The Fool's Path Tarot: Magician
The Fool’s Path Tarot: Magician

The Magician Tarot Card: Being aware of the Whole

Something to remember in the manifestation process is that in order to realize what must be manifested, you first must have an awareness of the whole so that you will see what is missing. How can you do this if you do not take time to really examine and meditate on the nature of your own reality? How do you know what you need if you do not have an innate awareness of perfection? When you understand perfection, only then will you see clearly what creates an imperfection.

In understanding the imperfection, then your mind can set itself to assessing what needs to be in place to complete this perfection. So, spend some time doing that. Imagine your life, your paradigm, your situation, whatever, as the most perfect emanation of such that it could be. Now examine reality. What is missing from reality that was in your imagination? This is what you need to manifest. Simple as that.

Walk the Fool’s Path…

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