Death Tarot Card

The Death Card of Tarot: Accepting Changes

The Death card of tarot can be about deciding that it is time to make some changes. You realize that you have gone as far as you can under the present circumstances and know that if you are going to continue to grow, you will have to make changes in your life, and then you must find the courage and the fortitude to make those changes. It is so easy for us to sit around and contemplate the changes that we need to make and/or want to make, but to actually do them takes will power and fortitude.

To die, to experience death and to overcome it is to gain strength that we need to be the greatest version of ourselves. To die is to face uncertainty. This is not an easy thing to do, so much courage is required. How many people have this courage? How many people have what it takes to look Death in the eye and not shirk from it? How many people can willfully accept Death and encourage it to come in the interest of their own growth and Enlightenment? Those that cannot, remain in a stagnant state of being, not able to see the growth they experience or able to initiate any new growth on their own. Those that can, flourish, as they do not bind their selves to old energies and thoughts. They free themselves of the past in order to move towards the future unhindered by the weight of the past.

Death is to put the past in a casket and bury it. Death is to strip down to the bare essentials. Death is to boil life down to the absolute essentials and begin again, not with what once served you, but with what you need now to thrive in the paradigm you are growing into. Death is to fearlessly accept the changes of life and to boldly instigate them for the growth your soul needs to become an Enlightened being. Death is to be proactive in the process of your own growth and your own journey down the path of life.

Death is about making the decision to make and to accept the changes that lead to your betterment and to your enlightenment. When you know the changes are necessary, embrace them. No person or situation is meant to be exactly the same forever. Change happens no matter what, so you may as well get on board with it and prosper from it. Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Fine Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Mastering Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

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