Highway Oracle: Detour

Highway Oracle: Detour by Jim Larsen

Highway Oracle: Take a different approach

It pays to be flexible. If you can be flexible, you will be under a lot less stress. If you see only one way to do what it is you are trying to do or achieve what it is you are trying to achieve, or get to where it is you are trying to get to, you will likely find it frustrating and difficult if something happens to block you from that one way. It is always wise to have a Plan B. That way, if Plan A doesn’t pan out, you are not going to be stuck. You will already have another way in mind, and the transition to it should not be too stressful. Life will do that to you, you know. It will put up blocks and obstacles to your path that force you to try another way. These blocks and obstacles are not intended to make you give up, but rather to expand your mind to see the other possibilities. In life, we often have to make detours.


The Highway Oracle Deck            The Highway Oracle Book

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