9 of Swords: Pain is Fuel. Don’t Waste It.

9 of Swords Tarot Card

9 of Swords: Staying Motivated Through Pain

The 9 of Swords piece of you may be coaxing you towards your Personal Enlightenment. For some people, a certain degree of pain is simply a part of who they are and the overall makeup of who they are meant to be. This pain is meant to motivate them and influence their action part of their karmic skeleton on which their earthly essence is placed. For these people, the journey to their Personal Enlightenment is motivated greatly by the pain.

The pain then, is the fuel for their chariot that moves them onward. Without the pain, they would stay stuck and stagnant, never trying to overcome it and move beyond it. In their minds, they may think that eradicating the pain is the ultimate goal, but it is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to understand and accept the pain, for their pain has something to teach them.

Accept and understand the necessity of the pain. Explore the necessity of the pain. The attainment of Enlightenment is not in the eradication of pain, but in the understanding and acceptance of it. Come to terms with the pain. Realize that it is there for a reason. It is fuel in your Chariot. Your Chariot is taking you down the path to your Personal Enlightenment. Without the pain of the 9 of Swords, how far would you get? –Jim Larsen

9 of Swords: When You Absorb Negative Energy

9 of Swords Tarot Card

9 of Swords Tarot Card: Dealing With What Bothers You

Look at this poor,unfortunate soul in the 9 of Swords tarot card. This looks like a female, so I will refer to her as “she.” Something is obviously bothering her. Or maybe a whole bunch of things are bothering her. That which bothers her finally pushed her a point of breaking down. It was so much that she finally began to weep. This is what can happen when we absorb too much stress and pressure. This is what can happen when we absorb too much negative energy.

Sure, it can happen that a substantial amount of grief can be dropped on us from out of nowhere, the loss of a loved one, for example. It can also happen though, a little at a time. It can add up to feel like one very big lump of emotional pain. We can be pushed to the point of exhaustion where our defenses are weakened and we just need to get it all out. It looks like that is what this person in the 9 of swords is doing. She’s having a good cry to release the pressure she’s been under.

This can happen to any of us if we are not careful. Rather than push ourselves to this point though, we can take our stress, pressure, and whatever it is that is bothering us a day at a time and a step at a time. Deal with it as it happens. When something is bothering you or making you feel stressed, examine it to figure out what that is exactly and where it is coming from.

You may not be able to eradicate it, but you can find the inner strength to deal with it in the moment before more and more adds up to make it all unbearable. Meditate on your irritations and pain. Find coping techniques. Deal with it all as it happens and you will be amazed at the strength you acquire. It can help you from falling apart like this wretched soul in the 9 of Swords tarot card. — Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

Daily Tarot | 9 of Swords: Vent | 9/28/2017

9 of Swords Tarot Card: How to vent your frustrations in a productive way

The 9 of Swords tarot card hints to us what can happen to us if we don’t vent our frustrations, anger, upsets, and grievances every so often. If we don’t  let these things out a little at a time as they occur, they will build up and we will suffer a break down. What will this break down look like? It may be solitary and alone where we hide away in a room and shun the world as we go through what we need to go through. It may be that we snap at and actually attack others.

It may be that we become very grumpy and simply stop caring about things we once cared deeply about. These things are not productive and they tend to hurt people who don’t deserve to be hurt. It is a natural part of life to be affected by what is going on around us to the point where it builds up in us in detrimental ways. It is beneficial to find ways to purge our spiritual and energetic system of it in small unobtrusive ways. Instead of blowing up, how about channeling it into something creative? A poem, maybe? A short story? Maybe go for a walk or a swim, perhaps work out at the gym. Just do something to shift that energy from negative vindictive into something useful.

When you do this, you are the master of your own soul. You’re not letting negative input chart the course of your day. You are turning the tables and creating a positive outcome. You are not going to be defeated by negativity. You have made friends with your frustrations and angers and mastered the 9 of swords tarot card.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

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9 of Swords: Thinking Too Much?

9 of Swords

9 of Swords Tarot Card: Get out of your head and escape your thoughts

Consider the 9 of swords tarot card today to be advising you to get out of your head. What’s going on? Are you thinking too much? Do you have a lot on your shoulders? Stress getting to you? Just take a break from it all for awhile. Shake it off. Escape. Watch a movie. Read a novel. Take a very long walk in nature. Do whatever it takes to get out of your head and escape the thoughts that are getting to you. Ask yourself, “How does it serve me to be locked in this prison of my on mind with these thoughts that are driving me crazy?” Then step away from them, When you come back to them, how are they different? Do they still have the same power over you, or have they lost some of their power? Don’t let your own thoughts drive you too crazy. That is the lesson of the 9 of swords tarot card today.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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