Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card: Nurture Your Seed of Potential

The Ace of Pentacles is a seed of potential. If nurtured when planted, can grow into something great. It must be nurtured though. You must tend to this seed if it is going to sprout, grow, provide a rich harvest. Patience will be required , as will diligence. But the payoff will all be worth the effort.

What must happen is, you must know what it is you want, then gear your actions towards getting it. You must be prepared to put in the work, and you must be patient to see the results. Too many times people don’t see the results because they lack the patience to see something through to completion. They miss out on the harvest. If they could just hang in there a little longer, they will appreciate the results from all their work.

The seed of potential is powerful, but it is not self-sustaining. For it to grow to its true power, it needs the support and nourishment of its planter. What you put into nurturing this seed is what you will get back from it, and more. So don’t give up because progress seems slow. When progress is slow, hang in there. Reflect on how much progress has been made, and feel good that you’ve come this far, and know it will go even farther. The Ace of Pentacles invites you to have faith in your potential and to do what you have to do to nurture it. Maintain the potential of your vision and keep it in front of you. Work towards it. This is how success is achieved. –Jim Larsen

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