The Fools Path Tarot Hermit card by Jim Larsen

The Hermit Tarot Card: How to access your inner wisdom

You have a tremendous amount of wisdom embedded in you. It has been there for countless generations of lifetimes. It has been whispered and spoken to you by numerous spiritual sources. You are wise beyond measure. All that wisdom- it’s in you. The trick is to access it. The trick is to hear it and to recognize it. The trick is to not dismiss it as superficial fluff when you discover it.

To access it and to hear it, you must open yourself to it. This is hard to do when you are constantly confronted with daily worries and concerns. It helps to hear it and to appreciate it when you are not concerned with what everybody else is concerned with and what they want you to be concerned with. Get away from these daily concerns by finding quiet time. Find meditation time. Do yoga. Do whatever it takes to get out of your head and away from society’s expectations of you.

When you are not concerned with what society wants from you, you are within yourself where you can hear the authentic voices of your own wisdom. You will find that these voices have your best interest at heart and will benefit you greatly with the wisdom they offer. Once you have this wisdom, you can utilize it to live the best life you can be living. Find ways to hear these voices and feel the impulses of your intrinsic wisdom and be amazed at the positive changes come about in your life. You will become the person you were always meant to be. This is the Hermit within you. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do with It?

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