The Hermit Tarot Card: True Authenticity

In consideration of tarot, a true hermit is nobody’s demographic. This is a person who is completely comfortable living outside of the media’s influence. Think about it. When you are not told what to like, what to think, what to eat, what to drink, how you should look, what you should wear, what you should listen to, what you should watch, then who do you become? When you are not consumed with the thought forms of mass media and the marketing strategies of business men, who are you? Who is the authentic person beneath it all? Can you define your spirit? Can you identify your spark? Just how much of whom you are is determined by the marketers?

It can be disappointing being in a society that is obsessed with conformity, when you yourself are focused on authenticity. Society says do this. Society says get married. Have children. Make sure you go to a bar and get drunk frequently. Watch football on TV. Watch basketball. Care about who wins the World Series. Feel a sense of emotional investment in who wins the Super Bowl or wins an Oscar. Have you had a McRib lately? The powers that be at McDonalds would really like you to, and will hound you until you do.

You’re a “normal” member of society, right? You bought the newest IPad, yes? You have followed the media’s conditioning and know you absolutely cannot live without one, haven’t you?

These are the thing you are “supposed” to do. Society wants you to buy its beer and get drunk. Numb your mind. Don’t ask questions. Accept unconditionally everything that is thrown your way. Have a Coke and a smile. Don’t try too hard to have a real conversation. It’s easier and more satisfying to rely on small talk. Simply repeat buzzwords. “What are you doing this weekend?” Does it really matter? Do you really care? Empty puffs of air. Senseless excretion of energy.

Save your words until they add up to something substantial. Keep it sincere. Just say “Hello.” Say it with sincerity from the heart that indicates you truly appreciate seeing the person you are saying it to. Aim for sincerity of words over quantity. This is important. Keep it in mind. Small talk is the clip art of conversation. Are you content to follow the programming set forth by those long forgotten? Small talk is nothing more than a program to be followed. It has limited value, if any at all. Break free of this innocuous time waster.

Strive for authenticity. Be a true hermit. Meditate. Go within. Who are you really when you are not following the programs that society creates? What are you really craving? Is it a McRib? Or is it tilapia? If you’re craving tilapia, pay no heed to the last McDonalds commercial you saw, and find yourself a fish restaurant. It really is that simple. Authenticity has become a lost art in the age of media influence. Be part of the renaissance that brings it back to the mainstream.

Turn off your TV. Turn off your radio. Ignore those popup ads on the internet. Don’t be told what to do, what to think, or what you can’t live without. You already know the real answers to these questions. The answers you find within are way more meaningful than what a marketer will provide for you. This is what it means to be a true hermit.

When the hermit card comes up for you in a reading, consider your authenticity. Are you marching to the beat of your own drummer, or are you simply a lemming following somebody else’s interests, allowing them to profit from your indecision? Be authentic. Be real. Be true to yourself. Embrace the hermit quality you possess and be your own demographic.

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