7 of Pentacles Tarot Card

7 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Waiting for the Good Things

Here is something you may not already know- the quote “Good things come to those who wait” was originally penned by English poet, Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie, using the pseudonym Violet Fane. It was in a poem titled, Tout vient a qui sait attendre. This poem had nothing to do with tarot cards, but it is easy to imagine her writing this about the 7 of Pentacles when she penned that line. Look at the guy in this card. He is the picture of patience. He is waiting, waiting, patiently waiting for his garden to be ready to harvest. Sure, he could pick it all right now, but if it is not fully matured, isn’t he just wasting it? It needs to be ripe before it is any good.

This will take time, just like all things worthwhile do. Gardens and crops take the time they need to grow, just like all things, including the brilliant ideas you may have. Don’t expect things you want to happen to do so overnight, and don’t rush them. Give them the time they need and them happen in their own time. As long as you are mindful of your ideas and provide them what they need to be actualized, you will have nothing to worry about. Just be patient like this guy in the 7 of Pentacles tarot card. –Jim Larsen

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