10 of Swords: Your Words Can Stab Like Daggers

Painful Words

The 10 of Swords tarot card reminds us that the words we use can be as sharp as daggers when you are careless with them or use them to inflict damage. Are you throwing words at people, trying to hurt them? Are you unaware that you are doing this? Because sometimes, intentionally or not, that is what you are doing. When you are careless with your words, speaking them to somebody without being mindful of a difficult time they are going through or triggering something within them that you could not have known about. Be mindful of this. Take care to handle these daggers gently as you hand them to somebody.

Verbal Attacks

These word daggers represented by the 10 of swords tarot card become exceptionally sharp when they are thrown intentionally. Harsh words can stab into a person unlike anything else. They can cause injury that may never heal. Be careful how you give somebody criticism. Do so in a way that does not inflict mortal damage. This is a powerful reminder from the 10 of swords tarot card.
Jim Larsen

10 of Swords: Is There Too Much on Your Mind?

10 of Swords Tarot Card: Examine your thoughts, one at a time

Ever have so much on your mind all at once that you cannot logically process it all so your head just ends up feeling like it is spinning and spinning and you can’t seem to get your bearings? You probably have. We all go through this. This is the 10 of Swords doing its thing within you. The thing to do is, examine one issue at a time. Come to terms with it and establish whatever plans you need to make with it before moving onto the next.

Take the time to meditate and do this. Trying to take on all your thoughts and issues all at once will do nothing but cause stress and confusion. Save yourself that trouble. Take it all one thing at a time. Come to complete and logical conclusions for each. You will feel much better if you do. Reign in the 10 of Swords within yourself and keep things simple. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Tarot Mastery

10 of Swords: Recovery

10 of Swords Tarot Card: You are not going to get any deader, so nothing left to do but recover

To look at the 10 of swords tarot card is to see a scene of desperation and despair. I mean, look at this guy. He’s been downed. He’s been stabbed. He’s bleeding. There’s a good chance that he is dead. What happened here? Keep in mind that the suit of swords represent our thoughts and the effect our own mind has on us. With that in mind, look at what our own thoughts are capable of doing to us.

Sometimes stress gets to us. Sometimes worry is overwhelming. Sometimes the burden of thinking too much kills us. You don’t always realize you are doing this to yourself until the deed is done and you are dead. The good thing about being dead though, it gives you a chance to recover. Now you can. You’re not going to get any deader. As dead as you are is as dead as you are going to be. It’s not going to get any worse.

Because it is not going to get any worse, you can analyze what exactly happened, what your thoughts did to you, and now you can send healing energy to the wounded parts so you can get back up, shake off the hurt and live again. And when you do this, you are that much stronger. So when you are having 10 of swords moments, keep in mind it is all designed to make you better and stronger.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books by Jim Larsen

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Master Tarot…

10 of Swords: The Worst is Behind You

ten speculation copy

10 of Swords Tarot Card: See How Good Things Are

The 10 of Swords tarot card may tell the good news is that the worst is behind you.  There is no bad news. From here on out, things can only get better. That’s what happens when you finally hit the bottom, and that is what happens when you let your thoughts dominate and control too many aspects of your life. They will eventually drive you crazy. Once they drive you  crazy, you can settle down and look for sanity again. make that your mission today- to look for sanity again. What’s been bothering you lately? What’s been on your mind?

Just stop thinking, stop seeking, stop reacting, and just take inventory of your thoughts and your attitudes. Which ones are taking you down a dangerous path? Change them. Alter them from destructive to constructive. Look for something good instead of dwelling on anything bad. See the the difference that this will make. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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