King of Swords

King of Swords Tarot Card: Offer a Fresh Perspective

The King of Swords tarot card reminds you,  people are looking for somebody to look up to. They need a leader. They need somebody to infuse the situation with fresh ideas and new energy. It would seem that you are that somebody. Give the people what they want! Do you see things differently than the way they do? Can you offer a fresh perspective? Can you take control and show the people a new path? Yes you can, so step up and do it. Rock the stagnation until the energy is flowing again.

That’s what happens, you know. You get a group of people together for a specific function, and at first it goes well. But then complacency sets in. The group gets so stuck in the idea of how everything should be done that they do not take into account the subtle (or not subtle) changes that come about. So growth is hindered. Stagnation sets in. Somebody with a holistic view of it all needs to step in and shake things up and get the energy flowing again. This is your job as  the King of Swords.

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