3 of Swords: A Stabbed and Bleeding Heart

3 of Swords Tarot Card

3 of Swords Tarot Card: Dealing with Emotional Pain

The 3 of Swords tarot card just looks painful. Doesn’t it? Look at it. Three swords stab through a heart. This card is a depiction of how it feels to have our feelings hurt and/or our heart broken. What exactly constitutes these swords? From where did they come? How did they get so sharp and why do they hurt the way they do? Reflecting on this can be the instigation of emotional healing. By examining where these swords came from, and who or what was wielding them and stabbing you with them, you may be able to go back to the primal instance of the wounding and address the pain there. Instead of reacting broadly to the pain, deconstruct it. Examine each aspect of it- each sword- and understand the cause of it. Doing this has the benefit of deeper self-understanding which is a step towards healing. It also helps in the development of empathy, for when you understand this about yourself, you are able to see it in others. –Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

3 of Swords: Is Your Heart a Graveyard?

3 of Swords Tarot Card

3 of Swords Tarot Card: Finding Fodder for Empathy

What is the 3 of Swords tarot card about? Think of it as the death you feel when your heart breaks, and what you can do with the pain of feeling that way. The heart was never meant to be a grave yard, yet so often it is. It becomes a graveyard filled with the corpses of failed relationships, relinquished dreams, shot down hopes, and moments wasted on sorrow.

This grave yard that is our heart, we carry it with us everywhere we go. Wherever we are, that sense of death is with us and too often, we can’t escape the mourning. But this is not a productive way to live. It is of little benefit to feel this constant sense of loss and grief. Yet, there it is. What do we do with it?

Do this- Use it as fodder for empathy. When sensing pain in another, scan the graveyard for a memory of this pain of your own. With this empathy, you can show this other person the compassion they need to get through the hard time they are going through. This is to to take control of that piece of you that is the 3 of Swords and the discomfort it makes you feel. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these fine tarot card books

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

3 of Swords: Crack Open Your Heart


3 of Swords Tarot Card

3 of Swords Tarot Card: Crack your heart open to see what’s inside

Sometimes you have to crack a heart open to really know what’s inside of it.  Think about the 3 of swords as doing just that. Sometimes you have to break your heart to understand it. Sometimes you have to bore a hole through it to see what makes it tick. Hearts are funny that way. Until they’re hurting you might not even notice them. They might be full of love and good intentions, but if the one it is full of love and good intentions for doesn’t want it, it’s all just going to fester and turn sour and cause who knows how much pain. Hearts are funny that way.

All that love and good intentions- sometimes you need to crack open a heart to figure out what all that is attached to, and sometimes eventually feel for another is in some partial way fueled by the love that they return, but that love isn’t there in any detectable way, how long does it take for your own heart to drain? How long until you notice this in earnest and accept it? What do you do then? Do you stem the flow of that love as not to run on empty, or do you continue to scrape the rusty bottom of your tank hoping futilely for a meager refill, even just a drop that you will tell yourself represents a hope for more?

But that hope is seldom realized, and if it is, it is even more meager than it was before until finally, you realize nothing you do in the name of love matters so finally you stop trying, and finally then, you can allow yourself the heal. Funny how sometimes you have to hit absolute bottom before you even realize there is a problem so that you can allow yourself to heal. Funny too, how so many of these problems are all in our own minds instigated and kept alive by our own thoughts. Remember this next time you feel like your heart has broken, and consider the 3 swords tarot card to be cracking open your heart so you can see what’s inside.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Guide to Tarot Mastery

3 of Swords: Clinging to hurts

three speculation copy

3 of Swords Tarot Card: Let It Go

The 3 of Swords tarot card tell us, we tend to hang on to things, don’t we? Old hurts, old disappointments, old unmet expectations. Each one of these things tend to take the form of a sword or a dagger that is plunged right into and often times through our heart. These things hurt. They cause discomfort and unease. But remember this- these daggers or these swords are created by our mind. They are not intrinsic to our spirit or our real true honest self. They are there we because we put them there our self. Why? What point is there to doing this?

It is pointless. We just forget how pointless it is. The mission for today is to remember how pointless it is. Take time to examine old hurts and old bothers and to visualize them as a sword piercing your heart. Now that you see them- remove them. Take them out one by one. Imagine white, healing light filling the gap that these swords once occupied. These old swords of hurt serve no purpose. free yourself of them once and for all!


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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