The Fool Tarot Card: 007 Tarot Deck

The Fool Tarot Card: To be Enlightened

The Fool is on the way to Enlightenment. Perhaps the Fool is already enlightened. It could be he’s been down the path already, reached the World, and now he is on a new journey, If the first journey was to become enlightened, maybe now he journeys to spread the wisdom of what he has learned to help others on their path.

To be enlightened means to be aware. It means to be aware of the interconnectedness of all things. It is to see how your own actions, words, and attitudes ripple outward and affect others. It is to be aware how others’ actions also ripple out and affect others, including yourself. It is to intuit the feelings and general disposition of others and to temper your actions around them accordingly.

To be enlightened is to see and understand what really matters, and how so much of what most people do think matters, does not. To be enlightened means to differentiate between what matters and what is mere social conditioning.

To be enlightened means to spot what others want and expect you to believe and what is actual truth. To be enlightened means to understand the motives that drive other people to push their ideas and their wants and desires onto you. That is, to understand what they gain by manipulating you into believing what is best for them even if in reality, it is completely worthless.

To be enlightened means to stand firm in what you know to be the truth no matter how anybody tries to convince you of a truth you know to be a lie. To be enlightened means to be unwavering in your own convictions. It means to see beyond the extent that others see into many other worlds and other truths. It is to do this no matter how convincing the argument is to not do it.

It takes a true Fool to become enlightened. A Fool will surrender the ego and accept when they need to alter their course. If they do not alter their course, they will likely veer from the light they are following. The Fool knows that to get where they are going, many course corrections will be necessary. They cannot stay so stuck in their head that they don’t see when the path is no longer under their feet. They ask for guidance and accept it when it comes. —Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of you Tarot

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