8 of Swords Tarot Card: Living beyond the struggles

8 of Speculation- Fool’s Path Tarot

Sometimes we get so used to struggling and trying to figure out how to get past difficult situations and circumstances that we forget to realize when they are behind us. It almost becomes an addiction- this worrying about things. Worry, doubt, and fear all become so engrained in our consciousness that we don’t know who we are without them. This is unfortunate. This keeps us stuck. This keeps us with blinders on that don’t allow us to see how open and clear the path ahead is. It is of great benefit to get past this. It is of great benefit to stop, pause, and take inventory of our circumstances every so often. Take a look at where you are, and how you got there. What obstacles did you overcome?  Are there really anymore ahead of you? Be honest with yourself. Are there really any problems ahead. If not, relax. Don’t spend all your time in worry when there is nothing to worry about. This will slow you down more than anything else will. This is the lesson of the 8 of swords today- notice how open everything is in front of you and keep on keeping on.

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