10 of Wands: Shake Off Yesterday’s Energy

10 of Wands Tarot Card

10 of Wands Tarot Card: Start each day anew

The 10 of Wands tarot card my be urging you to not carry the weight of yesterday on your back. Shake it off and start the new day. Give each new day a chance to be great. That could very well be the message the 10 of Wands has for you.

You may have had a rough day. We all do sometimes. Let it go when you do. Let a bad day be just that- a day. It doesn’t have to be a bad week or month. It might not even have to be a day. Maybe a bad hour is just a bad hour. Do your best to not carry the burden of a rough time with you. It is easy to focus our thoughts on what we didn’t like about a time or a situation. It is easy to hold onto the bad feelings and consider how unfair they were. Doing this though, is not conducive to our happiness. Accepting that we will, from time to time, have those times that trouble us, and then letting them go is much more conducive to our overall well being.

Keep this in mind the next time things don’t appear to be going your way. The 10 of Wands encourages you to let go, shake it off, and move on. — Jim Larsen

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

10 of Wands: Choose a Priority

10 of Wands Tarot Card: Shift your focus

We get to that point sometimes when we have had so many ideas, and have been so open to new opportunities that we get the idea that we can do it all, so we take it all on. It may seem okay at first, but the day can easily come when you realize you are spending so much energy trying to accomplish it all that you are not accomplishing any of it. And why is this? It is because when you are focused on one thing, you think about the things you are not focused on, and you feel bad about that.

You feel like you are not doing enough, so you shift your focus. Now, as you are focused on this other thing, your mind is still on something else you are not working on. This becomes a cycle that keeps you from finishing anything you are trying to get done. This can give you the impression that you are unable to do anything. What can be done about that?

Pick one of these things. Pick any of them. Don’t even try to prioritize them, just pick one. Now forget the others. It’s not easy to do, but do it anyway. Forget the others and stay focused on this one. Work on it. Get it done. Do it! Get this finished, and it will a load off your mind and weight off your shoulders. You will get a sense of accomplishment that tells you that you do have what it takes to finish what you started.

Take the affirmation that you are capable of finishing things and focus on the next thing you want to finish. Again, don’t prioritize, just pick one and do it. Keep going. Before long, you will have accomplished a great many things that you would not have had you let your mind remain scattered among them all. This is the 10 of Wands piece of you. Honor it by getting focused and getting things done. –Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Tarot Mastery

10 of Wands: Inventory Your Struggles

10 of Wands Tarot Card: Be careful about taking on too much

The 10 of Wands is asking you, don’t you have enough going on right now? Do you really need to take on anymore just now? Before adding to your already heavy load and busy schedule, why not finish up with what you already have going on? Take care of the business you have in progress before starting anything new. Why stress yourself out more if you don’t have to? Why put more weight on your shoulders? Do yourself a favor and stop taking on anything more until you finish up what you have in progress. If you don’t, what do you think is going to happen?

You’re still going to have to take of all the old stuff, but now you have even more to deal with. Stop doing that. Take inventory of everything you have going on and promise yourself to wrap it up. Once it is wrapped up, then you can take it on yourself to start some new endeavors. But don’t let too much be placed on your shoulders.

The more you have to worry about, the harder it will be to get any of it done, because you will always be wondering, where do I begin? Get your stuff done. Appreciate a sense of completion, then decide what is next. This is how to appease the 10 of Wands within you.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

10 of Wands: Clearly Focus On Inspirations

10 of Wands Tarot Card: Evaluate your inspirations

Sometimes the 10 of Wands within you will cause this to  happen- you have an idea or an inspiration and you can’t wait to get started on it, so you jump right into it. Before you see it through to completion though, you have another idea or inspiration, so you jump right into that one too. Before you see that one through to completion though, you have more, so you jump right into those too. Before you know it, you have so many things you are working on, and rather than any of them bringing you satisfaction, they are making you feel over-burdened because you can’t seem to find time to work on any of them.

In cases like these, remember, these were all your ideas and inspirations, and you chose to take them on.  What you need to do know is evaluate them. Which one feels the best or most important to you? Which one would bring you the most satisfaction to finish? Set the others aside and focus on that one. Create a realistic plan with doable goals to get this done. Work on it. Make it your priority. Disallow distractions until it is done.

When it is done, pick up on one of the others. Do the same thing; create doable objectives, and get it done.  Don’t let the 10 of Swords within you make you crazy.  Work steadily on each of your goals until they are complete.  — Jim Larsen

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

The Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Master Tarot…

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