The Devil Tarot Card: Dealing with Pain

The Devil Tarot Card: Experience your pain, then let it go

The Devil Tarot Card

Sometimes we deal with pain but do not heal it. We leave it where it is and move on. That pain does not simply evaporate. It remains right where you left it as a shadow, as something that always eats away at you, never quite letting you feel completely comfortable. As you move one, you tend to forget that the pain is there, but that pain remembers you. It remembers the circumstances that brought it into being. We cover this pain with layer upon layer of appeasement until it is no longer visible to us. But these layers of appeasement only placates the pain. It does not dissolve it. The pain will still seep through the layers and be absorbed by our psyches. This will add much weight to our spirits, we must remember that the idea is to shed extra weight, to become light that we may ascend into enlightenment. This weight from this pain is counter productive to this devils-playendeavor. When dealing with pain, we must address it as it happens  so that this does not happen. The pain though, that has not been dealt with, the pain that has seeped though to saturate the spirit, here is where we must follow our shadows back to the light. We must project ourselves back to the origin of the pain. We must observe the creation of this pain without judgment, but with compassion and love for ourselves. We must tell ourselves that it is okay to experience this pain. It does not mean holding onto it. Feel this pain, experience this pain, let this pain pass  through you so you can be done with it. When you draw the devil card from your tarot deck, consider this. Consider the pain you are holding onto. Realize that you must let go of it. Experience it, then let it go.

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The Devil: Are Your Fears Rational?

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot Card: Removing Fear from the Situation

Remove fear from a situation. This fear is a push back that is keeping you from experiencing life to the fullest. What is fear but an anticipation of an attack? Something these fears are rational, while many other times they are not. A phobia is not rational, while the fear of bears or the fear of sharks may very well keep you alive. But the fear of talking to people, for example, will only slow you down in in the realm of social advancement, and overall happiness.

So today, consider your fears. What is it about them that have a hold on you? Are they truly life or death, or they the anticipation of discomfort? Go ahead and be uncomfortable for a little while. Get through it and you will be that much stronger for it.

Enjoy These Tarot Card Books By Jim Larsen

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Become a Master of Tarot…

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The Devil Tarot Card: How to face your fears

Devil Tarot Card

Get through your fears to the other side

The Devil tarot card  tells you, you are never fully actualized until you face your fears and see what they are made of. This is one of the things that the devil tarot card reminds of. What exactly is fear? Fear is the imagined actualization of the worst possible outcome of any given situation. To overcome a fear, we must get to the other side of it. But to do this, we first must face it.

Sure, it is easier to stay on this side of the fear, for on this side, we know where we stand. On this side, we can keep a safe distance. But how is this an advantage to us? Where is the growth? How do we become strong this way? To gain power in our life, we must face these fears head on and get to the other side of them.

Facing your fears can be like a train of falling dominoes. Face one, and the others fall in succession. Facing your fears can also become an addiction. When you take note of the power you gain, you may want more so you go on to the next fear to face. And the next. And so on.

Like many other things, facing your fears is simply a matter of following a shadow to the light. What is casting this shadow of fear? Imagine facing a fear as opening a door and entering a room. At the other end of this room is another door. This is your objective- to get to that other door. Standing in the middle of this room is a giant demon. This demon is your fear. You can’t get to the other door without getting by this demon. So what do you do?

Do you rush by it, hoping it’s too slow to get you? Do you stand up to it and slay it? Do you reason with it? Do you walk slowly by hoping it won’t notice you? Whatever choice you make here, just know that even if you have not completely killed the demon, you have diminished it. It will never be as powerful a force as it was. To face it again will not be as much of a challenge.

When faced with a fear, keep these things. Meditate on the devil card of tarot, and imagine the devil as your greatest fear. Kill the devil, and you kill the fear. Get past the devil, and you get past your fear. Defeating your fears has the advantage of proving to yourself that you have power. Now that you know you have this power, what can’t you do? Use this power to shape the world into what you want it to be. No devil, no demon, no fear can ever stop you unless you let it.


Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

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Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

The Devil: A Slave to Fear

fool's path major (6)

The Devil Tarot Card: It is time to face your fears

The Devil tarot card asks you, you have been a slave to your fears long enough, haven’t you? Today, start facing them. Face your fears and conquer them. Face your fears, and who knows, you may even make friends with them. What can you do when you are allied with your fears instead of continuously hiding from them? The answer is pretty amazing. The answer is, “a lot more.” So  go ahead. Be strong, be brave, be bold. Face your fears and be the master of them instead of a slave to them.

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

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