You have come a long ways on your journey. Now keep going.

The World Tarot Card

The world card in tarot denotes accumulation. When considered sequentially, pay attention to the fact that it is the final card. If life is a journey, if the purpose of life is to learn and to grow, if we look at life as a series of destinations and plateaus to be reached, then when the world card comes up in a reading it is meaningful to consider it as achievement. It denotes that you have arrived. Your goals have been achieved. Pat yourself on the back and reflect on the journey. Go over the ups and downs and the highs and the lows. What brought you to this point in life? Sometimes it was easy and sometimes it was difficult. Sometimes the lessons were obvious, other times not. Be that as it may be though, they are what brought you to where you are so it was all good.

We search. We know we are meant for something. Sometimes though, we ask, “What exactly would that be? What exactly am I meant for?” And so we seek an answer to this very profound yet basic question. We try things. We examine things. We figure out what exactly feels right to us and then we compare. We decide what is truly meaningful and important to us. If we are wise, we realize the answer and we latch onto it. We nurture it. We make it grow. This feels right to us. This is our purpose. This is a big reason why we are here. Pay attention to this. What in your life truly feels right and perfect? The world card invites you to examine and appreciate this.

There is satisfaction in achieving a goal. These goals are not arbitrary. They do, in so many ways, define who we are. These goals are our passions. They exist in our heart. They are attached to our soul. We dedicate ourselves to it. We strive and we work for it. And then… at last… we achieve it. It is an accumulation of effort and simple dedication. Now, we can enjoy the results of these efforts. Now we have shifted our own personal paradigm. Now, we are not defined as somebody “trying” but as somebody who has “achieved.” This achievement gives us a new sense of solid ground to stand on. We now have a firm foundation. From this new plateau, where will we go next? Based on our successes, what is next?

With the world card, we are ready for the next journey. It is time to take the success, wisdom, and knowledge we have amassed and go in a new direction with it. Considered sequentially, it is time to begin again at zero. It is time to be a fool again. We are stronger, wiser and more powerful. Our leaps of faith are more calculated and thought through. What direction does our heart tell us to go now? It is time to listen and follow. When the world comes up in a reading, consider this.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Walk the Fool’s Path to Enlightenment

Master Tarot

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