Page of Wands

Page of Wands Tarot Card: Needing No Validation

The Page of Wands tarot card can be about recognizing and appreciating your own talents and abilities without needing validation from others before doing so. It does seem like it, doesn’t it, that sometimes people wait for permission to come into their power or their own talents? They know what they are capable of. They know what they can do, but they hold back on it until somebody external to their self gives them the go ahead. Like, maybe they are a gifted writer and they know it, but they are not yet comfortable writing brilliantly until somebody tells them that they should work at it.

Maybe they hold back because they are afraid that important people in their life will be disappointed that they are pursuing this instead of something else, or that there will be jealousy from these people because they have this talent while the others do not. This causes them to hold back deliberately not shining as brightly as they can on purpose. But once they know that these people in their life support them and appreciate what they are able to do, then they are more comfortable with it. Now they feel like they have permission to shine their own light.

The trick to living fully is to learn how to not wait for this permission to shine and to identify within yourself these shining lights of personal power and talent and shine them as brightly as possible no matter what fear you have of what others may think or of what jealousies they may inspire. Your talents are a part of who you are for a reason. By denying them for any reason is to deny your life’s purpose. None of us are on the planet for no reason, so shine brightly and use your skills and talents. Grow from being a Page of Wands, just figuring it all out to being a King, where you live it fully and are a force on the earth.— Jim Larsen

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