Simple Wisdom: Don’t Look for Life Purpose

on’t look for your life’s purpose. Just accept that you have one.

Simple Wisdom: Accept that you have a life purpose even if you don’t see it

Don’t look for your life’s purpose. Just accept that you have one. The mindset that we must know our purpose in life is yet another trap that the ego sets. It tells us that we must understand everything in order for it to be valid. Everything, including purpose. The pursuit of life purpose may delude life purpose and even hinder its actualization. Just follow your bliss with the knowing that in your bliss your purpose will be achieved. The ego may hinder your life’s purpose in that it will cause you to search for it with your logical mind rather than your heart and your spirit, who’s special logic lies in the following of synchronicities and not an analytical exploration of the details. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these books of Simple Wisdom

Knowings From the Silence

Knowings From the Silence vol. 2

Knowings From the Silence vol. 3

Knowings From the Silence vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: To Fail is Divine

 keep trying, keep failing, keep learning, keep trying again until you achieve.

Simple Wisdom: Keep dreaming, keep trying, keep failing until you achieve

Do you have the courage to dream? It is through dreaming that you set yourself up to fail. Are you ready to fail? In failing, you are given the chance to realign and reassess and prepare yourself to try again. Keep dreaming, keep trying keep failing, keep learning, keep trying, keep failing, keep learning, keep trying again until you achieve. With each cycle of dreaming, trying, failing, reassessing, and trying again brings new knowledge, new wisdom, and new strength. The smartest of the smart, the wisest of the wise, and the strongest of the strong among us have tried and failed numerous times. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these Knowings from The Silence books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from The Silence vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence vol 3

Knowings from The Silence vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: Psychic Ability

Simple Wisdom: See into the truth

Many people consider “psychic ability” as an ability to know what will happen. For some though, it is the ability to know what is beyond the veils and masks of protective covering we humans put up to shield our authentic selves. Why put up these shields? Because without them, our truth is known. An exposed truth is a vulnerable truth. It is subjected to judgment and ridicule of others. Our true selves known, where can we hide? This is the bottom of who we are.

This can be scary as hell for anybody. So we cover this part of ourselves out of protection. Psychic ability is the ability to see past these protective coverings in ourselves and in others to see the hidden truth. Based on this hidden truth, what is the nature of life in the moment? How do we see this moment unfolding into the next and next and next? Psychic ability is the ability to take what we see of truth and tell a story with it as the impetus.

That’s all life really is, just a story. From what starting point will you tell yours? Who are the major characters? The mini? Who are the heroes, the villains, the seized opportunities and the missed? This is the nature of life and the stories we tell about it. To see into the truth of this story is to have true psychic ability.

Develop your psychic ability by telling stories about somebody’s life. Choose a person. Anybody. Observe what you can observe about them. It may be a total stranger, somebody you have never met. Maybe you observe them ordering coffee. This is all you have to go by, that and the way they are dressed. How long have they been drinking coffee? Are they regulars at this coffee shop, or transient just making a stop? Figure it out. Tell the story. Based on this, tell the story of their life that brought them into your awareness right now in the moment. Somewhere in what you conjure about this person, a truth may very well be revealed. This practice develops psychic ability. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these Knowings from The Silence books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from The Silence vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: Embrace Disappointment

Simple Wisdom: Accepting Disappointment as a Part of Life

Every disappointment is a reminder of who we truly are. Each disappointment is an opportunity to examine the truth of our being. By examining what it is that is causing the disappointment we discover something about our self as well as being reminded of something we already know, but perhaps forgot. How could this not be so? Disappointment is a window to our hopes and our expectations which is an indicator of the truth of who we are, for if it bothers us to be deprived of these things, does it not point to who we see ourselves to be? If we see our lives to be incomplete without these things, then how can we not define ourselves by what hope for and what we feel deprived of? —Jim Larsen

Enjoy these Knowings from The Silence Books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from the Silence vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: A Soaring Spirit

A softened heart will allow the spirit to be free and to soar

Simple Wisdom: Seeing Beyond Ego Into Spirit

We really do dumb ourselves down to fit the ego of people, don’t we? We tend to match the insecurities that these people have. They have this deep need and longing to be just like others, so they project an energy of downsized reality, one that they know others can fit. Others take this on, absorb it, now they are of the like vibe. They become this like vibe and stay in it because based on the projection of this other person, they begin to believe it is the truth of who they are. They cannot right now see their own self as anything but this diminished view of their own self, so they do try to be above and beyond it.

It is fortunate when somebody comes into their life who sees beyond that, who sees the expanse of their spirit, how it is so so so beyond what they have become in an attempt to match the ego and expectation of the others who sees them as small. This person who sees them as big can now coax them to fly. They can hold a mirror for them to see their self as a great and mighty person. They can reflect for them their spirit as awesome and great as it really is.

Once they see their self as this, now they know. Now they have a sense of their true self and their true power. Now they need not restrict their spirit to the confines of the human form. Now they can expand as limitless and boundary free as they were only meant to be. The spirit was never intended to be restricted purely to the body. It was always meant to expand, feel, and explore. It is the ego and the mind that keeps it inside. Relax the mind, relax the ego, and the heart will soften. A softened heart will allow the spirit to be free and to soar. –-Jim Larsen

Enjoy these Knowings from The Silence Books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: Expectations

Simple Wisdom: The Importance of Not Fixating on People

Having expectations of people will stagnate you. You will focus so much on them and what you are hoping from them, that they will only let you down. How can they not? It was you who placed all your hopes and dreams in this one entity. Are their lives solely focused on you? This is an unreasonable expectation, so don’t expect it.

As you are so solely focused on this person, you are denying yourself of the energy of others around you. How can this not lead to stagnation? Your own energy is stuck. It is stuck on this one person who is not evolving in the direction that would be most harmonious to you. Don’t focus too intently your energy on this one person. This person is probably not congruent with your highest and greatest good. Appreciate what there is to appreciate about them, but be mindful that any sense of disharmony or disappointment you may feel is coming from you. They are not projecting this on you. This is your own reaction to an internal feeling of separation.

This sense of separation comes from a hope and a desire you had concerning this other person that in your mind, went unfulfilled. This is not the problem of the other person and should not be projected onto them. Allow them to live their life in accordance with their own highest good. Break free of the stagnation by not holding tightly to a desired outcome from this person. Break free of stagnation by appreciating and showing appreciation for a wide variety of people.

Trust that what you need will come your way. Trust that by spreading your energy around, that it will connect with people who are in your best interest to connect with. Many people have energetic gifts for you. You will find them by not stagnating on one person. You will find them by spreading your energy and not focusing too intently on the one or ones who are clearly elsewhere mentally and spiritually. That is to say, don’t obsess over any one individual person. Don’t give them the power over you to decide if you get to be happy or not. That is ridiculous.

We give people this power over us when we obsess over them, when we decide that we can only be happy, content and in harmony when they meet our conditions. You bring about your own unhappiness when you do this. For this person to live up to your expectations is an impossible demand. How can it not be? Accept and appreciate them, but don’t expect too much. Expecting too much creates disharmony that ripples outward. You create disharmony for both yourself and the other person. Did this other person ask you to obsess over them? Do they want all this from you? Clinging too tightly to an expectation from them will only drive them crazy. Accept reality as it is and move on. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy the Knowings from The Silence books

Knowings from The Silence

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 2

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 3

Knowings from The Silence Vol. 4

Simple Wisdom: The Perfection

Simple Wisdom: Appreciate what is there over what is missing

Often, we say that life will be better when… be better when… we wait until conditions are such that we believe contentment and fulfillment will follow. We look beyond what is right here right now to fill in gaps that we perceive. These gaps are akin to emptiness that some future event will fill in and bring with it perfection and complete contentment.

As long as we continue to do this, there will always be something missing. As long as there is something missing, we will never allow ourselves to experience true happiness. What we must do is take the power out of someday, tomorrow, the future, and recognize the perfection of life right now this minute. Why surrender the power of this minute and hand it over to some unseen, unknown, unknowable yet to be?

The future doesn’t know you the way you know yourself in the moment right here, right now. Why hand over control of something as important as your happiness to the stranger that is “tomorrow?” Recognize right now, the beauty and perfection of right now. This is your gift to yourself. Keep it. It is yours. –Jim Larsen

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Simple Wisdom: Moments of Doubt


Simple Wisdom: Finding Clarity through doubt

We all have those moments when we feel doubt, when we question the validity of our life choices and the paths we have chosen. We all have these moments. To not have them would not be human. These are all a part of the human experience we chose when incarnating. The question then becomes what we do when we have such moments of doubt? How do we handle them? Do we maintain faith in ourselves, or do we feel defeated and crushed? It is in these times that we must truly meditate and look within. It is in these times we must truly tap into our inner sparks of divinity and remind ourselves that something brought us to this moment for a reason. Are we meant to stay in this moment? Is this moment but a milestone? A stepping stone to the next?

If there is uncertainty, then ask your guides and your angels for clarity. Ask that they speak to you about your purpose and the road ahead. Ask and then listen for the answer. The answer will present itself. If not whispered in your ear, then shown to you. If not shown to you, then placed in your heart where you will feel it. You must be open to receive the answer without dictating its form. Clear your mind and keep your aura clean. The answer will present itself. This is promised to all.

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Simple Wisdom: Compassion for Shadows

Show compassion for what is in your shadows. Allow them to come forth and be healed.

Simple Wisdom: Do not judge your shadows

When exploring your shadows, it is important to be mindful not to pass judgment on yourself. It is easy to encounter aspects of ourselves that displeases us, and judge ourselves accordingly, but judgment will not serve you in your quest for wholeness, which is what shadow exploration is. You must face your shadows with compassion for yourself and remind yourself that that which instigates your judgment is an aspect of yourself that needs to be healed. Judgment does not heal. Judgment causes what is in your shadow to be fearful of the light and therefore remain hidden. Show compassion for what is in your shadows. Allow it to come forth and be healed.

— Jim Larsen


Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Simple Wisdom: Echoes of the Past

A forgotten memory from a whole other now may be heard in a moment of causeless joy

Simple Wisdom: Echos from the past, energy from another now

Echoes of the past, it is true, often reverberate in this now. We hear them in our worries and our fears, our phobias and our preoccupations. The echoes can also reverberate as bliss and as joy. A forgotten memory from a whole other now may be heard in a moment of causeless joy or of self-sustaining joy, triggered by seemingly nothing at all, but it’s not nothing at all at all. It’s something quite profound, in fact. It is the energy you created in that other now, still in the air, connecting with you in this now, as perhaps your thoughts in this now or your actions or deeds in this now triggered a vibrational equivalent to the vibrational alignment you were in at the now of the original expression of this energy.

That previous now could easily have been in a lifetime previous to the one of this now. Consider this in figuring out your fears and your phobias, and in understanding patterns that repeat in your life, patterns that you feel may be blocking you in some way from achieving your birth vision for this time on earth. The thing is, a life can be cut short for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t even have to be cut short to affect your next lifetime. Trauma from one lifetime will inevitably ripple into your next lifetime, resulting in echoes. Ask yourself, what is echoing from the past? How do you answer these echoes?

–Jim Larsen


Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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