7 of Cups Tarot Card: Examine your choices

As you ponder the year ahead, don’t limit your possibilities. Make this your year. Make it a year where you dare to not just dream, but to dream the impossible that you make it reality. The 7 of Cups reminds you that you can do that. It reminds you that you need to dream big and dream impossible if you are going to dream at all. If a dream is something you hope to accomplish, why not aim big? Why limit yourself to what you believe is possible? Anybody can make the possible come true. It takes a special kind of somebody to make the impossible happen. Why not be that person? It starts with the realization that really, anything can happen if you believe it can. So believe. Believe everything you are hoping for.

The 7 of Cups tarot card invites you to examine all your choices and not limit yourself on determining what you want. If what you want is seemingly impossible to attain, it just means you haven’t figured out your plan to get it yet. Maybe there is no plan. Maybe you just need to throw it out to the Universe that you want it, then expect that it will provide. As you expect the Universe to provide, pay attention to the impulses that lead you to acquiring it, for that is how it will come about. It won’t happen just like, “Poof! There it is!” But rather in small increments of inspirations that will lead to it. Set as your goal this new year to be unlimited. Don’t be held back. Aim high and achieve your dreams. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Guide To Tarot Mastery

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