4 of Cups Tarot Card

Four of Cups Tarot Card: Get your energy unstuck

The meaning of the 4 of Cups tarot card can include stuck energy. Think about it. When you are bored, you are stuck. You are not motivating yourself to get up and do something. You have accepted the idea that “there is nothing to do” and you are wallowing in it. Energy is not flowing in a situation like this. It is stuck.

The 4 of Cups tarot card can also illustrate what is like being around people with this attitude. It can really suck to be around people who have given up on motivating there own self. On your own, you could be perfectly fine having a slow-paced, easy going day. But there is that other person, whining and complaining about not having anything to do, and worse yet, doing mindless things to kill time- things like watching TV even though they have no interest in what is on, but that energy from the TV is filling the room and you are stuck with it.

You can’t really do a whole lot to get this other person motivated. The best you can do is look out for your self. Get your energy unstuck by finding something to do. Find a way to occupy your mind. See what you can do that is of value to your self or to somebody else. Being trapped in a paradigm of stuck energy can grind a day to a halt and maybe make you question why you are even here. Remind yourself of the value of your life by finding worthwhile things to fill your time with. Get up, move, do something. This is how you beat the 4 of Cups energy. —Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

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