The Magician Tarot Card

The Magician Tarot Card: Stay Positive

To be successful in life, endeavor to draw upon the strength of the Magician. The strength of the Magician is the ability to stay positive. The Magician is a manifester. As such, he draws to himself more of the energy that he is emanating. With that in mind, the magician knows to stay positive in order to draw more positive in order to draw more positivity to the self.

The Magician knows it is counterproductive to dwell in negative energy. Of course, negative feelings and emotions come our way. We wouldn’t be human if they didn’t. However, to stay stuck in them only draws in more of this negativity that we don’t want and don’t need. When negativity comes our way, the Magician knows to simply observe them for what they are and what they have to tell us, and then move on from them. They are not meant to be all we are and dominate our life. The strength of the Magician is the ability to observe and release and to stay focused on the positive. — Jim Larsen

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