There is much benefit to learning how to read tarot cards.

Perhaps you have thought about how interesting it would be to learn how to read the images on tarot cards, but thought, “No. It’s not for me. You have to have special talents and abilities to do that.” The truth is, anybody wanting to learn to read tarot cards can learn to read tarot cards. What does it take? It takes nothing but the desire to do so.

Why become a tarot card reader? What benefit will this bring to you? Have you ever asked yourself this? The answers are simple and to the point. By understanding the meanings of tarot cards, you understand what it means to be fully human. Consider tarot to be less about dogmatic practices of reading and more about understanding the human spirit through interpreting it through the archetypes. The archetypes represent a blueprint of the spirit.

With each card being a part of the overall picture, blueprint of the human soul, then the card you draw exemplifies how a certain situation or time will affect you. Each archetype is a piece of the puzzle. The picture? What does it show? The human spirit, the human soul. With each archetype being an aspect of who we are and what we experience, individually and collectively on the planet. Therefore, mastering the lesson of each and every individual archetype is to master what it means to be human. Mastering the archetypes, each and every one of them is to master humanity, because now you have a label and an understanding of each feeling, each aspect of what it means to be human. This is incredibly empowering. This is incredibly healing. This is also an opening to intuition and empathy. Each card has a story to tell us about our self. Pick a card. What is the story this card can tell you?

For example, consider the meaning of 5 of cups. It generally represents disappointment and sadness. Now, with or without the card, when you feel this way, you can say to yourself, “Ah! I’m having a five of cups experience. That’s all it is. It will pass.” By defining it, you can remind yourself that everybody on the planet goes through this. Everybody. By defining it, too, you can resolve it. What is the resolution, for you, for disappointment?

Consider also the 8 of cups. This generally represents walking away from a situation. It’s simply time to call it quits and be done with it. This is human. It is part of life. By allowing this card to remind you that this is a part of life, it can make it easier to face it when you know you must.

Consider each card this way. Appreciate the lesson it has for the shared human experience. By doing so, you will understand the circumstances of your own life on a much greater level, as well as developing empathy for others in what the circumstances are of their life. This empathy is what will make you a great tarot card reader. This is what people will thank you for.

In understanding the blueprint of the human spirit through tarot cards, one of the great gifts you will get is compassion for others. You understand that to you, their questions may not have relevance to you and your life, but to them, the questions are of significance and important. You as the reader know the direction they would like the reading to take, to affirm a belief about themselves or a hope they have.

But what if the reading goes the other directions? When it supports their hopes, it is easy to tell them the news. But when it does not, you must tell them your intuitions as best you can without crushing them. They have faith and trust in you. They are with you for answers. They are not with you to be let down or hurt. So, you the reader develop the skill of relaying the messages with sincerity, honesty, and with the skill for turning what they may consider negative into something positive and affirming. This is a gift that reading tarot gives you that you should strive to take to other aspects of your life.

There are a number of benefits to becoming a tarot card reader. Understanding the human spirit as a puzzle with each card being but one piece of this puzzle is a great one. It helps you to understand yourself as well as understanding what humans really are.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Pieces of You Tarot

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