
The Devil Tarot Card: Stand Your Guard Against Fear

The Devil card in tarot can easily represent fear. This fear serves as a block that prevents us from achieving our greatest potential. Much of this fear is rooted in the past. Fear generated from past events and traumas can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life. To live fully, one must get past these fears.

How does one get past fear generated in the past? For starters, when feeling triggered by this fear in the present, stand your ground against it. Don’t let it make you back down. Don’t let it make you back away. Remind yourself that this is an irrational response to something from your past. Remind yourself that whatever unpleasant and negative outcome from the past need not be repeated. Remind yourself this is a new day and a new age and you need not relive the same scenario from the past.

In terms of the Law of Attraction, fear can be an attractor. When you are feeling fear, you attract the outcome of the event from the past. You are so sure that it will turn out this time as it did before that you actualize it this way. Your fear creates the outcome you most dread. How to get past this and not let it happen? Stand your ground against it. Follow the shadow back to the light.

This fear is a block. Like all blocks, get past them to live fully and live as an enlightened being. Meditate if you can, on the event that created the fear, and rewrite it. How would you have rather this event turned out? What could have happened differently to create a better outcome for your life? When you are able to answer these questions and visualize a new, positive outcome, you beat the Devil. –Jim Larsen

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