Simple Wisdom: The Perfection

Simple Wisdom: Appreciate what is there over what is missing

Often, we say that life will be better when… be better when… we wait until conditions are such that we believe contentment and fulfillment will follow. We look beyond what is right here right now to fill in gaps that we perceive. These gaps are akin to emptiness that some future event will fill in and bring with it perfection and complete contentment.

As long as we continue to do this, there will always be something missing. As long as there is something missing, we will never allow ourselves to experience true happiness. What we must do is take the power out of someday, tomorrow, the future, and recognize the perfection of life right now this minute. Why surrender the power of this minute and hand it over to some unseen, unknown, unknowable yet to be?

The future doesn’t know you the way you know yourself in the moment right here, right now. Why hand over control of something as important as your happiness to the stranger that is “tomorrow?” Recognize right now, the beauty and perfection of right now. This is your gift to yourself. Keep it. It is yours. –Jim Larsen

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

9 of Swords: Pain is Fuel. Don’t Waste It.

9 of Swords Tarot Card

9 of Swords: Staying Motivated Through Pain

The 9 of Swords piece of you may be coaxing you towards your Personal Enlightenment. For some people, a certain degree of pain is simply a part of who they are and the overall makeup of who they are meant to be. This pain is meant to motivate them and influence their action part of their karmic skeleton on which their earthly essence is placed. For these people, the journey to their Personal Enlightenment is motivated greatly by the pain.

The pain then, is the fuel for their chariot that moves them onward. Without the pain, they would stay stuck and stagnant, never trying to overcome it and move beyond it. In their minds, they may think that eradicating the pain is the ultimate goal, but it is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to understand and accept the pain, for their pain has something to teach them.

Accept and understand the necessity of the pain. Explore the necessity of the pain. The attainment of Enlightenment is not in the eradication of pain, but in the understanding and acceptance of it. Come to terms with the pain. Realize that it is there for a reason. It is fuel in your Chariot. Your Chariot is taking you down the path to your Personal Enlightenment. Without the pain of the 9 of Swords, how far would you get? –Jim Larsen

Judgment: Ever Patient and Strong

The Judgment Tarot Card: Taking that Next Step

The Judgment tarot card reminds you that you have the opportunity to grow. You have the chance to take that next step. Are you taking it? Are you taking full advantage of the resources at your disposal? You have complete free will. Are you using this for the high road or the low? Are you using it to pursue highest and greatest good, or are you letting opportunities slip through your hands? Examine your circumstances. Appreciate the opportunities before you. Make the most of them. Aim high. Hear the call, answer the call. This is Judgment. Make it mean something. — Jim Larsen

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Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Strength: Fearlessly Patient

Strength Tarot Card

Strength Tarot Card: Bowing to no Weaknesses

When the Strength piece of you is activated, you are ever patient and ever strong. You see the weaknesses of others and are patient with them. You know they are on their own journey and are finding their own way, and they are making the necessary mistakes as they go. Seeing and knowing these things, you do not bow to the weaknesses of others.

You are not accepting their weaknesses as an absolute truth of them. You see where they are and you know where they are going and where they are meant to end up. Because of this, you have compassion and understanding for them. This is a component of what the Strength piece of you is truly about.
— Jim Larsen

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Pieces of You Tarot

What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

3 of Wands: The Dream Is Arriving

3 of Wands Tarot Card

3 of Wands Tarot Card: Guide Your Dreams

When the 3 of Wands is strong in you, you don’t just look at and dream of distant horizons, you create a plan to get there. The dream of arriving, becomes so strong that the essence of manifestation cannot be denied. The essence of manifestation becomes so strong that it cannot help but to become reality.

So, tap into your 3 of Wands piece of yourself. Use it to guide your dreams. Dream of the lands where you would like to arrive. Dream of it so big that it fills you until you cannot contain it within you and it spills out into reality. This is what it means to dream so big it cannot help become real. This is what it means to dream so big that your ambitions cannot possibly remain a dream. Your dreams will by default become reality. This is what it means to fully activate the 3 of Wands piece of yourself. –Jim Larsen

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7 of Swords: Why Are They Afraid of You?

7 of Swords Tarot Card

7 of Swords Tarot Card: Beware of Dishonest People

The 7 of Swords can come as a warning about deceit, trickery, and dishonesty. You may encounter such people who have only their own self-interests at heart, and will have no concern for your well being as they pursue them.

What prompts these people? Disharmony, for one. There is a feeling that one’s status quo cannot be met without manipulation, the feeling that faith alone and the interconnectedness with others are not enough to achieve balance. This is the feeling that one can only achieve harmony through a limited means, and one must manipulate these means into being. One sees, one imagines what they believe to be a perfect situation for their self, and this is a very narrowly focused view. It does not allow for much alterations or differentiations.

Because of this insistence that things must be this one certain way, one will go to any means to make sure that this is the outcome that comes about. When the outcome sought does not seem to be on the horizon, they redouble their efforts to achieve it. Often, this is done without concern for how this will impact others in the vicinity.

The 7 of Swords can represent someone who is at the center of their own universe. This may also be somebody who feels that the world owes them something. They think it is okay to take this or take that, or break this rule or break that rule, because doing so restores balance. This is somebody around whom you must be careful. Don’t let them take from you and disrespect you just so they can feel better. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

King of Pentacles: The Culmination of Efforts

King of Pentacles Tarot Card: Making It Happen

The King of Pentacles demonstrates a successful culmination of his efforts. When you apply yourself and succeed, when you don’t give up along the way, when you prove yourself, you yourself are a King of Pentacles. To be a King of Pentacles, set goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them. Become very focused and let nothing get in your way. Being an example of what you can achieve when you make up your mind about what you want to do, and then do it. This is what a King of Pentacles does.

The King of Pentacles knows it takes more than luck to amass a fortune. It takes skills and know how as well. It takes a good brain and good analytical skills. It also takes patience and courage. It takes the courage of a Knight of Pentacles to take some gambles and risks. The King of Pentacles is a good strategist. He can envision the outcomes of his gambles and actions and make his moves accordingly. He is shrewd and unafraid to make a power play when he needs to. He knows what he wants and will make the moves to get it, even if he has to step on people to get it. He is proud of his achievements. He likes to reflect on his moves that got him where he is in life.

He can be a mentor and help others achieve their own success through their own force and determination. He will scan his competition and anybody who is in his way, and ascertain their weaknesses so that he can exploit them in his quest for success. He also ascertains their strengths so he is not taken by surprise by their power plays. He is able to anticipate their moves and has a number of contingency plans in place to react to them.

The most notable characteristic of a King of Pentacles is his shrewdness. He is not deterred by problems or setbacks and his always thinking a or two or several ahead. He knows what he wants to achieve because he has a vision of his success in his mind. Now all he has to do is work towards it and do that which supports that vision. — Jim Larsen

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The Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool guide to Tarot Mastery

The Devil: Fear Attracts More Fear


The Devil Tarot Card: Stand Your Guard Against Fear

The Devil card in tarot can easily represent fear. This fear serves as a block that prevents us from achieving our greatest potential. Much of this fear is rooted in the past. Fear generated from past events and traumas can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life. To live fully, one must get past these fears.

How does one get past fear generated in the past? For starters, when feeling triggered by this fear in the present, stand your ground against it. Don’t let it make you back down. Don’t let it make you back away. Remind yourself that this is an irrational response to something from your past. Remind yourself that whatever unpleasant and negative outcome from the past need not be repeated. Remind yourself this is a new day and a new age and you need not relive the same scenario from the past.

In terms of the Law of Attraction, fear can be an attractor. When you are feeling fear, you attract the outcome of the event from the past. You are so sure that it will turn out this time as it did before that you actualize it this way. Your fear creates the outcome you most dread. How to get past this and not let it happen? Stand your ground against it. Follow the shadow back to the light.

This fear is a block. Like all blocks, get past them to live fully and live as an enlightened being. Meditate if you can, on the event that created the fear, and rewrite it. How would you have rather this event turned out? What could have happened differently to create a better outcome for your life? When you are able to answer these questions and visualize a new, positive outcome, you beat the Devil. –Jim Larsen

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What’s tarot Got to do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Page of Wands: Don’t Ask Permission to Shine

Page of Wands

Page of Wands Tarot Card: Needing No Validation

The Page of Wands tarot card can be about recognizing and appreciating your own talents and abilities without needing validation from others before doing so. It does seem like it, doesn’t it, that sometimes people wait for permission to come into their power or their own talents? They know what they are capable of. They know what they can do, but they hold back on it until somebody external to their self gives them the go ahead. Like, maybe they are a gifted writer and they know it, but they are not yet comfortable writing brilliantly until somebody tells them that they should work at it.

Maybe they hold back because they are afraid that important people in their life will be disappointed that they are pursuing this instead of something else, or that there will be jealousy from these people because they have this talent while the others do not. This causes them to hold back deliberately not shining as brightly as they can on purpose. But once they know that these people in their life support them and appreciate what they are able to do, then they are more comfortable with it. Now they feel like they have permission to shine their own light.

The trick to living fully is to learn how to not wait for this permission to shine and to identify within yourself these shining lights of personal power and talent and shine them as brightly as possible no matter what fear you have of what others may think or of what jealousies they may inspire. Your talents are a part of who you are for a reason. By denying them for any reason is to deny your life’s purpose. None of us are on the planet for no reason, so shine brightly and use your skills and talents. Grow from being a Page of Wands, just figuring it all out to being a King, where you live it fully and are a force on the earth.— Jim Larsen

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