You are a unique being with unique needs on a personal journey.

Is life meant to be lived by a template created by an arbitrary societal creator? Are we meant to fit into the comfort zone of society for the sake of society’s needs? For some, the answer is yes. This template gives them comfort and a sense of being on track. It allows them to fit in without the need of questioning their decisions and the life they live. Do they have that perfect job? Did they get married? Did they procreate? Do they eat, drink, and watch the TV programs created to lull them into a sense of “normalcy?” For others though, the answer is no. Their life does not fit the template that others fit so comfortably into. But wasn’t it supposed to? Maybe it was. At least, that is the way it feels.

They may look at our lives and pinpoint things they don’t like. They notice things they would like to change, things they would like to be different. They imagine an outcome that they would like to achieve and we assume that someday it will be so. They imagine that at some point it will it will be so. Maybe they assume they will get to a certain age and by then, these achievements will have manifested. What happens though, when time goes on and on and these changes do not happen? What happens when they get to that certain age when they thought these things would have become a reality by, but they still are not here?

Perhaps it is so that at that point, they need to accept that this is something that is not meant to be in their life. Perhaps it is time to accept that it was never anything but a dream that they would have this. Maybe it is by programming from society that instilled in them the false belief that this is something all members of society are supposed to have in their life and feel inadequate that they do not.

This is an unfortunate mindset. It does not allow for a genuine connection with all that is. It creates a false and unhealthy notion that we are all one and the same. We are the results of a cookie cutter mentality that has decided what society should look like. If we have not achieved these things, then we are abnormalities of society. And so if we have not achieved these things by a certain age or some other arbitrary point in our life, we feel like we do not belong. This is unfortunate.

It is better to accept one’s self as a unique being with unique needs on a unique journey that has its own needs and requirements. To expect to achieve such and such a thing by such and such a time serves only to relinquish our personal needs and be nothing more than a clone of some over-simplified original design. As an original being though, we must accept that our life may not be exactly as others will think it should be.

Remember that you are on your own track to your own enlightenment and you will not get there trying in vain to be what others think you should be or by trying to live up to an expectation that is not congruent to your life path or mission. So, live your life. Accept who and what you are. And do not apologize to yourself or to anybody if your life does not match the template that others seem to fit so conveniently into.

That template is for the ordinary people living their ordinary, societally ordained lives. The life you are living is very different than that and you should appreciate it even, and maybe especially, when others do not.

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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