world like flying swords, flying daggers to those around them who are unable to escape them.

They occupy as much space as they can with noise, both little and small, often vocalizing the mundane and the trivial to the interest of no one, not even their selves. They make their noise by slamming desk drawers, slamming doors, singing songs that nobody but their own selves find entertaining. They do these things to excerpt power and control. But what are they in control of? Have they been challenged?

In some ways, yes they have been challenged. They have placed themselves on top of a mound. In their mind, this mound is in reality, a mountain top. From this vantage point, they overlook their kingdom. All those around them are their subjects. They are all at their bidding. All they really require is to be noticed, to be paid attention to, to be validated, to be acknowledged. But what happens when their “subjects” simply don’t notice? Or they do notice, but reject what they see? What happens now?

Now, they are invalid. Now their vantage point on top of this “mountain” is greatly diminished. How to handle this? By puffing up. By becoming big. By filling the room by any means available to them. To steal attention. To steal and rob others of their energy. Puff up. Become big. Disregard others.

If you are more important than others, what need do you have to respect them? Why? They are you minions. They are here to serve you and your ego. You are not here to share their respect. You are here to be served. So you take all you can. You rape, pillage, and plunder the energy and the soul of others until you have all you can carry. But is it ever enough?

The ego is a demanding master. Once fed, it only grows steadily hungrier. What is enough for the ego? When is it satisfied? It continues to feed until it is bloated and gross and hardly recognizable as human.

Often it is not until tragedy that the ego has had its fill. It happens that a Tower experience triggers a realization of the ego’s folly. It must build its falsehood taller and taller until it finally can sustain itself no more and crumbles. Now perhaps the ego will  examine itself and discover the truth of itself, that it was never anything more than a self-sustaining entity.

Maybe now this person will relax. Maybe now they won’t puff up and occupy so much space. Maybe now they will calm their minds and not send so many swords and daggers to those around them. Maybe now they will be calm and bearable. Maybe now they will be exposed to what is true and what matters in life. Maybe now they will realize that everybody they encounter is on their own unique and individual path and that they each are deserving and worthy of respect.

-Jim Larsen

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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